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Everything posted by Archer

  1. ^Beat me to it, I was just about to say that. Doesn't make sense to me, especially since painted colors will go better over white than orange/tan in my opinion. T'would be funny if Yamato ran out of paint, and just decided to ship these off as "limited items" instead of filling the remaining orders. lol
  2. I always had a feeling that they would make the next call of duty something akin to "Future Warfare". And yes, at least after call of duty 4, it can be deduced that all call of duties, although at different timelines, do in fact take place in the same continuity, and each crazy thing that happens is written off by "covert mission, nobody knew about it". I don't like all the flying "things" in this game though. Makes it feel like Treyarch is using the old Micheal Bay trick of "Throw more stuff at it".
  3. I'm unfamiliar with the -25 super pack design. When transforming to fighter mode, where does the new crotch armor go?
  4. I don't like her character....not one bit
  5. Really cool SuperHobo! I'm fairly surprised that the thing can stand so easily without any stand support. Makes me even more excited for the exia release that is coming. On another note though, seems like this metal build line has completely taken over the GFFMC line, which is a shame since the GFFMC origin gundam was pretty cool, and I do like the paintwork on the fix figurations a bit more. Cool stuff all around though!
  6. Don't want to bring a dead topic back up, but does anyone know what happened to that collaboration between Studio Halfeye and Tamashii Nations in producing a chogokin escaflowne? Pics of it online look pretty cool, but I can't find any more news about it from recent times. I hope this collaboration hasn't become vaporware, since SHE puts out some really really cool stuff that still puts large corporations to shame....
  7. I'm actually shocked at how cheap the Hasbro is, with mostly all the same features present. $100 vs. $250??!!
  8. Being a college student, good 'ol home cooked meals are a delicacy that is rare to come by (unless your on break). Food here at Vanderbilt University is pretty good, with a lot of options, but it gets old pretty quick, and you can miss home made stuff pretty quickly And I can't cook for my life, so trying to re-invent home made stuff myself isn't an option..I envy you guys who can cook....
  9. ^I know what you mean. I have tests for the next 15 days, some days more than one. I'm gonna reward myself generously with Macross goodness after I'm done though....
  10. I don't think I'll have to worry about scalpers for TRU exclusives, as I live in a place where toy collecting is minimal, but I should probably go see if my local TRU even stocks these things. Also, about how tall is the TFC Hercules?
  11. Thanks for all the info guys. @Mikeszekely, I think they said $100. And wow! I'm pretty excited for this. I too was close to pulling the trigger on a Takara one, but I'm glad I waited. It's very rare for me to actually shop for toys locally, with most of the stuff I like only being available through webshops, but purchasing a collector grade item like this in stores will be a nostalgic experience indeed. The first robot toy I EVER owned that I can actually recall was my Armada Optimus Prime (I'm fairly young), and I spent YEARS playing with that thing as a kid. Not a day went by when I didn't transform it countless times over. Sadly, I don't have it anymore. Hopefully, this will bring back many memories
  12. Anime accuracy aside, I don't think I would mind too much if they went with VF-1 styled feet, as those ratcheted feet are definetely my favorites for macross mech in terms of posability and reliability...
  13. I wonder what they will do for Ray. The hydro cutter in the mouth probably wouldn't be too hard, as well as lighting the eyes and cockpit, but beyond that, I don't see much more potential. And does the hydro cutter even warrant an LED? lol
  14. Do you think you could link us to some pics of this hasbro mp-10? I can't find any on the web at all! Thanks in Advance
  15. It looks like they are using rubber for the feet of Ray, but it still seems that a stand is needed. No bother, I really like Ray over Rex. If I have the necessary "resources" before pre=order goes up, I'll consider a buy.
  16. Wait, do you mean "encourage" instead of "condone", or is your cousin really rebellious jk, but nice pics! I really like your detolf set-up Ultraman!
  17. They should do it like 3A toys does, with a count down timer 24 hours before release. That way you know when to F5! T'would be a sad day though, especially for a "mass retail" release, where as 3A does limited releases only....
  18. Those are REALLY REALLY cool actually. It's shocking to see such accurate models made out of Legos, especially designs like the sv-51 and yf-19
  19. Actually, I think the Max-esque paint scheme and Sniper attachment as made the valk quite popular. I'd say Alto = Ozma slight > Micheal >>>>> Luca I wish this release came with super parts though, as a bundle would be really nice...
  20. Some new pics (if they haven't been posted yet) curtosy of Mecha Guy Blog: http://mecha-guy.blogspot.com/2012/04/dx-chogokin-macross-f-vf-171ex_24.html Shows the ventral section of the fighter as well as some transformation mechanism stuff.
  21. I don't care what it takes, but I'm gonna get this pre-order in if it's the last thing I do. I will be starting to study for the MCAT next Autumn, so late night studying should keep me fueled until the wee hours of the morning when the pre-orders for this thing will go up. I've always wanted to be one of the pro's that got a Bandai DX for super cheap from AmiAmi, so I hope this will be it...
  22. Although it is an exclusive release, I do believe that retailers such as HLJ will carry these, as they have carried Yamato exclusives in the past....
  23. I think he meant that red tape would only allow for a Japanese official release, and thus, he would have to import to Canada.... -Archer
  24. Bandai would Also, great pics, but it makes the arms look a lot more spindly than in previous pics. I do prefer the beefier arms of the regular -17...
  25. Very nice looking nose for the fighter! Like all the panel lining as well, and hope that it complements the tampo printing that [i hope] Yamato will do
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