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Everything posted by F360°

  1. Man that sucks, but kids are kids so you can't really blame them. Well at least you know what kinda toy he likes now.
  2. Hey, like the Chinese Qi Pao that are strategically tightened at 24 places, the armors futher accentuate the sexiness of the valkyrie's physique. Stark nudity (although nice) is getting overated imo. It's like getting your bananas fully-peeled and served you, when the act of peeling itself IS part of the fun before putting the fruit in your mouth. lol, and to think I'm eating bananas all sliced up with a fork right now.
  3. how about Banpresdo's they are small and checp and has Fastpack and still look pretty good. they are around $10-$15 each. Get one and check it out. And much as I don't like to say it, but if you're stuck between the Yamato 1/60 FP and the Bandai 1/55 FP you can look and the Toynami ones. They look less chunky and more detail than the Bandai and transform like the cartoon. And their fastpack is pretty good too. The yamato would look ass kicking good at any post compare to toynami or Bandai. The Bandai is Tough, it'll last forever. The Toynami version is $39 and the Fastpack is $19 You can get it all at valkyrie-exchange.com
  4. well, you don't have to buy and collect everything just to be a fan. As long as you enjoy the series/OAV/movie it's good enough. Getting even a single toy of any anime series quailfy being a FAN of that certain series. I mean if you don't like it why buy it. I consider myself a Macross Fan because I enjoy the series/OAV/Movie, (the story and the Mecha). And I'm willing to buy some of the toy/models to remind me how much I like Macross. Getting more toys/models doesn't make other less of a fan, it just make you more of one. Oh and having money helps too if not you'll have to make sacrafices like less going out, less vacation trips, cheaper eats, do it yourself car tune ups, etc. My Macross collection: DYRL dvd/ Macross plus/Macross series Yamato 1/60 1 of each Yamato 1/72 1 of each only fast pack editions. Yamato 1/48 VF-S Hikaru and Fast pack Banpresto fastpack ver. 1 of each. Bandai 1/55 Hikaru fastpack. Some models here and there
  5. well you can use a nice white metal coat hanger to make a simple cheap stand to hold your Valks. If you want to purchase some stands go here: http://valkyrie-exchange.com There service is Excellent.
  6. so i guess the next on the list is the VT-1? or VF1D?
  7. hmm so where can I get some of these?
  8. Yeah since they already have a Subaru WRX on the Autobots, they should make a Land EVO8 for the Decepticons. wouldn't that be just right?
  9. looking good.,, love the color. so the name wouldn't be "Zoom" right?
  10. hey, same here read it as "Princess Bride" also. man that was a good movie,, anyways,, I'm always up for a new movie with a hot chick, having sword/katana's make's it even better. guess I'll rent it next time when I drop by my local j video store.
  11. hmm nice, but still don't like that half blue skirt thingie.
  12. well I guess the action /funny scenes are good enough , but it would be alot better with some sex and other stuff OAV.
  13. That Takayuki pisses me off from time to time, treating Mitsuki like that. Poor Mitsuki. Anyways, at least the ending work out nicely. But boy was I suprise when I saw ep 2,, I mean OMG It's well worth the time. love it.
  14. omg the animation looks so much better than TF Armada,
  15. hmm are the missiles detachable?
  16. well, at least the earthquake didn't broke off any parts from your valks.. cause on the last earthquake it snaped of my green Alpha's right arm when it fell 5 feel onto hard tile floor. Tip: don't place it near the edge or on top of your TV.
  17. almost Christmas, hmm where to go??? What? I only get 25th off?? work 26 and 27 also! damd it, oh well $$$ for trip = $$$ for toys I guess Anyways..enough about me,, Marry Christmas to all you fellows, but it would sound better as Marry Marcoss Christmas to all.
  18. blah, I still can't get Love hina dub out of my head, Why oh why did they get one person to do all the voices of the female characters. SUX Sub is still the best.
  19. No you cant if opened there is a restocking fee of 15%. I knwo i used to sell them at Best Buy I don't work at Bestbuy but I returned stuff at Bestbuy before too. And not all customer service rep will charge that 15% restocking fee. They don't even do that on computer videocards. If they do charge just comeback another time and do it again, but this time just said it's defective and you want another one. Now you'll have a brand new item that's not open. Now you can return for a full refund because of the first defective item you lost intrest in the item alltogether. I work as a CSR before so I know what i'm talking about. You can even return a item for store credit that you purchase somewhere else, like game, movies, anthing that has the same barcode. You just need to back up your lie all the way to the end. Also there's lots of stores that will give full refund within 14 days. SEAR, K-mart, Target, Frys. EBgames even let you return games for a different one with'in 7 days.
  20. well, i say better safe than sorry. I mean who know's what you're gonna get on the 12 day of Christmas. I say instead of spying from your Bed room window just go buy a nice camcorder ( you can always return it later) Place it at a spot where you'll get a nice shot of your front door, then get another camcorder and place it at the house across from you so you'll get a better view, just tell them what's happening and they'll understand. You should now go out and have some fun but make sure you're not alone when you come home. Oh don't go to the Mall either cause they might notice you there and your whole setup would be a waste. I for one do not think it's a Girl, I mean all girls have Cell phones right? And if they use a pay phone they do not want to get caught.
  21. That's a very good and very true catch. Without the rest of the flight suit, he doesn't have the parachute strap attachments. He'll have a seat belt on the ejection seat, but the parachute will not be attached to him. perhaps all he need to do is strap himself to the Seat, which has a built in parachute in the seat itself.
  22. is the files on a CD or on your harddrive?
  23. not if you're just adding a small scene.
  24. wonder if they will have a GBP armor suit for them too since they saw the GBP VF-o in action.
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