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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Personally, I enjoyed both the original macross series and macross frontier a lot, but there is one key point to Macross Frontier that I don't think worked very well as compared to the original series. In the original series, it makes sense that teenegers like Hikary or Max got to fly valks: they were mass produced and most of the experienced pilots had been killed in the previous wars, paving way to younger kids becoming pilots. Sure, the fact that they got cool color schemes was probably not warranted, but nothing more beyond that (they even started out in -1A's). On the other hand, in Frontier, which at the beginning is at peace, a young, not very experienced teenager gets access to the Military's brand new and experimental fighter that is probably worth millions? And then he gets to keep piloting it even after nearly losing 2 machines...? The NUNS probably had a few handfuls of better pilots that could make better use of the machine than Alto. That really is the only thing that bugged me in Frontier, but I guess it was what was necessary to keep mainstream audiences in check...
  2. Gah! I really want this, but don't have any pre-order options left at a good price. WIll just have to wait till the thing hits store and hope for some surplus selling at reasonable rates. Also, I think ALL toy companies can take away a lot from this example. More tampo printing, no matter how little or insignificant, can REALLY make a product more marketable, and I think provide an overall better package. This is has only further helped convince me that lots of tampo printing are why DX valks, Fix figuration figs, alter al-mecha, and even metal composite gundam figs sell like hotcakes. I hope Yamato (who have great products) step up their tampo printing in the future to really ad the proverbial cherry on top...
  3. Well, as an update, I'm a little dissappointed with HLJ's service this time around ordering the 1/24 patlabor USA. I put in my order on a Sunday night (last Sunday), and then recieved acknowledgement of the order immediately. I then recieved payment request on a Tuesday night, which I promptly paid. Following that, I did not recieve a payment confirmation until thursday night, which stated that they would ship it out as soon as possible. It is now Sunday, and I have yet to recieve shipment confirmation. I am dissappointed since this week is my spring break, and I was looking forward to getting the thing sometime IN spring break so that I could enjoy it a bit, but with EMS shipping times, and HLJ most likely shipping on either monday or tuesday, I doubt I'll get it till the following week. Tbh, I don't think it should take a week and a half to get an order out..... Think I'll be sticking with AmiAmi, which is pretty fast in terms of response times and what-not..
  4. I'm pretty satisfied with that actually. Of all gundam ever created, I'm pretty sure Exia was my favorite one. I used to draw little concepts of Gundams when I was a kid and Gundam actually aired here in the U.S., and I always seemed to like to put a giant physical sword on all of them. Nice to see Bandai reverberated my thoughts with the Exia. I just hope that Exia won't be as expensive as Freedom though...
  5. If it is AGE, I hope it's AGE 3, but if it does end up being more Seed stuff, I'm hoping for a Sword Impulse, as that was my favorite design from that series.
  6. Bringing this thread back from the dead due to this: The next metal build gundam will be announced sometime after March 31st during a Tamashii event in Japan (as well as some "red" MS that has been eagerly awaited for Robot Damashii). Want to get your guys' thoughts on this. I personally think the next metal build will stick to AU and release something along the lines of either a Gundam AGE or maybe something from Gundam wing...
  7. Well, I just picked up a 1/24 Patlabor USA from HLJ. Couldn't resist the pretty good price as compared to the $350 something I would have originally had to pay for a white version (and hey! I live in the USA, so it's all good ). I actually think I'm falling for the blue color even more so than the white. I hope this thing is as good as people say it is, because $200 shipped is still expensive! Lastly, anyone know why they hit so hard on shipping? The price seemed really good, and then the $45 for shipping was hard to swallow. How big is the box? It doesn't look that big in pictures...
  8. Nice work man!
  9. Alright, so I've been confused and I hope you guys can help me. I've been seeing pictures of people playing PS3 games such as MW3, Killzone 3, Naruto Ultimate Ninja, etc. on their Vitas, with some claiming that their Vita is not hacked in any way. And from what I can tell, it works quite well too! I got all excited and set up remote play for my vita, only to have the vita reject the command to play PS3 games (I tried many) as it is "unsupported". Do any of you guys know how those other people are getting their vitas to play PS3 games, or if you have experience with this yourself? Thanks in advance, and this is one of the biggest reasons why I bought a Vita, so I hope it works!
  10. Surprisingly, the gundam wiki says that Asemu is classified as an X-Rounder. It really would be awesome if he wasn't an X-Rounder though, and still pwned anyways... Eat your heart out Newtype; Coordinator; Innovator; X-Rounder
  11. If you want an angel bird for cheap, here you go: http://www.bonanza.com/listings/Macross-Robotech-Valkyrie-Vf-1a-Angel-Birds-1-60-Yamato-BRAND-NEW-/56859071 They have 5 remaining I think? I've never used the site before to buy stuff, but it seems legit enough...
