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Everything posted by F360°

  1. here's a update on that one. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3154645 This isn't the first time Lik-Sang's run into legal trouble before, either. In 2002, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft all alleged copyright infringements over the sale of mod chips. None of these legal hurdles seemed to pose a problem for the company, though, as they were still operating as of yesterday. Liksang also snitched on their customers, I feel sorry for the Sony guys that brought PSP from them. What happen to consumer privacy.
  2. some extra info on the PS3 http://www.digitmag.co.uk/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=6408
  3. The new Mg IWSP Strike Gundam is molded to a more darker blue coler, and the white became alittle blue-ish too. It almost looks like the IWSP pack is sucking so much power that the strike is just bearly able to maintain Phase shift on.
  4. Sure, man, whatever you say, I can't believe you consider this a bad thing. $20 extra for a recharging kit from Microsoft that it also will last about the same about of time before you have to replace it's rechargable batteries, or buying new batteriers every time it runs out surely does not equal xbox360 winning again. You will be spending much more money on the wireless xbox 360 controller. If you prefer wired ones then, you can do the same with the Ps3 controller.
  5. I'm not sure about prime, but for the Jetfire, perhap he gotten the Robotech VF-1s with a action figure set. It's big and huge and fits a action figure inside.
  6. hmm, that guy does have some taste in this toys. I wonder how much it's worth after all those years.
  7. or there's a coupon inside for when the BR gets released. Anyways, did any of you check out ebay today? PS preorder = $$$$$$$$$ http://cgi.ebay.com/Playstation-3-Premium-...0037119547QQihZ This is just crazy, I'm glad some one did the fake buy it now.
  8. not really, there is a difference and that's the price. $1 difference is not the same as $100 differences, or $1,000 difference, even if they are all over your "too much" mark. by your logic, It's like me wanting to buy another 1/48 valk and complaint that $350 is too much for me to spend on 1 valk since $150 was my max on the last 1/48 that I brought. Anyone that's reading and knows the pricing would go WTF!? you can get a valk cheaper than that. But if it's like what you said, then it shouldn't matter what number I put in there, since any number over my own " too much" ammount is the same. I can fill that sentence with $600 for 1 valk is too much or $1,000 for one valk is too much and it wouldn't matter even if I was comparing to the pricing of the $150 1/48 valk that I previously brought.
  9. Wait, don't you work at at gamestore? come on, you should know that the PS3 is 2x months ago. In your math calculation you forgot to add in one major process that consumes time and power. It's call decompression/extract/etc. If a file or part of a file is require to be compressed to fit in a DVD, it will also require to be Decompressed to be readable. That takes more time and more CPU power then just Streaming the data over from a Larger disc. So the seconds that you gained in your example of a straight transfer process might not have a huge of a impact as what the numbers are showing. Depending on the compression of the game data, you might even lose all your previous transfersing advantages in your decompression process. Decompression of files will also take away some of your system RAM/memory also, it'll be in temp files, and will be constantly cleared and readwrited but sure enough it will be there. This alone give developers more freedom because they will have more CPU power to use on other things and not have to worry as much with restricting certain part of that power for Decompression if they don't need to. If $500 is already considered "too much" to you, which is about $100 over from your $400 xbox 360. Then why are you even posting that you are not going to spend $600 on a Console. When you are really saying you're not going to even spend $500 on a console. Are you telling me that you see no difference in $500 to $600, but there's a Huge difference in $400 to $500? They are both $100 more from each other. If $500 is too much to you for a Console then you should complaint about that next time instead of using $600.
  10. Of course anyone can voice their opinion, but sometimes it just seem so one sided and base on rumors or lies, or whatever that it screams "quote me". Here's a big example: The same people that is saying the PS3 is too expensive always happen to use the $600 price. It seems like they have no clue that there's a $500 Ps3. It gets even better when they started comparing pricing of the $400 xbox 360 Premium to the $600 Ps3 and complaints that the PS3 is forcing them on too many extras that they don't want, yet in reality they do WANT since they keep on talking about the $600 Ps3 and not the $500 Ps3 with less features. everytime, I see those, it always crack me up Its' almost the same as the people that was saying that the PS3 is too expensive , no one is going to buy it. And then when Sony annouce that they can't delivery the 2 million on launch date, the same people will compliant that Sony released too little. I mean WTF? didn't you said no one is going to buy it? so what does it matter if they make too little, no one is going to buy it anyways, right? well, what I'm trying to say is, that replys in these Console Threads should be base on what you really think with not so much bias.
