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Everything posted by Archer

  1. I'm up at 3:00 AM trying to F5 like a maniac so I can give some people thousands of miles away >$200 for a plastic toy.....wat is life
  2. Let me know if you still need help. They have a lot of auctions going for around 21,000 yen. It's a premium but better than some of the absurd prices people on ebay are asking.
  3. It looks less weird when posed but I too shall be passing. Are those armor parts canon to the Rebuild movies? I don’t recall seeing them prior. Just need more news about that Crossbone.
  4. Finally found a good price for this on From Japan proxy services, glad I have an order confirmed
  5. Put some stuff up in the WTB section (aile strike, destiny), let me know if anyone is interested in selling.
  6. What do you mean? It's still sold out almost everywhere I look (without a markup at least).
  7. Hi All, Doing a little self-promotion here, but I ended up ordering two of the riobot Stig mospeadas, and have decided I only need one. I've got one in the for sale/trade section MISB for a pretty aggressive price (170 shipped) as I kind of want to move it and make way for other stuff. Let me know if you're interested.
  8. Any news regarding the Metal Build Crossbone that was teased a while back? Hope that's not vaporware
  9. Was really excited to play PUBG on xbox with my console buddies, but man does the performance blow. I really hope PUBG didn't shoot itself in the foot with poor launch code, especially considering the fact that they are selling this "game preview" as retail in stores (even if it is just a code for the game inside a box).
  10. Just finished Yakuza 0 and was blown away by it. Then immediately started Kiwami and was a bit....surprised (Majima spoilers below):
  11. Thanks for the info man. Actually, black nova let me know that my order will be a part of the third batch as well, but unfortunately I cannot cancel. It's not too big a deal though, since these black nova guys luckily don't require up-front payment.
  12. Welp, I splurged and grabbed the GFFMC Wing Zero at Black Nova Toys. Never used their site before, but digging around suggested it was a legitimate place, and their customer support was on point and in english. Still a pretty penny tho ($340 after shipping ). Whatever, I've dreamt of a figure like this since I was a child (Endless Waltz premiered in the U.S. when I was in 2nd grade, and the wing zero EW has always been my favorite robot from any anime. No wing zero figure really lived up to my expectations until this). We all know how much of a let down the perfect grade is/was.
  13. Alright, I wasn't following this thread at all for the past couple days. Is there literally anywhere that I might be able to order a GFFMC Wing Zero? This is my favorite mobile suit of all time, I can't believe I missed this
  14. Soooooo.... any news about when the GFFMC wing zero is gonna open for pre-orders? Sorry to divert convo away from the Quanta
  15. I definitely shared this opinion back when I was doing my bachelors (still have a PC), but these days, the ease of consoles and consolidation under a single network (i.e. PSN) has really made me appreciate the console experience. I also have the "Pro" PS4, which brings me close to a decent PC experience in terms of graphics. Also, I can reasonably compete with people on console with a gamepad, but people on PC with m/k are just too good for me to keep up with online multiplayer these days
  16. Can't wait to pay $60 for Skyrim for the fourth time
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