watch 4 fansub eps of EVA on VHS
Got hooked,, watch the rest.
$#@!!, eps 25 and 26
$#@!, $#!@@.@!!@@###
Got some posters, models, etc
Death and rebirth came out.. saw it on fansub.. it was finally getting good and then to be continue
#$@!@, $#@!!.!@#@@@@@.!!!@###@
Then End of EVA cam out,, fansub,, Er.....ok i guess,, rewatch ep 25 and 26,, then the whole series. and the 2 movies.. ok.. good enough.. don't what to think about it ..
got more models,, some hentai's ,
then got the official Dvd box set. and 2 movies..
I love and hate EVA at the same time.