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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Hi Guys, Sorry if this thread is in the wrong location. Just recently, I got a chance to get a MISB 1/60 Shin VF-0a with ghost for approximately $220, and this is a figure that I've wanted for a while now, being a newer collecter in the Yamato stuff. I guess my question for you would be: Is the figure that bad? I've read TONS of reviews and whatnot, all mentioned the craptastic nature of the shoulders, etc., but was it really that bad? I plan on fighter or GERWALK displays mostly with the ghost attached, and I really like the shin color scheme (much more acceptable with the ghost than Focker's color scheme imho). How widespread was the issue, and how profuse was the damage if one recieved any out of the box. If I'm super careful, can I avoid it? Should I take the chance, or am I just a moron well out of my mind. Sorry for all the questions guys, and TIA -Archer EDIT: Almost forgot, would you happen to know of any places that still have the re-release -0A edition (I think it has a different box art). This would solve my problem much more easily
  2. I've heard, and had 3 friends go through this, that reapplying thermal paste will actually fix the PS3 for a short while, but after approximately 8 hours of life, it will shut down again. And the following reapplication of thermal paste, it cuts down to approximately 6 hours. And the vicious cycle continous. Based on your story, this is exactly what my friends went through,and not a hard drive failure (although I am not sure). just call up Sony and see what they can do. If they don't offer a reasonable fix, and you don't want a slim, I think there are some aftermarket places that will fix it for ya
  3. web exclusives I don't even want to get started on that rant....
  4. ^True, Yamato has been a hit and miss, but I think some of their newer stuff is pretty solid. To each his own though, as I don't know what experiences you've had with them. I am sticking it out until I see some of the main gimmicks of this new toy. If I like, I buy. If not, I save $350. Guess thats how you should look at it
  5. I am no customizer, but I do know a bit about organic chemistry. For a substance that can still get the job done (at least, in my opinion) I would try to use either ethyl acetate or dimethyl chloride (DCM) over acetone. Based on my work in an organic chem lab, acetone is usually used only to clean glassware and rarely as a solution for very heavy compound reaction. This is because it tears through compounds super quickly, breaking down bonds. Thats probably why it got to the plastic in the visor, along with removing paint in it as well. On the other hand, DCM or ethyl acetate are almost always used in reaction mixes as they break down compounds, but not to the magnitude at which they destroy the original substance. This might help with only taking off paint, but not damaging the plastics. Thats my little schpeel for the day
  6. A little off topic, but do the joints of the VF-27 degrade over time in the box as well. I've been thinking of getting one MISB off EvilBay, but I don't want to take the chance if they degrade in fighter mode in the boxes alone Also, I too would like a v.2 vf-27 in similar quality to these new VF-25's
  7. Yeah, I had bad company 1 and 2. In one, sniper rifles weren't that great, but in 2, they were amazing! In bad company 2, you could literally stand on top of a hill a mile away and pick people off with one, but it wasn't easy. You had to calculate for bullet drop, and only head shots were I hit KOs. Anywhere else on the body, and you had to go for the second shot, which was usually impossible as the guy would have ducked for cover by then. I liked that sniper rifles were powerful, but not easy 1 hit KOs, making you work for the shot. In comparison, in BF3, even headshots rarely work, and you have to spam rounds into the guy even with a bolt action weapon. Also, the environments don't really help the sniper, with covered hilltops etc. and guille suits completely nonexistant. I play as an engineer now....
  8. Don't worry, your not the only one that doesn't like this mold. Although I am one of those that do in fact like it, you should know that like half the posters who saw the first few picks had nothing but angst for it And as for the VF-4, there were some hints previously that it may be next in line as a new mold...
  9. Acetone, good stuff . I'm surprised that it decomposed the glue only a little though. Due to its organic structure, I would expect the substance to rip straight through the glue, and maybe even tear into the plastic a little as well
  10. I actually like the BF3 campaign Anyways, I quickly moved on to multiplayer (PS3). A really fun game, but something feels missing to me. It just doesn't seem as awesome as Bad Company 2 when that came out. Sure enough, graphics and the engine are amazing, but there are a lot of problems that make it fall short of epic. The first, I think a few have mentioned, is the clan system. When you join a game with your friends (3 other + you), you RARELY end up in the same squad, if not the same team itself. This is really frustrating to work out at the beginning of a game. Also, when I am in a sqaud with 4 friends, the mic system starts getting all fuzzy and cuts out repeatedly, also frustrating me. Finally, the squad play really does suck as some have pointed out. There really is not point to having a squad, because of the environments and stuff, your all usually far and away from each other doing your own thing. Ok, I have one more gripe, though this is more personal. SNIPING is useless in this game. In bad company 2, you could sit on top of a mountain a mile away and pick people off. In this game, you literally forced to snipe CQC due to the environments, and headshots don't even seem to do the job. I could drop a guy much quicker with an M4 than if I take out a mod 0, aim, and try and fire.
