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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Sorry to be a bother guys, but I've recently got back into my roots, which are the Gundam series. Anyone know of any seller that still sells the metal composite unicorn gundam (preferable not the prism coating version) that won't make me sell my kidney to get one? Also, I decided to skip the freedom and go for the Gundam Origin! Can't wait to get it!
  2. ^I'm considering doing the exact same thing. $350 seams reasonable I guess for the rarity and awesomeness of this thing, but when I look at what others paid (probably more around $250), I feel a little empty on the inside. Ah whatever, I might as well do it. Probably my last valk till the VF-4 comes out...
  3. I think, at least in terms of Macross Universe, the fusion reactors used for the engines were smaller, and thus allowed the UN Spacy to make smaller and more compact jets, which if you think about it, will not only be *more* maneuverable, but a lot cheaper as well for mass production. In terms of real life though, the translation from VF-0 to VF-1 honestly doesn't make sense, and everyone knows it. It SDFM, 3 levers were used for transformation, where as in M0, a flight stick is simple swiveled up or down (like in MF). The sensors and HUD systems in the VF-0 are ages beyond the tech in SDFM, and even the designs look well developed from the VF-1, and not the other way around. Just kind of have to deal with it I guess....
  4. ^lol I am debating either waiting for the freedom, or just dropping the money now and picking up one of those nifty Metal Composite Origin Gundams...
  5. Thanks Super Hobo! Are these things fairly decent in size? Gah, that 00 does look really good, with all those crisp white markings. I don't know why the Freedom is so much more expensive though, as it comes with less equipment, and seemingly a lot less markings as well. Oh well, with that, I guess I am sold. Much better investment than those FMP Alter figures >_>
  6. Thoughts on the metal build series as a whole? Anyone pick up a 00 and have thoughts on it? For the really high price tag, I could either get this freedom or a renewal VF-25....is it worth it for the freedom? What's so great about these figs that justifies the super high price tag?
  7. +1 for hardpoints
  8. Honestly, I don't know why Kojima really switched their project to a different production team. The MGS4 engine they were using was beautifully rendered, and the subject material and era was sensical as well. Kojima's excuse was that they didn't really know what to do to progress Raiden's abilities and whatnot (i.e. player development, such as new weapons), but honestly, I think they could have fit in what the Bayonetta studio did in the new trailer into the old engine. Would have been heck of a lot better decision imho. Raiden's really cool, and one way or another, MGS fans will pick this up. Even Kojima should know that
  9. Yeah, I kinda liked it, but was really on the fence about it, so I decided to sit this one out. I really liked all of it, except for the fact that it doesn't have a cockpit, (even the Rex has one!), which I really thought it should for the price, and this Zaku has TWO eyes. I can't imagine a Zaku without the monoeye design. BEyond all, the overtly large body proportions are odd compared to the sized down head as well. If this were advertised as a post apocolyptic world zaku come hazmat suit, then sure....
  10. Just wanted to let you guys know that Ashley wood (3A toys) x Bandai Zaku interpretation goes on sale today for 330 USD including shipping. Built to order I heard. Unfortunately, I can't get one, but I heard that if these sell well enough, he might do gundam as well
  11. Thanks for the update Mommar. Feeling more confident about picking one up now. If G System's new stuff doesn't take away my monies first, I'll be sure to pick one of these up (unless hints of what the -17D head mold look like start to show up )
  12. Apparently, someone related to the Rising project has mentioned that just as before, it will be possible to complete the entire game without killing a single individual, save for those that must die of course (like story characters and what not). Don't know how that is gonna be possible when your cutting peoples' arms and legs off though, and severely mutilating them to progress further.... Maybe you'll zap them with a low voltage charge using your "I am Lightning" powers
  13. Usually, HLJ carries Yamato's webslusive stuff. So although I can't say for sure, chances are good that they will carry this. And honestly, it would be a waste for Yamato if they can't milk this thing for all it's worth by making it too exclusive since this is a brand new mold they will have to design...
  14. I hate to go OT for a minute, but do you guys know of ANY Byalant custom model kits or action figures, etc. preferably larger than 1/144th? I don't care if it's resin or not either. Gah, that was such an awesome mobile suit, and I've been trying to find myself a model kit representation of it since...
  15. Hey Mommar, considering our hate of the VF-19 ankles, and how we were screwed over by Gerwalk, I'd like to get your opinion on the Vf-17 ankles, as well as stability in Gerwalk? I'd really hate to have another Vf-19 incident over again...
  16. Yeah, the IMAX exclusive 6 minute preview of dark knight rises is only at very select theatres, even here in the U.S. Also, I could have sworn it's exclusive to the U.S.? Anyways, I went to see it in IMAX twice, and at two theatres, and neither one had the 6 minute preview, just the regular trailer...
  17. ^Great Work! Well, for those [like myself] who have always wanted some of the cool stuff that G-System puts out, but were afraid to either work with resin or have to use advanced modeling skills, they are putting out a lot of pre-finished models right now that look REALLY good. For example, their new MSA-007 Nero's. Although they seemingly only make 12 of each, that's quite a few for the nature of the company. They price isn't redonkulous either. I'm planning to pick up a General Type Nero for around $600. I like that they are using an ABS plastic internal frame now, which should put the durability near regular Bandai models. Hoping for the best!
  18. ^Yeah, the actual *wings* of the VF-4 are quite insignificant compared to the belly of the plane.
  19. Wow, I did not know that EXO, thanks for info! How much is sales tax in Japan, and if you go through services such as Tokyo Hunter, do you have to pay the taxes as well? I've never had issues with customs in the past (as in additional charges)..... *knock on wood*
  20. Yeah, I hope you are right! I'd get micheal's first, but I'd consider Luca iff they made his gunpod fit even with that sensory fin in fighter mode...
  21. I'm talking about those two red flaps that attach to the back of the shoulder. These flaps act to cover up the head fin in fighter mode and gerwalk modes. I would post a picture, but I actually sold away my VF-19 a few months ago Sorry about that!
  22. Has there been any news at all regarding these renewal VF-25's? It's really close to the Ozma release, and there really hasn't been any indication of future releases beyond the web exclusive super packs. Gah, the news came much quicker with the version 1 releases, with a Micheal and Luca super set already annoucned by now I'm waiting for that VF-25g super bundle or the {hopefully} inevitable Ozma Armored Bundle...
  23. They are connected by twi little divets on the flap that slot into two little indents on the shoulder. They fall off all the time. Just work it around a little, and I'm sure they'll plug back in. Hope that helps
  24. One thing I didn't get:
  25. WOW, I did not expect the VF-4 to be even longer than a VF-17! This should be quite a large fighter then (although this is only based on the fighter profile, as I would suspect the VF-17 to be much thicker and more substantial in terms of mass).
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