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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Ok, so I'm at a dillemma guys. I got Mass Effect III as a gift, but I've never played the first two. I've heard about how awesome they are as games though, and would LOVE to play this one. I'm wondering if just reading the wiki's and stuff on this (for like 5 hours) should be good enough to catch up and stuff, and thoroughly enjoy the game. Or should I just trade it in for something else...?
  2. OMG! That is amazin! And the fact that it's made solely of steyrene only adds to the genius. You truly are a genious. I'm calling it, you must have be an engineer by trade or something
  3. Yeah, I'll try that as well. I tried what pud suggested and used that green bit, but the thing won't budge, and each time, I end up pulling my nail across the top. No damage done yet, but I'm afraid my luck won't last every long.
  4. So you have to make a japanese PSN account for this right? And beyond that, there is no region blocking or anything? I wonder why they are making this game free though, and how they plan on making money off of it. I hope they don't give the Zeons a zaku and the Feddies a GM, and force you to buy everything else though....
  5. I gotta say, how in the world do you guys open the cockpit canopy??! It's soo hard, and I'm scared to no end that I'll scratch all the delicate paint around the area!
  6. I just got one (thanks jennety_ !) and it really is awesome. Although I haven't done a full battroid transformation, the fighter mode is really beautiful (this is my first DX valk, so all the tampo printing is pretty appalling) and the sample I got had tight joints as well (although it looks so good, I wouldn't really care even if it had loose joints). i probably have a bias since the VF-27 is my favorite valk, but it really is a great piece. Sad I missed this so long ago, and only now am delving in. I iz happy
  7. About how big is 1/100? (Sorry, don't know the fighter's relative sizes and what-not). Furthermore, I hope those pilots are removable I think I'm gonna put this on pre-order for safety anyways...
  8. Wait, you sold all 60 already?! Awwww.....
  9. That can't be healthy Awesome collection dude! Where in the world do you get room to keep all those boxes though??!! And what do random people who don't know about macross say when they walk in? O_O
  10. Alright, got another n00b question to throw out there. I'm a fairly new collector, so my only experience is with 1/60 Yamato VF-1 series. But I have heard of the famous 1/48 series upon which they are based. I recently got the opportunity to pick up a 1/48 roy VF-1s for fairly cheap, and was wondering if I should make the plunge (about $100). What exactly are some advantages and downfalls of the 1/48 (besides size of course ) in comparison to the 1/60 (I know some people on this forum are diehard 1/48 fans). Thanks in advance guys!
  11. So, anyone else interested in the news regarding ACIII? Looks pretty cool imho, and if what they say is true (that this is a) the last Assassin's Creed game they'll make and b) They've been working on it since the release of brotherhood), then this should really be one of the best in the series, and hopefully, challenge ACII for the best Assassin's Creed game every made. I like the idea of a half - Native American half - British guy fighting for the U.S. revolutionary army
  12. I honestly think it would have been cooler if Yamato had made the CLAT edition based off of unit 2 rather than unit 1 (I like the green lights better ) Anyways, does anyone know if the CLAT edition came with the hip joint fix? Thanks!
  13. LOL, I did the same thing you did as well. Any and all funds that might have gone for this VF-171EX were immediately redirected to the REX fund. A much better investment if I may say so myself
  14. Oh, that's what they are called! Just did a google search and found some! Thanks Benson13
  15. I know this probably has been asked a thousand times over, but where do you guys get the flexi display stands I see all the time around here? Thanks!
  16. Sorry to bring this thread out of the grave, but I was wondering as to whether or not the CLAT edition of the Yamato Patlabor comes with the hip fix that came with the Unit 2 release? Thanks!
  17. Will this be coming with the option parts that the VF-1D reissue and VF-1J reissue are coming with?
  18. Yeah, I'm hesitant to order from iShop2go, the fact that they are still open is like BBTS with Ozma's VF-25 in February long after everyone had already sold out. I'd hate to wait till like July and then get an email telling me that I got screwed, and that they didn't get enough stock. I'd cry tears that day...
  19. In other news, is there literally ANY place that still has the YF-29 for pre-order, besides the horrendous rates of eBay??
  20. That's really expensive for what it is, although I won't be surprised if it's sold out in like 3 minutes. Yesasia says something else though. Apparenly they encourage orders before the 14th, as that is the manufacturer deadline for orders? lolwut, are these things being made or order or something...?
  21. ^Don't do it man, just wait it out! The lowest one I could fine on eBay was $300 before shipping, and I'm sure you'll regret dropping that much cash on something others paid nearly half for. At it's retail price, it's worth it, but unless your some crazy cult lover of Ozma, I don't think it'd be worth the $300+ you're going to be spending....
  22. Slightly OT, but I couldn't find any other topics for this. For the older DX toys (specifically, the VF-27, which was supposed to be a better release), do the joints get weaker simply as they sit inside the box in fighter mode? Also, how horrible do they really get (I'm interested in getting one)....? At this late in the game, even in a new piece, do the joints and hinges simply break a lot? Thanks in advance
  23. I posted in the For Sale thread, but wanted to post here as well (shameless plug ): For those interested in a Masterpiece Rand Cyclone that is nearly new, I have one up for sale for either a reasonable price or trade for certain figures. If your interested, please pop on over there and check it out! Thanks
  24. Hmmm...I wonder what retailers will carry this beast...might actually consider purchasing it....
  25. Yeah, I think they'll probably go with the version with a tail, although I believe the design for REX is more akin to the MGS4 camo version no? Since it comes with snake as well, doesn't it make more sense story wise to go with the MGS4 version of RAY? Ah, who knows....all I'm sure of is that twill be great when it comes out. Hope it's out around the same time or so next year...
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