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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Thanks for doing that. If they are ratchets, than I have no problem whatsoever buying this. Its just that my experiences with ball joints haven't been so pleasant... Anyhow, does anyone know if there will be a lot of diecast similar to the VF-19?
  2. I know lol, but in the chance that the VF-25 is flawed, its a smaller hit to take compared to the VF-17. Now, if the VF-17 has ratchet ankles, I'll definetely re-consider!
  3. Same for me. The ever looming possibility of ball jointed ankles alongside such a heft price tag make this a "no" for me. Maybe if it pops up on sale in the future. Right now, I'm saving for armored variants of the v.2 VF-25.
  4. Also, do the rest of you guys think that its absolutely HILARIOUS that you bounce off of the water even when hitting it at a straight nose dive? I tried it a few times, and it cracks me up every time. Even HAWX got that right lol
  5. I wouldn't risk it, especially considering the price point. It can't be THAT bad that you would risk damaging a perfectly good $250 toy...lol
  6. ^^As great as the aerospace analysis above is, I think we are all forgetting a very crucial element to this theory: The VF-25 is primarily a SPACE fighter. And no amount of tight banking will get the wings to curl, simple because there are no frictional forces such as air in space to instigate such bends in the wings of a fighter jet. Sure, for the 2 episodes that the VF-25 was in the atmosphere, this theory is definetely awesome, and does make sense...kinda.... But in all retrospect, I think we all want straight wings anyways, regardless of theory
  7. Is it time already? lol, yep, I am kind of worried about those curled wings too. Well, at least it won't be that bad with armor on...
  8. Well, that doorless entry kinda sucks. Got my hopes up for nothing
  9. Does anyone know how the mechanism to put the little human figure (Who I am presuming is Spike) inside Prime works? I haven't actually seen any pics of a door on the optimus cab, so I was wondering how that works...?
  10. A LOT cooler than I thought it would be: ROTF Leader Prime - WIN Integrated Stealth Force Mode thats useful - WIN New Weapons - WIN I want this figure! http://mecha-guy.blogspot.com/2011/09/takara-tomy-transformers-3-dsotm.html
  11. I too liked the player character being an unamed and vocalized person, not so much because I wanted to "be" him, but rather, just having a silent, misterious protagonist made the game that much more interesting, and the characters even more than down to earth pilots. Demon King of the Round Table anyone? lol
  12. Ahh, I wish they would remake ace combat zero: the belkan war. I loved the epic dogfights fought by Cipher and Pixy, and the AWESOME stories that went alongside each of them. Those were the days that real aces existed (lmao), not in the modern day with warwolf 1, who seemingly can't shoot down a plane simply because he HAS to follow cinematic cues
  13. Yeah, I don't like how it FORCES you to go into dogfight mode before you can destroy certain planes, just because they want to show you some neat cinematics. Also, even with controls switched to originals, I still hate them.....the whole thing feels on-rails, which is just wrong for an Ace Combat game. Also, sorry if this has been addressed before, but why do I BOUNCE off when I hit the water...?
  14. Well, I heard some rumors regarding how a guy, who got his voyager shockwave before anybody else because of connections to a manufacturer, heard from said manufacturer that a leader Megs was already in the pipeline, and that a leader ratchet would be the one to follow it to finish up the DOTM line. I wouldn't take any of that as concrete though, just some things I've heard floating around.
  15. I heard there were rumors of a Leader Ratchet floating around?
  16. Soooo....with the every cropping up problems with the DX YF-29 regarding ever failing joints due to thse cruddy plastic on metal joints, are you guys still good to go for dropping $200+ on these things? (especially those who are looking forward to armor variants as well)? I don't know, but I feel a little uneasy about these DX toys, especially when the idea of them failing utterly a few months after purchase is quite utterly possible...
  17. I tried to tighten the screws on mine as well. It can now stand a nuetral battroid as well as a 90 degree GERWALK nose pose, but anything extreme in battroid and the legs (ankles) konk out on me. Same with any aggressive GERWALK poses, it just nosedives. At least it can stand in battroid now though....
  18. I agree wholeheartedly with Jenius here. When like 4 of your display/ground models are broken by EMPLOYEES of Yamato themselves (who most likely have gotten some amount of training on how to transform it) while transforming it, its not just some "random user error", its actually a design flaw. More to the point, saying that just because something "broke" while "you" were handling it means that it is entirely your fault, and not the toy's isn't very valid of reasoning. If that was the logic you followed, then by all means, nearly EVERY problem that arises in a toy is your own fault, not the design of the toy. For example, if you had your shoulders break on a Yamato V.2 VF-1, don't ask for replacements, as its your own fault for moving the arms...... I don't want to take a shot at anyone, but I really think Jenius has the best Macross toy website on the interwebs, and taking a shot at him just because he points out a quite prevalent flaw of a toy doesn't really seem justified to me. What do you expect him to do?
  19. The Sideshow Optimus is just as awesome and breathtaking as I thought it to be, but that picture really goes to show everyone really how impressive the ROTF Leader Prime actually is. The accuracy of the sideshow collectible is pretty well translated (reasonably) to the Leader class, apparent in the photo. Congrats on your new masterpiece btw!
  20. This! Remember those pics with him observing the resin design model, while White Base's crew sat and watched behind him
  21. This quote is made of WIN
  22. Bandai! Why u no give more pics?????????!!!!
  23. Are you sure those are action bases? I could have sworn (from the pics themselves too) that those "legs" holding it up are actually a part of the trailer as well (i.e. they transform and are contained within the trailer, they are not an external part). Don't know, maybe I missed something?
  24. I agree with everyone else. I don't even like the toy and his review seemed a bit...over done to say the least
  25. I really want one. This guy NEEDS to send this in to Hasbro/Takara. It even looks so official that seibertron.com mistook it for a potential hasbro/3rd party releease: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-customs/458410-dotm-leaderclass-optimus-prime-trailer-ring-like-weapon-cache.html Pretty Cool!
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