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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Well, I've heard that it isn't rare to find something akin to a VF-25 alto renewal, etc. in a hobbby store in HK or Japan (at least, when compared to online retailers).
  2. Ok, are any of you guys as confused as me that these things (VF-25 renewal, etc.) are actually available easily in stores in japan/hk, but online retailers don't seem to be carrying them? I can't understand why
  3. Actually, I don't think we can claim that the yf-29 outsold the VF-19. I actually think the VF-19 sold decently, and the yf-29 just seemed so much more popular because there were so few units made. It's like saying that the yf-29 is more popular since 500 units were made and all sold out, while 10,000 units of the Yamato VF-19 were made, and only 8,000 were sold. See what I mean?
  4. I actually hope they go with the MGS4 design, even though it lacks a tail (which I think is actually a bit cooler). The MGS4 design just seems more nice and organic as compared to the original from MGS2.
  5. I do wonder about how 3A will manage to actually keep Ray up though, considering he has a huge mass stationed on simply two legs (unless they do the original, not MGS4 design with a tail though). Also, I hope they keep the really nice cockpit and LED design elements for Ray as well.
  6. Fail, my bad. Yeah, I meant RAY. Don't know what I was thinking there
  7. I didn't either. I don't really like the final camo, and I'm waiting for the REX, which I like more (organic design seems better to me in MGS)
  8. Yeah, and I worry about dust getting into those speaker holes/other ports, which makes it incredibly hard to clean out... Still loving the thing though. I just hope they hurry up with a facebook/email app.
  9. To add to criticisms, have any of you guys had issues with dusting up? I leave my vita on my desk, and by the time I get back, it's covered in dust particles, something no other equipment in my desk does. Dunno, but it aggravates my OCD
  10. No, not really (at least, not for their cash cow, gundam). I was able to pick up the recent tamashii nations Gundam Fix Metal Composite Origin version a few months after release for nearly the same price as HLJ's pre-order. At the same time though, wait a year or longer, and you will be paying scalper prices for something that shouldn't be worth that much (although most have got it if they want the product at that point). Bandai's Gundam releases, from my experiences, are larger, but suffer the same re-release issues as most of all of Bandai's product.
  11. I just hope this doesn't keep up for releases like the VF-25G and what-not. Honestly, this is a bit rediculous, whether retailers knew about stock availability or Bandai is just screwing around. What is the point of cheaper releases if you're gonna have to end up paying more anyways for scalper prices. Honestly, although it may be more expensive, the refinement and actual respect to customers that I have seen from Yamato truly put it ahead as the better company in my mind, and cases like these only further cement it. I don't know about you guys, but I'll be chilling in the VF-4 thread, where I'm confident that my hours of rambling will at least result in allowing me to pick up a release with ease, even if it is an online exclusive.
  12. lol, too true
  13. Sorry for the OT, but I've never heard this before. Can you fill me in as to why he almost derailed the whole franchise, I'd like to know! Thanks
  14. I keep checking back everyday for that inevitable -G or RVF variant posted.... Why is it taking Bandai sooo long? I hope they don't delay announcing these until after the VF-171EX release, as I want some confirmation or pre-order options before then. Starting college next year (In August), so funding will be limited after that....
  15. Haha, isn't it awesome? I was totally blown away by how nice the system really was, even though I was expecting a lot coming in anyways. Wipeout is pretty great, but I just got Uncharted, and it really shows you what the Vita can really do in terms of porting console games to the portable system. If I didn't know any better, I might have mistook Uncharted: GA for the first Uncharted game on PS3...
  16. Oh....well, still somewhat large I guess
  17. Gah! I really just want that awesome Beam Gun/Missile attachment for the arms (I don't care much for the armor and what-not). Why or why can't they bundle that with alto's unit at least??!! Also, do you guys actually think this will be as popular as the renewal VF-25? I mean, Macross Junkies will up for it, yes, but will the common Frontier fan jump for one when they could just as easily wait and pick up an alternate Vf-25 in its stead..? That might help in the run of things for securing a unit hehehe.... Lastly, I like how the legs are incredibly thin. It keeps the a close look of the anime, but will also allow for a much slimmer fighter profile than the Yamato version (which, to be fair, probably should be thicker).
  18. I hope Bandai doesn't shank us with this kind of limited release service with the VF-171EX or future VF-25 releases Bandai should know the demand is there, so why don't they just quench it...
  19. Ok, I hate bringing this up (don't want to kill the mood), but I just checked the Macross Mecha Manual, and the regular VF-171EX seems to come with the cannon and missile attachment for each arm: http://macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-171ex.htm Does that mean there is a chance we'll be seeing those released with the regular valk, or is it inevitable that we'll have to wait for an add - on armor pack... Lastly, plz Bandai, go the usual route and go crazy with tampo printing!
  20. Haha, yeah, my bad, forgot to add an extra "1" to the designation. Anyways, when do you guys think Bandai will be dropping the big announcments for this year (like the -25g) for Macross and other lines as well. They've got the ball rolling with the VF-171EX, hope they keep on going!
  21. Now that the VF-17EX is up, I'm anxiously awaiting that Vf-25g or RVF-25 announcement...hope it comes soon.....
  22. I wouldn't pin 2048 as increduously tough, although I am only through the first few races and what-not. On the flipside though, I wouldn't expect to come in first all the time or something. On average, I found myself at around 3rd or 4th place most of the time, and had to put in a bit more effort to stay in the lead. The game has a layout, at least for me, that gives people in the back a huge advantage against those in front in terms of weaponry. Weapons like the "Quake" and "Plasma" and even "Cannon" are a lot more powerful than some of the lame defensive weapons like mines or shields. Ultimately, I feel as though this helps balance everything out just right. Don't hesitate to get 2048, as it seems much better and smoother than previous wipeout games, with just the right balance of everything to help careen things along. Even the music is appropriately techno as well Edit: I forgot to mention (I don't know if this was available on other wipeout games as it's my first encounter with this maneuver), but by flipping the right analog stick, you can force your craft to do a 180 swirl, which makes you feel pretty pro when you pick up cannons, spin around, and blaze the guy behind you, and spin right back and boost ahead. Especially when that guy behind you is a friend of yours online
  23. Wow, just saw this, 280 mm Height is actually fairly tall! I'm surprised, as I thought the VF-4 was considerably smaller than other macross craft, more akin to the VF-1.
  24. Anyone know what the second slot on the top section of the PSV is for (it's right next to the slot that says "PS Vita" on it. Can you put a second game chip in there or something? Also, anyone playing wipeout 2048? I hated the first wipout on PSP, but wipeout 2048 seems to have been done with all the right changes in mind, and the graphics and control set - up help it play real smoothly. Really enjoying my PSV. Any hardcore gamers looking for PS3 action on the go should definitely consider picking on up (and it's a lot more convenient than making the effort to go down to wherever your PS3/360 is, and booting it up, etc.
  25. I believe Bandai's big release for Tamashii in the next month or so is the Metal Build Freedom, which maybe why any chogokin Macross release news are still pending. Actually, I think that may be a contributing factor to the the situation. It would be horrible if the renewal line was only done for Alto and Ozma's valks. That would be such a sick troll on Bandai's part...
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