  11. Well, I tried to say that the -19 *looks* more complicated, and even made sure to put parenthetical notation that I could easily be wrong. Take that as you will.... I also just wanted clarification, as I even asked whether the the Yamato -17 was more complicated, as I was unsure. As Actar said, we just were asking for clarification, and I made sure to inorporate that into my message and tone....
  12. Really? Only a $25 hike? I was expecting much more. If we cross reference the two prices (without shipping), the - 19 is about $250, where as the -17 is about $294, so maybe that $325 is from your shipping calculations? (your lucky if it is lol). And yeah, please go up U.S. dollar. Among other things, your destroying the bank accounts of thousand's of U.S. toy collectors everywhere
  13. Holy Cow! That is awesome! How did you change the color of the rider's suit from dark blue to that lavender color So amazing, and yeah, really goes to show how awesome the beagle line would have been if it had continued....
  14. ^Congrats on the purchase (I take it you bought the Kai?). As for the $275 shipped, I couldn't recall exactly how much I got the toy for. I just looked again at my HLJ account, and yep, I dropped a good $293.45 to have this thing shipped here! Holy Cow, I don't know what I was thinking at the time of clicking the purchase button.... Back to the issue at hand, yeah, I understand the complexity and whatnot justifies a $250 pricetag for each of these, but I was wondering if you guys would really be willing to drop another $250 just for a white rather than yellow paint scheme and 4 less headlasers so you can have the S and F variant. A little off topic, but that means that the VF-17 is gonna be *shudders* like $350 after shipping
  15. I was thinking about this too... Looking at the designs, the -19 looks much more complicated (though I could be wrong). Is the Yamato VF-17 even MORE complicated than the -19 to justify such a larger pricing, or is it just a pricing increase trend that Yamato is going for....?
  16. I know, but VF-1's are only around $100 a piece, not in the vicinity of $275 shipped a piece
  17. I was thinking about that, but would they? It would be weird if Bandai got rights to
  18. I don't want to jump the gun on this one. Is the difference between the S and F versions simple just the change of the number of head lasers and a white rather than yellow stripe scheme? Don't know if such minimalistic changes will warrant another $250. Might just stick it out till the F variant comes out.
  19. I am on the fence about this one. Are there any *super crazy OMG AWESOME* gimmicks that are being advertised on this one? I remember that we knew about the VF-19 swiveling cockpit feature and whatnot well in advance to its release. Are there any great gimmicks on this set besides the plus point that the gun stows in the leg that can sell me? I've mentioned it before, but will this also have a cockpit hatch in battroid...?
  20. Yeah, I totally agree with you. And its not just NEW releases either. Pretty much, in my experience, you always need to buy a (popular) toy within about 2 - 3 months of its release after its in stock until you pretty much will never get a chance to buy a MISB version again unless you want to shill out 2 times its MSRP. Case examples include the VF-27 actually, which I really am wanting to buy, but can't seem to find anywhere MISB for a decent price, and a VF-0 (anything) ghost booster gift set. Truth be told though, this seems to be prevalent to more Bandai toys than Yamato, which I can seem to find most for reasonable prices. It's the nature of this market though, as you can't expect companies to make toys 5 - 10 years after their first release, and hope to make any profits on them. They gave buyers their chance to get one, and now they need to move on...
  21. I don't know if this is relavent or not, but you Yamato potentially be able to do the For the inevitable V.3 YF-19?
  22. True, and I totally understand that everyone has their own opinions about every mold, just that the VF-19F seems to induce the widest split in terms of fandbase lol. I don't want to diverge this thread anymore than what it has been and start a Basara sucks vs. Basara rules flame war, lol. Regarding the droopy gunpod, I was also wondering about that. The gunpod seems to be half the length of the Fire valk's gunpod size, so I wonder how that will end up looking...
  23. I just saw it (after fixing that darn .mka issue) and WOW, I agree with everyone, what an amazing conclusion to what has been arguably the greatest revitalization of macross since the original series aired. So many battles, amazing graphics, great plot, good pacing, unseen and comical throwbacks to previous series, what else is there to say?!! I agree with some of the others here though. I think that it should have been some VF-25F armor variant in the final battle rather than the sham that is the YF-29. That fighter did nothing for me past simply *being* there to sell toys.
  24. Ok, so I downloaded the commie [not 1080p] subbed version, but for some reason, I am only getting audio? It downloaded as an .mka file, and with VLC player, I only seem to be getting audio
  25. Well, I give you the Milia argument about flying red planes, but I've never owned any miria fighter lol, so I can't really comment on it I was just giving my opinion on the nature of the fire valk's scheme vs. blazer valk....I don't really see how a milia argument translates into this situation. In my personal opinion, I think all red planes are ugly, so take that as you will . Also, I don't think I gave any excuses for Basara flying a red plane [What's Milia's excuse for having at least 4 red planes], Also, that "clown" VF-1 doesn't bother me. Why? Because a mass production toy hasn't been made of it, and even if it was, I would still call it ugly, and advise others to steer clear. Just giving my opinions, like most everyone else in this forum lol. Not trying to incite arguments, lets just move on!
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