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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Started Clannad. All my feels, the man tears.......
  2. I thought crunchyroll was free?
  3. Just started ghost in the shell for the first time O_O
  4. Every time this thread gets updated, I get a pit in my stomach, fearing the $400 price tag announcement that will slap me in the face!
  5. Well, it's kinda anime related....I mean, it's the guy that kinda helped herald the way for anime to gain popularity in the mainstream U.S.
  6. So, Miyazaki retired O_O! Kinda upset by this, as I was looking forward to more awesome stuff from him, but I can totally understand, given his age. End of an era really....I saw Spirited Away when I was only around the age of 8, and it captivated and awed me like nothing else.
  7. Just finished fire emblem awakening, and man has it been a blast! And that ending have me goosebumps Again, I can't stress how amazing of a game this was. If you have a 3ds and don't have this game, go get it!
  8. At least in Japan, a skylanders type set up (similar to this anime) would sell like hotcakes
  9. I will say, I know nintendo doesn't suggest 3D use for kids under 7 (I don't even use it for long, since it drains battery), but I don't actually think there is any scientific evidence to suggest that damage occurs with 3D. 3D's not even an issue with the eyes, but rather, the brains integration of two visual fields. The eye will simply perceive what it sees, even in young children. In babies, the eye is developed, but it's the babies own cognition and use of the eyes that isn't developed to the point where they can shift focus, etc. like older individuals (but you wouldn't be giving a baby a DS anyhow). I believe I've even read that some physicians have suggested that allowing a child to see 3D might tip off professionals to potential issues in the case that they can't see 3D correctly (such as in the case of being cross-eyed, need for vision correction, etc. ). I'm sure Nintendo makes it's suggestions as a cautionary statement against the unknown (modern autostereoscopy is still fairly uncharted territory health wise, since the integration of two images relies more heavily on the brain rather than in the case of active or passive 3D lens ). That being said, I know there is a huge stigma against extensive 3D, and I know a lot of people get discomfort, especially when moving around while using the 3D, so the 2DS might still be a good move for that reason alone.
  10. The black one came out about a week ago I bought a blue xl, and have loved it so far. Fire Emblem is amazing, and I've just got started on shin megami tensei 4, which looks promising. Worth it in my opinion
  11. Nintendo 2ds for $130 bucks. Yeah, that just happened, and it's.......well, kinda ugly in my opinion. Honestly, unless this is for your 5 year old or something, I'd pony up the extra 20 - 30 bucks and get a legit 3ds, or even a bit more and get a 3ds XL (which is what I have). http://www.nintendo.com/3ds/new/
  12. Problem is that I despise Halo....a lot. So to be honest, I'd be leaning completely on Titanfall, which may not warrant switching out from a brand (playstation) that I've already heavily invested in (tons of digital media/games purchased, ps plus, I have a ps vita, etc.) Meh, I might just stick with playstation and wait for Titanfall or the inevitable sequal to get ported over (crossing fingers that this happens).
  13. I know man, but I don't have a decent rig to run it (and if I started to build one now, I know I'd go overboard and start throwing in a GTX 780 and what-not, which is stuff I don't really need).
  14. Throw in wings of light, and this would be so great. I like the edgier appearance of the machine, looks more like a "real" (as real as gundam gets I guess ) robot, and less like an anime one.
  15. Hey Mr. March, thanks so much for doing all of our requests! Do you think you can get a 1080p version of the YF-19 battroid mode picture (Or any macross picture really)? I've got an HTC One, so 1080p would look great. Greatly appreciate it, thanks!
  16. Seriously considering making the switch from PS4 to Xbox One for Titanfall alone, but I'm worried the second I make the switch and commit, Naughty Dog will announce some crazy awesome game like Uncharted 4 or Atlus will throw down Persona 5 as a PS4 exclusive or something along those lines. Decisions decisions.....
  17. Anyone got a phone wallpaper of a YF-19? Would mightily appreciate it 1080p HD picture would be even better
  18. I don't think they've made mention of it being a timed exclusive, and have even gone as far as to say that Titanfall can only work on Xbone due to dedicated cloud servers.
  19. Wow do I really wish Titanfall was coming to PS4. This is THE game to own on Xbone, and pretty much has everything that I'd ever want from a shooter. Man, that jetpack gameplay makes things so smooth. Microsoft struck gold when they struck a deal with Respawn.
  20. Yeah, so excited. I won't be able to get my hands on it for a solid week though, since I'll be out of town that week
  21. Oh wow, didn't know there was this much to the canopy. I know it was never animated, but it would be a cool gimmick regardless. I can understand if its not gonna happen though.
  22. I'm about to start watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time. After hearing all these rave reviews, I hope I'm in for a treat! For you guys with Hulu Plus (or just Hulu in general I guess), is there any REALLY good anime that I need to see? I'm craving good shows to get involved with right now. A lot of people suggested Monster, but man, it's depressing me out too much. Any fun/action anime that needs to be seen?
  23. I can't wait to see how they work in the cockpit gimmick from the VF-19. I must say, I wonder if it's doable now that it's a 2 - seater configuration (and if they get that to work, that'd be insane!).
  24. Get to episode 7, you'll understand
  25. With so many calls for a more gruesome wolverine, I just remembered this from a few years ago:
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