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Everything posted by Archer

  1. That brings up something (that one marriage proposal guy). Have any of you guys felt that AGE is really bad with names, or is it just me? Having watched almost all the gundam series available, I know the names of almost every little character (and all major ones) from Shiro Amada to Dearka Elsman, but beyond Asemu, Flit, Romary, Zeheart, and Woolf, I can barely remeber the names of anyone else in AGE. I even had to look up Largan Drace in the season 1 character outlines before I remembered his name.... Laslty, Gundam wiki edited Asemu's page from "X-Rounder" status to "Super Pilot" status. lol
  2. Put me down for the group that hates Macross 7. I too an very easy going in terms of liking anime, as I have liked and finished almost every series I've watched (I even enjoyed Mobile Fighter G Gundam [which has been known to be the Macross 7 of the Gundam world]), but I just couldn't stand Macross 7. Maybe it's because I started off my interests in Macross with Macross Plus, or because I found myself falling asleep rather quickly while watching Macross 7, but the series was altogether just not relatable at all to me. Honestly, I tried hard to finish the series, but I just couldn't do it... To each his own though!
  3. I'd LOVE a NA release of MP-10, trailer an all if they wanted, but preferably without the trailer. If it retailed at the expected $60 - $70, I'd buy it in a heart beat. There is something about being able to buy a collector's item domestically that really appeases me...
  4. I'm excited about this project, especially with Robert Downey Jr. returning (always love his movies), but I wonder how far they'll take the whole "Mark" thing for the suit. With a Mark 7 assumed for avengers, and two more for Iron Man 3, I think his continuous suit upgrades seem a little rediculous (and I hate having to collect each reiteration from Hot Toys, but the collector in me forces me to do so).
  5. I wish I could see this, but it's not playing in any theatre within 40 miles of my location.
  6. Archer


    Thanks for the responses guys, but I'm kind of dissappointed. I was hoping to pick one of these up (for prices cheaper than your average v.2 Yamato) but I can find Yamato V.2 VF-1's for cheaper than these guys, which makes buying one kind of pointless...
  7. Archer


    Ouch! Hope you get better soon! Also, I've got a question for you owners out there. Do you think that these Hi-metal VF-1's are more or less posable than that of the Yamato v.2's? And are the pilots removable?
  8. There's nothing really in the gunpla world that captivates me. With all the excellent stuff like new robot damashii's and the excellent metal build series gaining progression, and the AGE series being very uninteresting in terms of gunpla, I've been diverting interests. That will all probably change when new stuff comes out for unicorn ep. 5 (unicorn/banshee gunpla withstanding) and Gundam the Origin...
  9. Oh, wow, didn't think of all those extra costs. I was just assuming that someone would do something similar for the Vf-4 like is being done for the websclusive super or armored parts for the VF-25 from Bandai....but if HLJ does carry these things, that would make it easier...
  10. I've got to wonder, but do you guys just roll with Japanese dialogue when you buy games from Japan (assuming you don't know Japanese) or are there emulators for English subtitles or anything?
  11. Any news on when pre-orders for this or group buy info if there is one will be going up? With release sometime in December or so, I would think pre-orders would open up sometime relatively soon (so that Yamato can gauge demand or something along those lines). Haha, sorry if I'm being too curious or nosey, but the way of the Bandai has gotten me quite paranoid....
  12. Finally got my USA 1st Yammie patlabor. Really cool toy, but I don't think I would have paid premium prices for this thing (aka, the $300 dollars or so initial price tag). I've got a few questions though for all the more experienced owners: 1) How in the WORLD do you guys pose this thing? It's sooooo difficult to bend the joints that it's becoming a hassle to pose it! 2) When you bend the shoulders, are the light units (shoulder lights) supposed to bend forward and backward, or is there a joint underneath that allows you to bend the arm without having to move the shoulder lights. I'm worried as I don't want to snap any wires or anything. 3) Does it require a screwdriver to put the shield on, or am I just overthinking this? Thanks in Advance guys!
  13. OT as well, but I quit Macross 7 after the series settled down into the "Basara sings to that one protodevlin girl to wake her up" slew of episodes. I thought it would get better after the first few episodes. It did not. I can understand why this series was targeted for little kids though....
  14. Gah, those videos make me regret selling off my -19, but it couldn't be helped!
  15. If AGE keeps up with how the following generation's kids' hair will match their mother's hair (i.e. Asemu's matching his mother's), then I'm 99% sure that Romary will be the mother of the third generation's protagonist (as he has the same brown hair). On the other hand, I think that Asemu actually won't get any X-rounder powers and will still succeed, but if he does, he will do it in a way that doesn't involve appeasing his father.
  16. Takara released info that the MP-12 (the next one after this "new" starscream) will be Sideswipe
  17. They seriously need a re-release on these things (both super ostrich and elintseeker) with the added goodies that the other re-releases are coming with. Tbh, I thought these two plus the max and miria supers would be re-released first, not the VF-1D, 1S, and 1J, all of which are already quite easily attainable at reasonable prices....
  18. I loved legend of the dragoon Although, tbh, I could have done without that timed button pressing to progress attacks. I was only like 6 or 7 when the game came out, so I didn't have much experience with videogames at the time, making it quite difficult. In other news, did anyone else pick up that Metal Gear 2 and 3 are making it onto the PSV in an HD collection remake? I just found out, which is pretty exciting as I skipped the HD remake for PS3, and will surely pick this one up..
  19. Well, I assumed that it would come with it and stay together well due to it being a metal build release I think LEDs really add a cool factor to all toys when used in the right positions, since it really does take a toy and breathe some life into it. The LED warning lights on a patlabor are key in point
  20. I recently purchased both AC: Revelations and Uncharted 3 for PS3 used, and the gamestop reciept had the code needed to access online features printed on it, as well as taped inside the box.
  21. I'm hoping that the Metal Build will come with the nice light up features that the MG came with. It shouldn't be too hard to do either. Comon Bandai!
  22. Anybody been picking up on rumors that the next gen consoles (mainly sony and microsoft) will be trying to make it so that a single copy of a game will only work with one system, effectively shutting down the pre-owned market and the habit of taking games over to a friends house? http://www.ps4playstation4.com/PS4-is-Orbis I doubt that such a concept could be true (the pre-owned market is fairly huge, and place such as Gamestop make a lot of money off of it, as well as eBay sellers, etc.). If it does turn out to be true though, regardless of my alliances (I'm a sony guy), I will be purchasing the next gen system that doesn't prevent such cross system game sharing...
  23. Anybody have suggestions for the better anime's on Netflix? I recently got the service and found that they have anime, but the non-mecha titles didn't seem that familiar to me becides common one's like Naruto....
  24. A part of me feels that the GFFMC line is slowly dying, with Origin being it's last hoorah, and all following releases will be piggybacked into the Metal Build series, which is a shame since I really loved the GFFMC line. I too am on the lookout for a GFFMC banshee, which you would think Bandai would be smart enough to make since it's not more than a re-tooling of the Unicorn, albeit different colors and boxart...
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