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Everything posted by F360°

  1. it look soooooo gooood, hmm, if only it can transform too.. they still have time to work with the idea right?
  2. virtually no nudity anyways, it's a pretty short OAV only 6 eps,, it's pretty funny but it started to get more into the story of Why Nanako at the last 3 eps.. If only they end at 13 then it would have more time to play with the story.
  3. EVA super poseable = more hands and weapsons for your YAMATO 1/60 valk, you know,, socom, mp5, desert egle, sword, knife, sniper rifle.. etc. So if you're a Macross fan,, be a EVA fan too so you can also enjoy the EVA super poseables as they are instead of just taking off their hands and weapson ( you know who you are) <_<
  4. FMPF is pretty good, ep 12 was funny as hell,, I feel so sorrry for the boys. And they final explain why Sagara talks Bunta kunish (fumuttufu) when he's in the Mecha Bunta kun. I'm still looking for a good deal on the ARM Slaves..of the original series..
  5. What do you mean, isn't anime real?? anyways,, anime is anime and live action is live action.. oh series is different from movies too. , you don't nomally compare them together. I find more plot holes in Matrix than EVA, at least you don't have to watch animatix and play the game to know the full story.
  6. watch 4 fansub eps of EVA on VHS Got hooked,, watch the rest. $#@!!, eps 25 and 26 $#@!, $#!@@.@!!@@### Got some posters, models, etc Death and rebirth came out.. saw it on fansub.. it was finally getting good and then to be continue #$@!@, $#@!!.!@#@@@@@.!!!@###@ Then End of EVA cam out,, fansub,, Er.....ok i guess,, rewatch ep 25 and 26,, then the whole series. and the 2 movies.. ok.. good enough.. don't what to think about it .. got more models,, some hentai's , then got the official Dvd box set. and 2 movies.. I love and hate EVA at the same time.
  7. I don;'t know,, I find Chobit more enjoyable and easier to get into the story than Macross 7.,, CHIII?? Anyways, it's anime, so you should expect fan service whenever posible. But 14 is still pretty young. But there are girls in real life that look like 13-14 even when they are 19 or 20.
  8. I don't recomend spending over $300 on something that you'll experiment one, better off ordering a Hasegawa strike and built that instead.
  9. I second that,, or third..
  10. I think Neo is dead or this soul is out of his body. I mean if you can see yourself get carry away by some machine then you can't be alive, how can you look at yourself. As for the EMP, why didn't they make more, it's seem pretty useful at the dock area,, I mean they should have aleast 1 or 2 in hand just incase something like this happens. The last fight reminded me so much of Dragon ball,, I could of swear that any moment that a fireball/ tamahamei would burst out.. Over all I say it was ok,
  11. nice.. now tell me where you live and i'll come visit (your models) at night.
  12. ohhhh,, what big hands you have..
  13. yup,, they are worth it,, but you should wait for the resculpt Fast pack version of the YF-19 if you want the best version at the best price ( most likely).
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