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Everything posted by F360°

  1. They had flown off still in the middle of their dogfight. na ,, they ran out of fuel and just call it a tie.
  2. so is it plastic or die-cast
  3. Hmm with all those other sculpt you would expect "Over Dard" to do a more ecchi post for Sara. Like she's putting on closthe behind some leaves or the expression when she try covering herself after noticing Shin is watching VERY near.
  4. well,, seems like Edgar's gonna die in the next ep. Cause right now he's not doing much. Most likely he's gonna get kill in front of Shin. The sad part is Shins gonna disapear too along with Sara and Mao. Is Edgar Cloudia's brother?
  5. I do now, thanks But I'm only getting 1 or 2 KB/sec. Are there any other mirrors that might be faster? EDIT: Things picked up and I got the file. However, when I try and play it in MediaPlayer, I get a error for downloading the codec and only get the sound. What is the codec I need? Cheers for any help You'll need a codec to view this file. I recommend getting FFDSHOW, it's supports lot of different codec, like xvid, divx 3.11, 4 and 5, etc. you can get the file here http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ffdshow...23.exe?download
  6. It's video sourse is from a DVD, so the video should be cleaner,, If your computer can view the Infusion version you should be able to view this version too. In ways this version used less CPU power. What do you mean by DVD-encoded verison.. do you mean is the ANbu verion a DVD file?, meaning a file over 1 gig?. If that's the case , no. this is just another *.avi file.
  7. yeah.. ding, ding, din g.... crazy
  8. How about SVCD they'll look even better.
  9. Flashback 2012 had fan service? yeah, there's some DYRL scenes of Minmay in Flashback 2012, you know when she started singing Zero g love. And they split the scene into 4 or 8 boxes so you 'll see 4-8x more Minmay
  10. Same here The fansub was given to me by a friend who can see it right in his PC FV did you try install "ffdshow" it's a multi codec filter?
  11. Pirates = doing licensed shows. Infusion continues to fansub shows even after the licenses are announced. Respectable groups drop the projects when that happens. Yeah , but most likely they release them under a different group name with different fonts. It takes balls to release license stuff for fans still under your group name. Anyways,, I for one don't think fansubing hurt Macross Commuity at all, in ways it boost it's sales. I mean after watching Macross Zero don't you feel like buying one of them toy/models, or where you can get more info on them?.. There's also Music CD, posters etc. And I'm pretty sure most Macross world member would buy offical DVDs when they are release in their region. so pretty much you're just watching something that you're gonna buy sooner or later. I mean most of us are in our 20-30-40-50s and yet were still buying toys and dolls, from a series that was release 20 years ago. I for one still believe it's a Fansub as long as the sub is still done by the fan group. Even if it's license.
  12. If this was in real life , the word "screen" should be remove from that sentence. That's is only if she let us
  13. Just gave it a quick scan,, the video quality is better than the Infusion verison,, not by much but noticeable,, kinda like the Infusion version has abit less color and the brightness a bit higher, while the Anbu look just right. But the Sub is not as good as Infusion's, mostly because of the fonts,, maybe one or two wording of sentences that just don't sound as smooth as the Infusion version. The audio is not 5.1 so you don't need the AC3 filter for this one. But I love them all .,, Doesn't really matter I'm gonna get every version anyways. Just like ep1 and ep 2. Great Job ANbu.
  14. DYRL for me too, it's a original movie that's not made by cut and paste of OAV/series. Also first Macross boob shot .,, Come to think of it,, The Tv series is the only one that don't have it. I mean, DYRL ,Flashback, Macross plus, Plus movie,Macross 7, Macross Zero, Etc.
  15. blah.,, if it wasn't for a super discount I would of never gotten their Macross plus Movie DVD.,, my god was the quality bad.. it's not as noticeable on a standalone player but once you place in a computer DVD-rom you'll see it right away. Their dvd quality get worse and worse.
  16. hmm, maybe it's the her blood reacting to AFOS's. " her breasts seem to have magically grown much bigger" not that it's a bad thing.. oh Sara also lost some weight in this ep too.
  17. erh, corrections,, instead of a total of 8 sv-51,, it seems there's at least a total of 11 shown before they start their attack run, could be even 14 if DD and Nora is in the middle. At one shot it shows DD in the foreground then Nora and then a set of 3 SV-51 and another set of 3 ( very small). All of these are on the left side of DD and Nora. Then on the next scene it show 3 more on the rear right of DD so it total up to 11, but there could even be 3 more to make a "2 middle and 6 on each side formation" On the Bridge of Asuka they even reported "enemy count 10" and this is when at least one SV-51 is distroyed. so that mean it have to be more than 8. This is a all out attack on on the ships and the island. so many SV-51
  18. problem is , I already have the AC3 filters (latest version) installed and I still get no audio it depends on how your sound card is setup,, try going inside ac3filter config and change your current setting to something else like 4.1, dd, 3.1, 2.1 etc and see if you can hear anything. For my setup ( sB live 5.1 running digital 4.1) if I set it at 5.1 I'll not hear any voice only sound/ music and effect ( pretty cool) so by switching to anything else I'll hear voice again. But if I change my speaker setting to 5.1 on SB live control, I'll hear voice on every setting.
  19. erh,, from that angle the GBP-0? look kinda like a gundam.
  20. oh, I notice a total of 8 SV-51s heading over to the Asuka. 3 on the rear left of Nora and 3 on the rear right of DD. I notice normal average SV-51 pilots are more skilled and have more expirence than the average vf-0 pilots. With 6 SV-51 and 2 ACE SV-51 it's posibible they already encounter the launched vf-0 and ghost and either did a fast hit and run with Asuka as main objective or is in the middle of some dog fights while Nora and DD plus maybe 1 or 2 started attacking the Ships, still with the same objective. The f-14 are pretty much useless againist the Sv-51s, we saw that on the first eps., and the VF-0 suck up too much gas,, so I guess that's why they don't have birds in the air at all times. But the Destroids seem to do a pretty good job. Roy stay to defend the Asuka, since they have something really important on board. Also by launching later he can have more gas/energy for battle unlike the Sv-51 and the Vf-0s that was pretty much using 1/4 to 1/2 of theirs already.
  21. just finish downloading the ep, boy it took over 2 hours.. but it was worth it. Didn't check it out yet (saw the raw), just glanced through and notice how well the sub was, too sleepy,, moving lumber all day. freaking 6x12 Pts . Oh, I pretty much just use FFDshow and the ac3 filter. Any player seem to play them find. There's also Ogg, vobsub, but you don't need them for this file. Thanks,,.
  22. I just use powerdvd and press the screencap (camera logo).,, if you want to screen cap something from WMP you'll have to download a program., I can't remember the name at the moment.
  23. Attention: That link also has a pop up to some porn site. Please stop posting that link. PM it to people who ask for it or wait until you can find a download site that is not connected to porn.
  24. nope, just Sara again, she does look better this time
  25. just finish watching it .. arhhh,, it's just too good and too short. but i'm surprise that the VF-Oa can go underwater.., I know Valkyries can, but the VF-oa uses a different design, but they pretty much hinted it with the fish and all. The Destroid were great, finally get to see them in action. Hmm so whos the guy that got a sample of Sara's blood??
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