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Everything posted by F360°

  1. well, the jets are very nice,, love them,, they even look transformable. but the story is kinda boreing,, it could be the bad expression of the charactors as like someone said early "they look way too depress and is on crack or something", the desigin/ art work of the charactors, or lack of supporting charactors, the story the list goes on and on. Even if the main charactor dies I wouldn't be bother, the same goes to every other charactor. The only nice thing going for this is Yukikaze (AI JET)
  2. first it was the the jets, robots, and transformation of those jets to robots, after that it was the quality of the animation ( it was very good back in those days ), then comes the charactors and the story.
  3. F360°


    If you really need the money and don't want to part with your toy, just find another way to get the money. If you can't find any other way besides selling off the toy then so be it.
  4. well, There's Samurai Deeper Kyo,, Love the manga , hated the anime.
  5. Is it that serious? yeah..at that time I was small and transformer was getting pretty popular.
  6. hey, that was my first Macross toy too, but I got the skull 1 version and it still look ok in battloid form. But Sucks in everything else. I hated it so much after opening the box and finding out it can't transform for shitzzz, I jumped over to transformers for years before ever coming by to Macross because of this toy. If only I reach a little bit more to the right it would have been a Joke machine.
  7. same here, sigh....
  8. hmm, can wait.. by the way anyone check out the that short 5 mintue ending of Seed yet,
  9. hmm the Floating thing looks like a flyable craft that came to safe Sara. Because in some of the other shots Sara and Shin in up in the air. Nora want's Shin bad and Sara was jealous and BAM a Flying carft came out of nowhere to take her and Shin away.
  10. he has hook ups. Or maybe Misa wanted more enemy to notice Hikaru ammong the CFs. Well, the both had a rough start.
  11. yeah ,. it would be great if they can just reissue the SDF-1.
  12. what happen to 1/1 scale of Minmay, Misa, and Millia.
  13. erh, don't forget about the sound. The First one from MI has 5.1 surround and the second one from FX is just 2.0. I though the MI version was from a Laser disc.
  14. I', guess it's the "interprise" from startrek.
  15. hmm i for one like GP01 a bit more than the FB.
  16. WOW, that's one big robo. But the shape looks way too forced.
  17. YES,, good idea,, can't think of any reason for a NAY.
  18. F360°

    1/48 valk

    same here, was think of only getting the Hikaru VF-1S , and BAM, now I got Roy too. Was only think of getting 1 1/60 and now a whole collection and then some. But for the 1/48 it could be cheaper but at around $100 it's still pretty fair. Best one out there , YET.
  19. i hope her right hand is holding the door knob, if not i don't want to think of what else she could be holding.
  20. Space war one. Reasons, Minmay, Milia, Misa, etc. Paint my VAlk some Blue or red lines and I'm set (god mode enable) Practice playing simulations of Valk combat, dye my hair blue. Rescue Minmay, better usage of time when stuck alone with her. Yell at Misa, rescue Misa, ask her out. remind my self to practice and get very good with knifes Case and defeat Milia, then in video game, and also small Knife fights. Buy lots of coffee pots.
  21. F360°

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Hey guys, put me on the list for a set too, ok..,,
  22. It's not that we don't trust you.. look there's like only 3 replys so I think it's too soon to come to a conlusion that everyone on this Forum don't trust you. Your credibility is not the problem here. It's the word "charity" and "our toys". You are asking use to part with our beloved toys for money to give to a charity fund of your chooseing. I'm sure the charity you choose does need the money but that doesn't mean other charitys don't. Have you consider that we might want to donate to other charitys in our own community? Or that we might be doing that already. And asking for our toys is is a big no-no. It'll be better to ask for money straight up. Some of us are collectors or semi collectors which we keep older toys for that certain feeling of something something. each one of them is special so parting with it will be like giving out a part of our memory which you can't get it back with money yet. And as for this comment: Is it just me or did you went alittle too far here. This is Charity, giving and not giving is based on our current status, money, family, time, POOR, other charitys etc. We don't have to do nothing if we don't want to. Even if we don't give nothing out it doen't make use bad or non-caring. By the way, I'm sure most of us here would rather work for free for a day than to part with our Macross toys
  23. look at them skinny leg
  24. Like what "Myriad" said, you could just download the Macross Zero fansub and convert them to SVCD / DVD. As long as you are not selling them for a profit then you're not consider privating. Oh and getting the offical Macross Zero when it's come out would be a plus. Converting the AVI to SVCD is pretty easy, depending on how fast is your system you can do it in around 20 minutes a ep. AMD2400+.
  25. I don't like the Macross TV series flight suits much,, too plain. But all the other ones are awesome. I never really like the 2 strap on the macross 7 bridge bunnys.
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