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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Yeah, sorry anime, I think I posted that in the model thread. It's a new line so far as I can tell, and if the words "Turn X", "Metal", and "1/60" add up, it's likely equivalent to a very large hit against the wallet
  2. Are you sure you didn't mis-read this as a Master Grade? http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/11/material-model-turn-x-sample-on-display.html ^I think that's a 1/60 scale metal action figure O_O I can't seem to find the MG Turn X announcement anywhere (I want one too!)
  3. I get ya that a dedicated gaming laptop may be better for gaming, but right now, I can pick up a pro for $575. I'd love to get a dedicated gaming laptop or something of the sorts, but I've got a PS4 to scratch that next gen itch, and I've got a retina macbook pro 15 inch for portable power usage (and maybe more demanding gaming). I don't really have a tablet at the moment (except for an iPad mini, which I will be giving away soon), and I kind of wanted a tablet that I could throw in my backpack [none of my classes allow laptops, so I don't carry it with me] and not weigh me down too much. This is kind of why I gravitated toward the surface pro. I had the surface RT, but I hated that I couldn't use legacy apps, and the windows app store pales in comparison to the iTunes App store. That being said, I LOVED the keyboard and being able to actually do stuff on a machine that doesn't take up a whole deal of space. I felt like the Pro should be able to deliver on that slight mobile gaming need [civ 5 mainly, maybe some stuff like read dead redemption/skyrim/borderlands with a controller hooked up, obviously at low settings], and my need for legacy apps and productivity.
  4. Kind of upset watch dogs got delayed. That was literally my #1 reason for moving to next gen launch day. I guess Assassin's Creed 4 will have to fill that void for now. Anyone with ps4 try out remote play yet? Does it work as promised?
  5. Received mine, but unfortunately, with tests next week, I'll have to hold off on playing it till next saturday I've waited months, a few more days won't hurt
  6. Thinking about getting either a surface pro or pro 2, mainly for college work, but for the occasional steam game (last gen stuff, civ 5, etc.) as well. Does anyone have a pro or pro 2, and have opinions about them? (i.e. good, bad, etc.). Also, anyone think the pro 2 is worth the 200 - 300 extra bucks? (as compared to the first gen pro) Thanks
  7. Kinda let down by that event. Besides a morsel of a new uncharted for PS4, nothing much. And yeah, Kojima's idea of shocking wasn't really what I was expecting. Didn't blow me away at all.
  8. Apparently remote play works flawlessly? I won't have access to my PS4 for another week, so I'm hoping one of you guys with Vitas tests it out! Looking forward to your findings!
  9. Honestly, I'm not a HUGE fan of need for speed or anything, but it's directed by the same guy who did Burnout Paradise, which was a game I adored. Also, I felt that need for speed has the best graphics of any triple A launch title, so that was all I really needed to push me into getting it. I originally had planned to get Killzone, but in the end, I felt like I didn't need 2 shooters.
  10. Yeah, sorry I couldn't reply earlier man! But I think the deal ended at 3 P.M. central (it was literally a 4 hour window, and even then, most games sold out in the first 20 minutes or so). The promo code was "GR8TNESS" btw
  11. Grabbed BF4, Assassin's Creed 4, and NFS Rivals from Amazon's Buy 2 get 1 free deal today. Really excited for this!
  12. oh snap! Yeah, you're right. Totally my bad. For some reason, the website I was using to read it titled it as "Chapter 51".
  13. Anyone else read Chapter 51? BIG reveal (if I read it correctly at least).
  14. I hope that all these ARX-8 figures are coming out at the same time because Alter and Bandai know something we don't about a new season of FMP, which I desperately NEED
  15. Anyone remember this? I actually think I signed up for macrossworld to ask someone a question about this particular figure, from way back when: The 1/35 GFFMC Gundam. Most of us thought the project was canned. Looks like we were wrong: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/10/gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite_28.html#comment-form
  16. I thought Seed Destiny wasn't bad, but for the life of me, still can't figure out why starting out by launching the impulse in FOUR separate pieces makes sense. I know Gundam isn't meant to be realistic, but still, FOUR? That's like asking to get taken right out of the sky, before you have a chance to even call yourself a Gundam pilot.
  17. For those playing pokemon, does anyone know if having the japanese version of a pokemon has an negative effects? I traded for a japanese scyther, and I'm a bit worried that a North American megaton (scizorite) won't work on it....
  18. Is anyone else in love with this show's OST? I think it's pretty epic, maybe too epic for a show about battling gunpla Anyhow, this is a great show so far, loving every bit of it, and seeing all these match ups cross-universe makes my hair stand on end.
  19. For this of you guys who bought a watch dogs ps4 or xbone bundle from target, watch out. Apparently they just outright canceled your orders since watch digs has been delayed. Not very customer friendly in my opinion, especially since these individuals probably won't be able to get one now. In other news, Pokemon x has been AWESOME. Gotta love those 3D graphics. The only real problem I have with it is that the frame rate dips for me sometimes during a battle
  20. I like the way how they explain how the avatar came about. I don't think his being a normal human originally is all that bad, and the way they explain the avatar's ability to use all four elements by having the spirit hold them for his is kinda cool too. I also think his personality adds as well since it tells us that the avatar doesn't need to be some divine unapproachable being, but rather, just a normal person with personality of their own. I really liked the beginnings episode if you can't tell
  21. My favorites are probably the first track on CD 2, the fourth track on CD 2, Counterattack by Mankind, E.M.A., and Reluctant Heroes.
  22. I wonder what scale they'll go with for the metal build. The Alter figures are beautifully made, but they're a little too small for my tastes. Hopefully, the metal build will take the scale up a notch. I too wish they were going for the Arbalest though, unless Bandai knows some insider information regarding Full metal panic being jumpstarted for a new season or something
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofie4sL8m20 Feel the epic.
  24. My ps4 amazon pre order is the watch dogs bundle. I hope this means that I can still get a regular PS4 on launch day, and have watch dogs shipped when it's ready next year or something. I'd rather not lose my pre order to something like this!
  25. wow, didn't see this coming.....at all
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