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Everything posted by Archer

  1. I still think Episode 15 (vs. Fenice) was the peak of this series (which was a great series overall, don't get me wrong). I too sort of wish we saw a legitimate Normal Yuuki Exia vs. Strike battle, but I can get behind why they had to do this
  2. Bought Titanfall for PC, and had a lot of fun the first couple days. "Mash X to eject" is getting a liiiiittttlllllee old right about now though. I hoped that the Stryder and Ogre would change things up, but they really don't. I semi-wish that there was a pilots only game mode, or each class of Titan got its own equipment set. To be fair, Titanfall feels like a good trial run for the inevitable Titanfall 2...
  3. Thanks for the info Mike. I gave the demo another try before purchasing, and I became a little hesitant. Instead of Bravely Default, in a completely impulse buy maneuver, I ended up forking over a lot more cash for Gundam Breaker on the vita. It's my first import game, hopefully lives up to the hype. I'm waiting to indulge my RPG craving in FFX-HD, a game I had on PS2 but never bothered finishing.
  4. Planning on picking up Bravely Default today. That being said, I didn't really like the demo (I literally played for like 10 minutes, got to my first encounter, and entire party was wiped out. Tried this again several times, kept dying). I'm going off what others have said (i.e. game is much better than the demo, etc.). Anybody have specific thoughts on demo vs full game? Thanks
  5. Is that really Neo-Zeong? First time I saw the trailer, I almost thought it was some Neue Ziel Variant
  6. For what it's worth, FFXV uses a battle system similar to Kingdom Hearts, which was pretty tip top in my opinion
  7. http://www.joystiq.com/2014/02/15/transformers-rise-of-the-dark-spark-revealed-at-nyc-toy-fair/ Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, or if it's already been mentioned. But I'm excited!
  8. So lucky man! I signed up within a few minutes of the registration opening, but haven't gotten a beta key. Was looking forward to trying it out (I already pre-ordered and paid for it, but I wanna see if it stands up to the hype before actually committing to purchasing it).
  9. Is it just me, or are the graphics not as impressive as the previous movies. Something about this trailer doesn't scream photorealistic to the extent that previous TF films have.
  10. So, I picked up a Mario/Luigi Wii U, and it came with Assassin's Creed 3 and Mass Effect 3 for free, which isn't a bad deal at all. I would have jumped on the Zelda bundle, but (personally) I think the gamepad is a little obnoxious and distracting. That being said, I picked up the physical copy of Windwaker HD. Any other must haves for you Wii U owners out there?
  11. I wouldn't say the 0D is a random non hero. It was actually the valkyrie used by shinn and Edgar for most of the episodes. To be honest, it's probably one of the most iconic jets from Zero
  12. I think when they moved to the new PS store, most "old" demos were simply removed. That being said, if you've already downloaded a demo in the past, they should still be available via your download history.
  13. Got A Link Between Worlds. Haven't had this much fun with any game in quite a while
  14. Ok, I lied, not last question. So, once you've got yourself a build, is the GPU all people really upgrade when they want to boost performance? I realize that GPU > CPU for gaming in recent years, but how many generations of GPU can a CPU last before it starts to bottleneck things? (Assuming power requirements and memory requirements stay consistent).
  15. Ah, so is the 690 similar to SLI graphics, but saves the hassle by sticking both together in the same card? Sorry, can't get much more technical than that! Can you SLI 690s then? Last question. With the 800 series stuff coming out next year, would it make more sense to just wait it out, or splash out on a card right now. I'm currently debating with myself about a PC build, seeing a lot of games run better than PS4 already (and I can imagine that gap will only widen in the coming years).
  16. As a complete PC noob, if a GTX 760 can ultra all games at 1080p, 60 FPS, what's the point of better cards like the 780 or Titan. Also, can anyone fill me in on the difference between a GTX 690 and Titan (since everywhere I look, they seem to be getting the same performance, if not the 690 doing better). I thought the Titan was Nvidia's best card?
  17. On my PS4, when you put in a disc in for the first time, a small "loading" bar will appear. Takes about 5 - 10 minutes to fill, and you can hear the disc drive whir like crazy (worried me a lot the first time I heard it). After that, you can play immediately whenever you have the disc in. Also, while you play, the system will continue to download more data off the disc in the background, so you'll hear the disc drive start to "whir" periodically as you keep playing. I think once the full disc data has been downloaded, the only purpose of the disc is to act as a "product key" of sorts, and let you access the data. Kinda strange, but I prefer it to the ridiculous install times on PS3.
  18. Sorry for the double post, but I thought this was really cool: So gorgeous. Too bad it won't look that good on PSBone
  19. Picked up Sly Cooper, Thieves in time for Vita, at 10 bucks off Amazon. Not a bad deal at all Always was a HUGE fan of the big playstation "three" growing up (jak and daxter, which lead way to Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper), and I don't even remember why I didn't pick up sly cooper for Vita when it came out, but this is a great way to gauge my nostalgia Also, finally got around to downloading windows on my mac. It's not a gaming PC, but it should tide me over (along with that PS4) until I can invest in a decent spec rig (or get a steam machine).
  20. Agreed with posters above. I'm not a fan of the way COD has evolved, but Modern Warfare 4 was, by far, the game of this generation for most. I still remember putting in countless hours into it.
  21. I think they mentioned that Episode 7 will be 90 minutes long, rather than the standard 60 minutes.
  22. I think it was written off that it was due to the Archangel's (or was it the Minerva's?) cannon firing and hitting the water (at precisely the moment when Shinn impales the freedom). It's redonkulous regardless though. Kira should be KIA after something like that.
  23. I definitely agree that AC1 got repetitive, but DEFINITELY give AC2 a shot. It actually caught me off guard in terms of how fun it was, and it kind of ditches the "assassinate, find next target, rinse repeat" ideology, going after a much more creative set of missions. Furthermore, Ezio's story is much more fleshed out than Altair's, and we're given a good reason to want Ezio to win that extends beyond "He is an assassin". Heck, Ezio isn't even an Assassin to begin with like Altair. I'm sure you can get AC2 for cheap now, and it's honestly one of the best games I've played in the last gen. Give it a shot, regardless of how much you hated the first game.
  24. So, I've started to play Assassin's Creed IV. As a fan of the series, but someone who was seriously disappointed with III, IV brings back all the fun that permeated the first two numbered games. Edward is just such a likable protagonist (compared to Connor) and the setting really makes graphics and Edward's skills pop. There are cities for AC1/2 style free running, but the outside terrain really lends to AC3 style tree running. That, and ship exploration is SUPER fun as well, and really well fleshed out. Water has never looked this good....
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