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Everything posted by Archer

  1. My fat PS3 (from the Motorstorm release bundle, 80GB), is still kicking after all these years, and I've left it on for weeks on end (Went on a month long vacation, forgot to turn off PS3). Somehow, although all my friends who bought one at around the same time have had to upgrade to a slim, my model is still functioning *knock on wood*. I don't know, but it might be because my system is located in my basement, which tends to be fairly cool throughout the day, and fairly well ventilated as well.
  2. ^LOL, with that logic man, you'll be buying pretty much the majority of 300 dollar macross releases
  3. Sorry, forgot to be more specific. I was interested in whether or not it has 4 player offline splitscreen in zombies mode, since that's really the only mode we play when my friends and I get together. It was limited to only two players in world at war and black ops, so I was hoping it would be different since they switched zombies to the multiplayer scheme.
  4. For those that went out and bought call of duty black ops 2 already, can anyone confirm if it has or does not have 4 player offline split screen? That is my main reason for purchasing the game, so I can offline co-op with 3 other guys.
  5. I'm interested in seeing how the Wii U does. It's an intersting platform, but I want to see the games that drive it before committing.
  6. I wonder how many guys are gonna keep playing Halo with Black Ops 2 out this week. I'm actually surprised Microsoft decided to spring this when it did, especially with the popularity of Call of Duty well outweighing Halo for the most part nowadays. Either way, I picked it up, and it's been pretty fun, although kinda hard to get used to after being a cod player for so long!
  7. You forgot that crazy expensive gundam phone that came with an exclusive model kit as well But yeah, if you want any sort of decent cell (smart)phone, mikeszekely has it spot on. At this point, you're limited to buying a smartphone and putting your favorite wallpaper on it. Or, if you have an iPhone, etc. there are usually anime cases that you can get. All those phones you mentioned are feature phones, so they won't feature much of the mini-computer capabilities most phones have today. So it will be a trade off....
  8. I've never played any Halo games before this since I've always been a Playstation/Sony guy. Would it make any sense if I picked up Halo 4?
  9. I enjoyed G Gundam a lot. It's probably cuz I was younger and didn't notice all the crazy racial nuances and horrid drama, just Domon Kashu yelling "SHHHHHIIIIINNNNNIIINNNNGGGG FINNNNGAAAAAHHHH" a lot of times while turning gold. I thought it was cool
  10. I've heard that the Lenovo ThinkPad 2 is supposed to be pretty good as well, running on the same Atom processor, and with full windows 8 for around 600 bucks (even has a stylus capacitive pen input).
  11. For those wondering about the Microsoft Surface tablet, it's pretty nice. THere was a microsoft store here in TN, so I went down to look at them. Was really pleased with it, so much, that I in fact bought one. With my iPad, I could never really "do" anything, I could just consume. With the keyboard and the built in Microsoft Office, I was able to type stuff up pretty easily.
  12. Just saw that. CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT EXIA. Hoping pre-orders go up soon
  13. I still would love a Yamato release. There's something about Yamato jets that make them seem more like real fighters, and less like toys, even with crazy schemes like the Fire balk.
  14. Archer

    DX VF-25G

    That made me literally laugh out loud. Very creative As for multiple toys, I've never really understood why people buy so many copies of the same toy. In my personal belief, if you have one form of a mold, you've seen them all. But I'm weird like that I guess compared to you guys
  15. Whatever happened to the metal build exia? At this point, without any resin samples, etc., I'm worried it might have become vaporware. Since I suck at modeling, I have to rely on metal build/gffmc goodness for my collectible needs
  16. Wow, nice photos. I gotta say, that alto with ozma armor doesn't look bad at all. I actually quite like the look!
  17. Noob question: I've never had an SV-51, but really like their design. I've heard that some of Yamato's first releases were nightmares. Are there any releases of the SV-51's deemed "safe", or was there ever a reissue? Is it worth it to pick one up in this day and age? Thanks!
  18. I can't wait for that aegis. But I gotta say, Buster is the best lookin MG of the lot by far in my opinion. Hits everything just right. I didn't really connect with the MG blitz, even though it is my favorite of the G-series.
  19. It still appalls me how the thing can stand firmly in battroid mode with all that rear weight hanging off two little hip joints. Yamato engineering at it's finest?
  20. Yeah, 15 inches is pretty awesome. Might just drop a pre-order on this. Always wanted a really good eva figure, but the perfect grade never really cut it for me, with all its issues, etc. And I know what you guys mean. I've also always preferred unit 01, thinking unit 02 to be fairly hideous, but the medicom one makes it look really good. Especially that duel pallet pose EDIT: I was wondering, you guys are talking a lot about "Medicom's issues". I'm not really familiar with Medicom as I am with Hot Toys, is Medicom an issue prone company or something?
  21. Ah, didn't notice that, thanks. SO I take it these will be fairly tall, around 12 inches?
  22. I gotta ask, why is Unit one more expensive than unit two? It seems as though they both come with a similar amount of stuff, and pretty much share a similar structure.
  23. Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm terrified when transforming Yamato valks. Make one little mistake, and you're little fortune goes to waste.
  24. Archer

    DX VF-25G

    Still waiting on that RVF-25, hope they announce it soon. Also, I still find it crazy that these things are selling like hotcakes, unless of course, Bandai has a serious supply issue or something of that nature...
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