  11. errr,,I think you need to read again, no where did I say developement cost will go down. I was talking about PRODUCTION COST, you know stuff ,like producing many Blu-ray copies of their games. And for pricing and profit, since these MGS4 and FF games will most likey sell tons more than the current launch title, they will certainly make tons more then them.
  12. If you guys want to check out what's ahead, there's a torrent up for Volume 1 to 5 of Pumkin Scissors. http://www.deadfrog.us/index.php?act=entry&id=7146 it's in japanese and not yet translated. Episode 1 ended at 1/3 of volume 1
  13. yeah, but pricing of games in USA is alittle different than pricing in Japan. Their pricing of FF and MGS games have always been higher there, but once it's released in the USA it has always sold at a reasonable standard USA pricing. Sure their developement cost will be higher, but when it's time for their release, which is about a year away, their production cost will be much lower than the up coming launch PS3 titles that's comming out in about 2 month. Overall they will balance out either way.
  14. The gaming price of Ps3 games will be at the same standard pricing as xbox 360. So if your are ok with xbox 360 pricing then you should be ok with Ps3 pricing. Since they are printed in the new Blu-ray format, which you'll probably say that it will cost them alot more in production cost instead of a typical DVD ,you are kinda getting a deal here. And of course the so call "same decade old controllers" happens to have better technogly inside then even the most advanced xbox 360 controller and at better pricing too, bluetooth wireless, the 6 axis thingie, rechargeable battery pack, built in mini usb recharging port,etc. And yes, the Ps3 Blu-ray is "wait and see" and the "HD-DVD is OMG must need it now?" ,, err , ok man, IT seems you have no intrest in the PS3 what so ever, so why are you even posting here? I'm happy that you are enjoying your $600 xbox 360 since you said you can't freakin wait for their HD-DVD addon with no HDMI and only for moives for $199 so assuming you are smart and gotten the $400 xbox 360, That'll be $600. I'm not rich like you so I'll just get the $500 Ps3 with HDMI, that just happens to have similar features as the $600 xbox 360 HD-dvd combo , and place my bet on Blu-ray and hope for the best. Oh, I'll be buying the most expensive game ever too, Gran Turismo HD, which will cost over $800 if I feel like buying every thing that's for sale inside the game. Yeah,, only if I must buy every freaken things that's for sale ,even the ones that I don't want or will ever use. Hmm, that red Dodge neon sure looks nice, I would really love to take a spin in that car doing 65 MPH turns on a left turn only circular track. But hey, since no other system can provide me a game like Gran Turismo, then I guess I'll have to be a sucker and spend a huge ammout ($25) to get a couple of NEW cars and NEW tracks and play the hell out of it with other people online until GT5 comes out. Then I'll have to be a sucker again and buy the new Logitech GT steering wheel.
  15. it would be great if it comes with the armor for my GFF Alex.
  16. The hands from Twoducks are MKII 2.0 hands. Which is pretty much the same as the OYW hands except for being a different color. I'm not sure if they charge by number or by sprue but if they are by Sprue then the OYW hands might be cheaper because they only need the "E" to construct the hand. It's all in Black.
  17. I' think you heard wrong,, the price reduction was for the 20GB version, which was anouced at the time of TGS, it will be around $430 in Japan. Also in case you haven't heard, all PS3 will have HDMI ports now, even the 20gb version. well don't get mad at something that's not yet confirm, only the 20BG version is getting a price cut. The pricing over in japan is different. Their Console games and DVDs normally cost more then the US. Pricing on items goes up or down depending on location. Just like how they can get Macross items for a lower price than people living in the USA. If you are that pissed off over this, wait until you see the difference in the Pricing of Microsoft Xbox 360 Consoles/ items in japan, they are WAY cheaper there then anywhere else. Of course I wasn't all that happy with only Japan gets a pricecut either. But instead of $499 (no HDMI) to now $499 (have HDMI) is surely somewhat good news, it would have been great new if the US gets the price cut too, but oh well that's life, you win some you lose some.