  12. I've read the books, and I saw the movie, and I thought it was pretty good! I liked the action and stuff, and although the killings are a bit softened, I think they have to to keep the movies PG-13. As for more "adolescent" or mainstream books being bad, I don't really agree much with that. TBH, the act of not liking mainstream stuff is sooo mainstream that it's kind of funny to think about. A lot of books like the Girl with Dragon Tattoo and Hunger Games are really good material, and that is probably WHY they are popular in the first place. Last time I checked, good stuff actually becomes popular while stuff nobody likes doesn't.... I like "intelligent" reading as much as the next guy, but don't discredit some good stuff just cuz it's "mainstream" or movies are made out of it....
  13. *Sigh* I was looking forward to this sale...but nothing really catches my eye like last time with the VF-11b...
  14. Wait, where was the Zeta Plus in that promo? I'm sure I watched the promo at least 5 times, and still can't spot the Zeta Plus....? I love the zeta plus, so I hope you're right!
  15. Has anyone determined whether it's still legit to order from ishop2go? They still have pre-orders up, but I'm afraid that it will turn into BBTS 2.0 come June. And I won't even be in the country in June to take care of any issues that may arise or spring for another one....
  16. That's just crazy. I wonder if some of those HK sellers who mark up prices on these things like crazy actually believe they will sell. I mean, there is a threshold you can cross from "hoping to make a profit" to "hoping some random dude who knows nothing about these toys will blindly drop a grand", and I don't know too many people who fall in the latter category.
  17. Yeah, that brings up another point. I like how people are picking up pre-orders like crazy and stuff, and yet we've seen about 4 promo pics for this thing, and have barely gotten a hint of the features. Bandai is intelligent I guess...
  18. I lol'd when the completely serious statement that "they will be from an alien race" was thrown into the mix...
  19. So wait, the white is what's painted on in the Max/Miria sets? Also, I guess I'll just be patient and wait for a reissue on these things. I'm in no hurry, nor do I want to fall for the crazy rage that I see in the Vf-171 forums nowadays. Yamato is pretty good about reissues, so I'll just wait till then...
  20. This thread is becoming more an more "LOL" by the day. From rages against Bandai to raging against collectors smirkily looking out for their own profit, a wide spectrum of hate can be seen. Honestly though guys, if you think about it, it's a toy. Albeit an expensive one, it is what it is. A hunk of plastic that changes shape to emulate a fighter plane you see on the TV. I love macross just as much as the next guy, but I see fault on both extremes. The guys who haven't got a pre-order (that's also me btw) and want one should chillax and stop blaming everyone for their lack of one, and just wait it out. If you get one, you get one, if not, too bad, but you can move on (unless you're some crazy cult follower of the VF-171 and construct the confines of your life to revolve around it, at which point, I don't think dropping the $250 you'll need to get one off eBay will be a big deal). On the other hand, the guys ordering cases of these are pretty LOL too. Calm down guys, and take a rational look at things. And let's not hate....
  21. Thanks for the answers you guys. Do you think a reissue may be possible? The Max -IJ is my favorite valk that I've been infatuated (probably my number 1 paint scheme) but I can't find any at a reasonable price. Even here, I can see many without one in their collection. As of now, I don't have any V.2 1/60's in my collection, so I wanted to pick up at least one, so I was looking out for a reissue....
  22. Alright, so this is something that has been bugging me for a while. I understand that things like Elintseekers and Super Ostrich's are rare in the 1/60 V.2 series, but why are the 1/60 Max and Miria unit's even rarer? imho, they are two iconic valks that are just as important as even Hikaru's VF-1J (which there are plenty of, and already getting reissued). On that note, it's even of greater concern to me that prices for Max are soaring abot $600 whilst valks such as TV Skull Leader, Hikaru's VF-1J, and the VF-1D, all of which were available at great numbers at launch, are already getting reissued while Max and Miria are ignored, even with their limited first release. I apologize if this sounds kind of ranty, but I was honestly wondering why this is...? Can anyone fill me in as to why reissues for Max and Miria don't come, or even why the original release was so limited? Thanks!
  23. How much did masterpiece Rodimus retail for here in the U.S.? I think that is probably around where we should be expecting Sideswipe to land as well, being in the same vehicle class as Rodimus.
  24. LOLWUT? Sideswipe is the next masterpiece? Since when! OMG, I've totally been oblivious to everything then! WOW, I'm really excited for this. Can those in the know how fill me in? Like release dates, etc.? Thanks!
  25. Thanks for the heads up David. I also began to read this: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline Seems to be pretty indepth coverage of most of the stuff in Mass Effect. I will check out those vids after reading through this indepth though.
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