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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Just watched the first episode of Code Geass: Akito of the Exiled. I loved the first code geass, and I'm getting that same awesome vibe from this show as well. More than anything else though, that first combat scene is amazing in an of itself. The Alexander is a lot more interesting than any lancelot or gurren variant from the original series, that's for sure.
  2. I'm a little disheartened by how small sideswipe is. And his engineering *appears* too simplistic for a masterpiece title. But hey, there are other things that could be said about being complicated simply to be complicated.
  3. I was thinking about putting these figures on pre-order, but as it stands, if I buy one, I'll have to buy them all, which is a big commitment. I was wondering if each of these individual figures are truly worth the 100 dollars they charge, or if a large price is more or less tacked on due to it being a 3rd party venture and a combiner.
  4. Yeah, definitely avoid glycerine in terms of contact with rubber. As shdw stated, it's rediculously viscous, and thanks to the prominence of -OH bonds in its structure, it can actually end up bonding to and damaging the surface of the rubber tires over time, due to rubber's core make up of hydrocarbon polymers. I'd actually suggest, based on what I've gotten from organic chemistry, some type of UV resistant coating. UV light can actually cause cracking in rubber over time, although that might be more common sense than anything else Hope that helps a bit. Don't mind me if that didn't make any sense
  5. Yeah, Zero was really good and well animated to boot. Take it from a guy who went in knowing very little about the entire Fate saga background...
  6. Just got finished watching Fate Zero. Such a great anime, but now I can't bring myself to watch Stay/Night. The animation quality and story just don't seem to match...
  7. Picked it up for xBox 360. Really fun game so far, no complaints from me
  8. Yeah, borderlands 2 might not be for you then. It's only 2 person split-screen, not 4+ like COD and the like. It's easier for those of us in dorms to manage 4 players, since we effectively live together and can hook up more than one xBox or PS3. I'd still suggest checking it out as a rent though. Lot of fun just going around looting, even in single player format (though it will be harder).
  9. Well, four guys online I mean. Unless you can play board games online now
  10. Yes, I will say that I was a decent fan of the first one. Not a devoted fan or anything, but I enjoyed it. It's just a matter of getting some friends together who will play consistently with you for the whole story. It's no fun when one guy goes ahead and comes back to where you are at level 50, and does all the work. It's also no fun when you have people who just loot all your stuff and leave. If you can get 4 guys together who will play a different character each, and be tactful about it, it can be quite fun. It might be more fun now that I play splitscreen with my roommate right next to me, but the game itself has evolved quite a bit from the first one. More stuff, more comedy, a slightly more involved story, and more interesting characters with non-cliche abilities.
  11. Yeah, I went down to the apple store. The guy there said that they'd have replacement screens in the future, but as of now, no replacement screens were available. He gave me a replacement device, which I think is a brand new one due its still having screen seals and I doubt they'd have second hand issues one day in.
  12. I don't know if any of you guys have experience with this, bit I just bought a new phone (iPhone) and it has 2-3 dead pixels. It's hard to tell if you don't look, but now that I know, I can't help but only stare at it. Any way to get pixels to work again, or am I screwed with a brand new phone for the next two years with dead pixels. Does this warrant a replacement (it's been a day since I purchased it).
  13. Borderlands 2 is one of the most epic games I've ever played. Really REALLY fun, cuz it doesn't take itself seriously at all. Have a buddy? Split-screen it up with him like the olden days. I played 6 hours straight with my room-mate, didn't even notice the time fly. The plethora of equipment and really comical lines in a fairly cliche'd story backdrop make for a really fun game where you don't have to really think..
  14. Archer

    DX VF-25G

    Tornado packs just look cool
  15. I was on the wii bandwagon a long time ago. I scoured countless stores for one when it initially launched (you guys remember all the hype and combat for one right? ) Once I got it, I really enjoyed it, playing it every day, and even marathoning twilight princess over 2 days to finish it. But for some reason, the wii never really took off for me after that. I bought maybe 3 more games for it before I purchased a PS3, which to this day, is the only console I really play. After getting a PS3, I've maybe turned my wii on 8 - 10 times. Idk, maybe the maturity of the PS3, or the lack of popular games on wii, got to me. Seeing Black Ops 2 on the wii U gives me hope, but I really hope it doesn't turn into a another wii, with super mario games fleshing out most of their exclusives and good games.
  16. I also like the little handwritten thank you note inside the box! Bah, it's not a big deal, but in all seriousness, I haven't had any problems with them so far. As others have said, they've lived up to every order so far, even for the VF-171. I wouldn't worry about getting your order...
  17. This craziness is about all I could dig up: http://otakurevolution.com/content/gunpla-rumor-time-pg-unicorn I'd be more confident if this wasn't the only site on the internet that reported this, but hey, it's something As for the light up feature, I'd really be fine even without it, but I think for something as grand as a perfect grade, it'd be akin to an expectation. Imagining the wiring is terrifying though...
  18. I thought it was the opposite, they were too scared to make a PG Unicorn due to the presumed tooling and light up effect costs....? Did I miss something, sorry, I've been out of the Gundam loop for a while
  19. I'm waiting on the next PG. I really hope bandai makes one soon, even if it has to be the AGE
  20. VF-0D.
  21. Archer

    DX VF-25G

    NY has yet to fail anyone on orders, even on the VF-171 days before shipment day. I'm pretty confident they'll get everyone their orders regardless. Maybe they have connections HLJ/amiami don't?
  22. Reminds me of a real-life zoid. So cool!
  23. Wow, that sucks man! Yeah, with all the steps forward Bandai's been taking, it still disappointing to see so many blunders that could be remedied quite easily, yet are so structurally important.
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