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Everything posted by F360°

  1. F360°

    Yamato SDF-1

    What do you shipping cost? Because if it's in 1/48 i'm sure it is a size of a small battle ship and you cruse it back from Japan. you'll need to find a dock for it. If you get attack by aliens on the way back then it'll be all worth it.
  2. I just checked out gunbuster2 and was like WTF? is this Furi kuri 2? did I download the wrong one? after a couple of back and forth , it really was gunbuster 2 and I was like *sigh*,, I guess I was expecting another form of style/art work,, anything but FLCL. I would of prefered their Mahoromatic style more. If only FLCL never exsited..
  3. How about the DETOLF from Ikea, it's the best Glass-door cabinet you can get for $59, it was selling for $99 last year. http://www.ikea-usa.com/webapp/wcs/stores/...ats=10104*10169
  4. I finally got the new 2004 Subaru STI and it looks meaner than the 2003, my REI figure really love the car,, too bad base on the Vehicle's scale my rei is a 7 feet tall Carshow idol Still waiting for my RX8.
  5. I got a couple of those and for the price they are NOT craptacular. I find them to be well worth the price you pay for them.
  6. I check it out.. a week ago.. the visual is the best I have seen in anime, smooth blend all around, but the story on the other hand is not too intresting for me.. I mean, I didn't really care for any of the charactors,, they need to show more of the "Major". and Of course more of the ta ta tatatatat, bomm boommb bombombmm.. ka aka bomm.. well you know what I'm talking about.. This is not for the average
  7. well, I can say that most new cars are harder to steal, but if they want anything from your car at your parked spot they can easily brake in. As for the older cars,, namely hondas, Acuras, Toyotas, nissian,, they can just use one of those "keys" open your door and start your car, then drive it away,, parked at their local strip garage , go grab something to eat, take a nap,, then start thinking what to strip from your car. My car got broke in a couple of times, and it pisses me off every single time.. there's this one time they just took all my cds,my cup holder, and some coins for the meter. One of these days,, I might just rent a apartment with a good view of my parked car and rig it with a silent cellphone alarm( should be easy), where my car will call me if any of it's door is open,, then I can use a Sniper rifle to shoot his legs so he can't run away. Then what ever happens will be up me.. I mean I can just continue to watch the news, go bowling, go get something to eat, or I can walk to where my car parked and ask " what happen? are you hurt?"
  8. or perhaps they scammed someone that happen to have a Weather generating machine...
  9. So i guess they are using some PSone tech thingies to make a smaller PS2.. I'm so gonna get it, just for the looks alone.
  10. well, i still say we need a MP megatron.
  11. ,,, so when will it come out in the us? ,, dont' tell me i have to wait in front of the store for this at christmas time:D
  12. oh yeah,, fianlly get to see guts slashing again. Looks like it's just base on the manga, Yeah the black Armor rules..
  13. perfect grade gundams
  14. I think that one will cost you $99,, I saw it at Ikea last week.
  15. hmm... Agent-GHQ? Are you promoting "arafat209"? After reading all your replys you keep repeating his name. And is it just me or are you talking nothing but good about him. Since you meet up with him to check out a valk,,did you talk a pic of the item? or better yet a picture of him?
  16. Dam it,, I was so hoping some kind of add-on for the F90, but it's just stock. Guess i'll just wait for the mostly never to be release Mastergrade version. Oh, this is the old Bandai F90 model,, Notice that the foot is abit different than the F91.
  17. well, it could be friendly fire. They just input the wrong GPS numbers, you know like their location instead of the targets. They were probably trying to shot down the plane but instead shot the Building instead. It happens
  18. wow,,,, i can't wait for the white one,, the RX-8 really does look good. Too bad there's still no sign of the EVO yet. I really want that next to the Subaru.
  19. does anyone remember how long it takes for a Alien to pop out of someones chest after the victim becomes a host? at least a couple of Hours right? And it takes another couple of hours before the little Alien to become a big one right? I'm asking these questions because they seem to pop out pretty quick and then get's full grown just as fast. Spoilers???!!! There's only 3 Predators, all of them feels kinda chubby/stupid and they don't move as fast. unlikey the first and second Predator movies. They started hunting humans first instead of the suppose Aliens, which is stupid since that was not the reason they came all this way to EARTH for. I mean don't the Girl even care that the predators kill all the Human gards and drill crew on top? Oh while on the subject of the Human GIRL,, she sure don't look and act like what she suppose to be, somekind of "snow exploretation expert". I mean her cell phone's ringer was pretty loud and at a high pitch too. That could cause problems And her safety guilde lines is just a basic field trip one. She's really not that useful on this trip except going down the tunnel. AS for the predator,, why does their claws melt?? their knife and spinners seems to do just fine. Was it a defect? Oh, why was the Queen chain in some metal that's meltable by her own acid? And their shoulder weapons, if they were orginally suppose to use them on the hunt then shouldn't they already be carring them already? If not then why does the lockdown only began after the gun was lifted from their container. it's not like they have to go through Aliens to get these weapons? Overall, this movie is the worse Predator movie for me, But if you consider about ALIENS then it's a ok movie. I mean it did show "Wayland" which was resposiable for the exploration event of the first Alien movie, and takes a roll that funding the trip for the second movie and long with the 3rd one. They also show founder face that looks like the antroid in "ALIENS" and that finger stabing with the pen just to remind you a bit was cool too.
  20. S2000? wonder did the Walmart guy got it confused with a viper.
  21. Before everything else, I would like to say, these new Mecha designs SUCKS, none of them are unique, they are just a quick slap together with spare parts. I will not be getting any of these. The title "Destiny"..for some reason this sounds like a new secret weapon, that will kill or unite the 2 race. And Kira,, I'm sure he will make a appearence later near the end, but he might be "MIA" in the first couple of eps by death, seemly like he got kill by someone. Then the whole chain reaction can start with Athrun thinking someone killed Kira, and when he try investigate,, some adtemped assianation of Cagalli takes place, the story then goes deeper and deeper. Someone looiking like Kira shows up, Lacus dancing, more Mecha battles, Blue cosmos, New types, some more battles and story telling,, new mecha appears, is it Kira?, but why didn't he speak with Arthrun? Ok enough wish full thinking. it's probably going to start off with new secret gundams build by Zaft, then it get stolen, the Kira look-a-like trys to stop them.. etc, etc.. : (
  22. sweet I believe the GT footage is real time too, just that it''s a replay of a finish track. Anyways I'm getting it just because it has a GT game..
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