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Everything posted by Archer

  1. I just started Level E based on a friend's recommendation. It's been fairly funny so far (I'm on episode 3). Hope it keeps it up
  2. Archer

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    I thought it was always the other way around. The SV-51 was fairly tight release (especially with the cannon fodder variant), but the VF-0S was a disaster in the making until focker -0S ghost bundle, and even then, the whole toys was fairly floppy and loose?
  3. I got the same message as well. I feel really bad now about getting uptight about his slow PMs. I hope all is going all right for him. Toys really couldn't matter less in situations like this If you see this message bud, my thoughts are with you!
  4. God, every Unicorn trailer has always been epic, but this is pushing the bounds I just bought a GFFMC Unicorn, and am ready to set sail into Episode 6. Finally, we are seeing Full Frontal, EFSF, Garencieres, and Unicorn all on one screen at the same time
  5. Acetone will EAT and CHEW through many kinds of plastic, unless it's something like polypropylene, which i doubt any yammie toy uses. I wouldn't put any kind of acetone on a toy! We keep acetone in tins in the lab, used only to clean flasks and what not. Just a little heads up though, just wanted to make sure nobody melts their 300 dollar toy
  6. Aaannnnd I had to cancel my VF-19P order. Found a good price on a Metal Composite Gundam Unicorn, and that took priority for me at the moment! Oh well, maybe I'll get a -P later on sale or something.
  7. I think it's because they have a standard yen price, and the USD price fluctuates to match the conversion rate at the time. I could be wrong about this...
  8. I *heard* that one of the reasons that they switched to a future helmed by cyborgs for the game was for that very particular reason. It is more acceptable (or so they thought) to slash up cyborgs (which are supposed to be *ahem* technology) than actual humans.
  9. I doubt the U.S. special forces have classes on being a cyborg ninja of awesome I think he was working for Big Mama in Europe at the time of MGS4 (which is why he wanted snake to take him there for his blood transfusion after the fight with vamp).
  10. I don't exactly remember where I heard/read it, but I'm sure that he became a cyborg because the patriots experimented on him, going as far as to take out his entire spinal column. Ultimately, he was rebuilt as a cyborg. He then trained under a native shaman, who taught him how to hunt prey, leading to his combat and ninja skills.
  11. ^Hahaha. Yeah, I see your point, but I've never felt that Raiden, even while having that jack the ripper side to him, never really let it loose, and kept it locked under the premise of "fight for justice". I mean, in MGS4, he was pretty....noble at times. Regardless, looks like a cool game. As for him becoming a cyborg, it's because the patriots experimented on him right? I wish this game was set in Kojima's between MGS2 and MGS4 story rather than this new after MGS4 craziness.
  12. Lol, i'll buy you a VF-17 w/FP in that case. I want a VF-4G
  13. Anyone else see this: What's up with Raiden? Doesn't seem like such a nice guy in that portrayal (lol)
  14. Well, I get that, but the combat choreography (I would hope) can be replicated to a certain extent. That's really what got me hooked on unicorn. The story is great and all, but the way combat flows out....just makes sense. The things pilots do, the way they respond, and the way the machines move/respond/get damaged certainly makes more sense. But yeah, I see your point. Hard to do the same when you have a week or two per episode....
  15. Save yourself some dough: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/2631-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25g-messiah-valkyrie-michael-blanc-custom-renewal-version.html
  16. I don't care, as long as it has the same animation and battle quality as Gundam Unicorn..
  17. Just bought a -19 as well. Debated either getting the -19F or the -19P. I went with the 19P in the end for its more unique appearance, white base, and most importantly, long sweep wings with black intakes. I had an original launch Fire valk, and loved every bit of it except for the horrendous ankles, leading to me selling it. Hopefully, I will be able to appreciate this one more (especially since it doesn't have an outrageous color scheme).
  18. I did. T'was not that great, if I am to be honest. It feels a lot like the guys making Dead Space thought that we needed another Call of Duty. I dunno, maybe that's just me, but it wasn't scary at all, and felt more like a point and squeeze shooter. Either that, or I'm used to necromorphs...
  19. When does Yamato tend to announce things?
  20. Archer

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Why is it called "Winter Wonderfest" if it's in May? I'm pretty sure May is not winter time in Japan. Once again, it may be that I'm just ignorant or downright dumb..
  21. Yeah, the canopy on the VF-0D, IIRC, is almost 1.5x to 2x the length of the standard one seater canopy. If they do make the -0D though, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Don't know why they didn't start off with the -0D in the first place, what with it being THE iconic valk of Macross Zero (even more so than the -0S in my opinion).
  22. The one thing I don't understand is if they do make the VF-0D, how are they gonna get that whole dual seater cockpit assembly going in battroid. But hey, what do I know, that's probably the least of Yamato's worries considering some of the technical feats they've put out in the past couple years...
  23. Archer

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Is this some kind of hint Graham, or am I just reading into this too much. But yes, now you guys have swayed me into the -51. I'd rather not blow money and have the zero be re-released with modern standards. Hope I'm making the right choice!
  24. Archer

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Ok, thanks guys. The Wizartar transformation guide on youtube stated that you can't get a proper Gerwalk while the legs are still connected to the body. Good to know otherwise!
  25. Archer

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Thanks for all the info guys. I'm leaning toward the VF-0S, as it was the first valk i saw in action. I just have one more question. Is it true that to get a decent gerwalk on the VF-0S, you need to detach the legs and just leave the body lying on top? Thanks again guys!
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