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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Oof, this is my first time going for one of these at the release window. Not even sure how to find the links on Amiami or HLJ, gonna be depending on you guys lol
  2. Thanks guys! Not to keep pushing my own agenda, but I swear that there was some mention of Justice being next after the freedom 2.0. I distinctly remember a promo teaser but can't seem to find it anymore. Hope it pans out, and I hope preorders for this aren't insane.
  3. Well, ultimately made the decision to purchase the Valve Index for $1k, but go to find it's sold out and been sold out for quite a while now....and it turns out multiple people are on the waiting list to buy one. Valve really doesn't want to take our (significant sum) of money I guess I read some news on reddit that, per certain data aggregators, 149,000 of these Index headsets have been sold. That's pretty wild, in my opinion, for such an enthusiast headset in an already niche market. Hopefully it's all worth it when Half Life: Alyx drops.
  4. Easy opportunity for them to milk it too. You know a lot of people will fork out the $$ for 2-3 units of the RX-79[G]... ...at least I would
  5. Really wish they'd get around to doing the RX-79[G] or EZ-8 in GFFMC fashion; those designs are basically asking for it and 08th MS Team is hugely popular (per my understanding at least).
  6. @no3Ljm @Kuma Style Thanks for the info guys! I'm in medical school, so I tend to get overly concerned about random things that don't hit others radars (which isn't always a good thing lol). Lead (in general) has toxic properties when ingested or inhaled, and tends to be a higher concern for kids or pregnant women as it is neurotoxic. I doubt the paint on a single figure poses all that much risk even if it is lead paint, but it may be worth it for those interested in this third party stuff to test the paint on them with those cheap lead test swabs you can get in department stores.
  7. This is probably a very dumb (and overly concerned) question, but what kind of paints do these third-parties use? I'm concerned about lead paints being used (which is something that's obviously not a concern with Bandai products). Again, apologies if this is dumb, but I'm not well educated on the subject....
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T54aGkkXfuc Looks pretty incredible; Glad they're supporting every major HMD!
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2W0N3uKXmo Now with the announcement of Half-Life: Alyx, I'm officially in the market for a VR setup. I am seriously considering splurging on the Valve Index, but also wanted to get people's thoughts on if its worth it vs. the much cheaper Oculus Rift S. Ideally, I'd like to experience everything Alyx has to offer (especially since Half Life games always push boundaries), which means native support for Index stuff. At the same time though, I've heard support in other games for the Index can be hit or miss and I'd rather not waste $1000 only on a single game if Oculus works better on all other games. Does anyone have experience with this? I have a PC with a GTX 1080 Ti, so hopefully it will be able to drive both reasonably well.
  10. Threezero stuff usually tends to be mostly plastic (which often leads to questionable joint design in my limited experience with their titanfall stuff). Furthermore, their stuff is usually astronomically priced (again, their titanfall stuff had MSRPs >$450), albeit with a usually breathtaking paint finish.
  11. New Metal Builds are kinda disappointing for me. Wish they at least did a proper Dynames instead of R3 (????). I feel like they maybe went with R3 cause it's closer to the exia frame and they can just re-use those parts.
  12. Yep, you're absolutely right. I actually always buy all major consoles from each company (So right now, in addition to PC, I have a PS4, Switch, and Xbox One). And as you've suggested, I've basically just used the PS4 and Switch as exclusives platforms. I definitely will be reconsidering purchasing the next xbox, as the xbox one did very little for me this gen (unless Halo Ultimate can remedy that, but I doubt it). The exciting part of PC gaming (for me) when a new console gen rolls around is that the multi-plats also start to look a lot better (as you've mentioned). Usually near the end of console cycles, games on PC just look like "more polished" console equivalents, regardless of how much hardware you throw at the problem. For example, right now with a GTX 1080 Ti, I can run almost every game at ultra settings at 5120 x 1440 (just shy of 4k) at 80+ frames per second. Once the next gen rolls around, I imagine this will no longer be the case since the overall fidelity of textures and lighting is improved across the board for consoles as well. Seeing what *those* games will look like on PC excites me, and hopefully new GPUs come out to keep up. Sadly, there's very few actual PC exclusives I feel that take advantage of PC hardware. The closest I can think of is Star Citizen, which we can barely call a finished game at this point Lastly, I think console devs will never shoot for 60 fps outside of fps games. I feel as though they will always try to pump out the most glamorous graphics to sell the title, sacrificing frame rate in the process.
  13. I think my younger self would have been super hyped about the next generation of consoles. However, having been playing primarily on PC for the past few years (on a doublewide 32:9 monitor at that), I just can't muster enough excitement. At minimum, hopefully this will see the games coming to PC get a graphics boost as well.
  14. Honestly looks absurdly good. Might have to grab one but it's a big amount to swallow. Also, I imagine I would be waaaay to afraid to transform to battroid mode, which ruins a bit of the fun. Decisions, decisions....
  15. Feel like they've really milked 00 for metal build. I hope it's at least something other than a Sestuna suit derivative (feel like they've basically done all of them at this point too). As for GFFMC, I hope they stick with UC suits. Feel like the GP-01 or RX-79[G] has been begging for one.
  16. Have we even seen the funnels mounted to the Nu? I feel like they're not worth the absurd asking price if you can't even attach them to the figure itself...
  17. Shameless plug, but NY refused to refund an extra DX VF-1A Max that I ordered. It’s my fault for jumping the gun, but alas what can you do. Some costs have come up that I need to address so I’m pre-selling it at a loss to me in the For Sale section. Please take a look if you’re on the hunt for one.
  18. I'm honestly quite shocked how little love the Justice gets when stuff like Astrays get pumped out in every single line. Heck, they're even doing a remake of the Freedom before the Justice
  19. I'm so glad G Gundam is finally getting some attention. I low-key wish it was Shining gundam instead, but I'll take what I can get!
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