  18. That's the MG Kampfer, Amazon.com was selling those for $9.99 for Long time until it finally sold out, soldout.
  19. They didn't really have that much FPS on the Ps1 or PS2 platform to begin with and it's not really their top seller. Microsoft on the other hand is different since one of their tops seller is a FPS. So you see. for MS they need a controller that's good for FPS but PS3 needs a more flexible controller to deal with their width selection of games. But with the Ps3 it'll be a different story. The new PS3 controller may look similar but they did add improvments here and there (trigger buttons, wireless, 6 x movement detection thingies). so if they use those 6 x thinges correctly , this new Ps3 controller would be better for FPS games then Microsofts. Also the PS3 will have a keyboard and mouse setup too, but I'm not sure about the Xbox 360. Oh, I have no problem with the DS controller. I thinks it's one of the best controllers around. I'm even using it for computer games by getting a USB adapter. But I'll trully miss the rumble feature, which is a big plus when you play Gran Turismo games, but oh well, I'll just use the new Logitech Wheel when it comes out because I'm going to get it anyways. And that will surely have FORCEFEED BACK.
  20. Ps3 isn't $600 either since you just told me you don't want any extras and prefer choices. So there you go, $499, You can now choose when or if on upgrading to Wifi, bigger harddrive,, different card readers, etc. In Macross Toy wording this is what you just said in your 2 previous posts. You: Yamato is doing nothing but forcing us to buy a 1/48 Super Stealth. It's bs. I don't want Fastpacks but I want to a 1/48 VF-1j Stealth. At least give me an option. Someone: They "forced" you to buy a Super VF-1j with their older 1/60 line. And honestly...you don't need to buy a new 1/48 Super Stealth if it bothers you that much. You: The 1/60 Super VF-1j also wasn't $190 Me: The 1/48 VF-1J Steath isn't $190 either since you just told me you don't want the extras and perfer choices. So there you go, $135, you can now choose when or if on buying the 1/48 Stealth Fastpack set later on. Well you get what I mean. If you hate it that much then just don't get it. But if you are complaining about the price make sure you are complaining about the correct price, the price of the system that you are talking about getting and not the higher end model that you already said you dont' want those options/extra forced on you. This is not really directed at you, it's just ended up being a example,, you know with all those Yamato toys poping up left and right. It's like most of the people on this board for some reason is extreme bias on the Sony Ps3. Some of your guys are treating it like the Robotech of Macross which is pretty unfair for a company that made 2 great Consoles in 2 gen which both got the most unit sold and have the most games. Please open your eyes a bit more so you can view both the ups and downs of the soon to be release systems, Wii and Ps3.
  21. I have no problem with this new Gran Turismo HD. It's only a Stop GAP before GT5 comes out. It's not like I have to buy every single car and track inorder for me to enjoy this game. I'll be happy will just buying 2 to 3 cars and the 2 new tracks. This and their online racing feature will be enough for me til GT5 get's released. And because this is not a full GT game they are not goint to charge you like a regular game. Expect $20 for for the Classic and $40 for the Premium. They did it before and they did price it accordingly. By the WAY, NEWS on the PS3. All models will now have HDMI port. Even the 20GB model.
  22. Here a pic fo the model
  23. $130 shipped for 1/60 YF-19?? Please do share..me want to get a couple for that price too.
  24. I haven't gotten any real QC problem from Yamato yet so I'm not going to wait. My first run VF-0s is just fine, no problem what so ever. All my VF-1 are fine too. Yamato is finally releasing a YF-19 that I have waited and waited for years so to thank them I will preorder 1 from their frist run.
  25. All the "do you remember love" theme VF-1s and VF-1a only comes with 1 set of hands and they are folded and storged in the arms. They are pretty skinny and small. All the "VF-1J" and VF-1a cannon fodders comes with 2 set of hands. -The Original skinny small one -The 4 swapable TV hands ( they are storged in the upper left corrner of your Yamato box.) A set of recast tv hands will cost about $12.
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