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Everything posted by F360°

  1. She can't die, who's gonna run Orb? Well,, there's still Kira. Or perhaps Orb will be no more. But I'm sure she's not gonna die,, love wins all,, somehow they will be together at the end, somehow. But I have a huch on something else, I'm pretty sure those 2 sexy captains are going to battle each other later. perhap over the Neo/Mwu?
  2. thanks for the astray.....
  3. I check out some of the scans from these a couple of months back and they are not what you are looking for,, it's has lots of in show shots, with just some pages of charactors group shots,, etc. it hardy shows any mecha detail Here's a example;
  4. For ep 7,, all i can say is , Moving targets,BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM.. , every one looks at Athrun . And kira spoke for the first time,, "I know" or somthing like that.
  5. besides, Snake and Bond do similar kinda work, you know 1 man saving the world. But James gets to have fun more than Snake.
  6. isn't there a anime club there,, you can try asking them, i'm sure they will burn couple of eps for you.
  7. well, if anyone still want to get this DVD for under $20 you can get them here http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=BAN021500 It's selling for $17.99 with free shipping, and no TAX for most states. I mostly get my DVDs from them now.,, and the 20% off sales they have from time to time can save you a bundle.
  8. ,, ok,, just one more,, only just one more and i'll stop.
  9. Not before a PG Freedom. I just don't see the Impulse becoming the next Prefect Grade, Unless the new power up gundam that will be showing up on the 2nd half of the series is also call Impulse. I'm placing my bets on Freedom. I mean if Freedom is in Seed and then in Seed Destiny, it must be popular enough for a PG version.
  10. Finally a ep that shows Shin what real pilots can do, this should keep his mouth shut for awhile. I love the conversation between Athrun and Yzak.
  11. I like the proto type box too,, I even wish they include those kind or ARt work of Strike as some wallscrolls. Similar to the 3 they show handing on the wall of the display booth.
  12. Instead of the RSX,, the Acura should be a NSX, it's a more well known sports car. Besides the butt on the RSX might be too big AS for the Mitsubishi, I can only see a Land EVO. when will they come out again?
  13. well, for some reason I alway like the GM head of gundams
  14. just think of EVA with gundam seed charactors. But for some reason I kinda like it. Can't wait for the next ep release.
  15. well you should continue with the SEED gundams then do your WING gundam last. no pic?
  16. some people can build anything with lego,. I wish I have those skillz
  17. I don't see how Impulse is not clearly superior to Strike in any way you can compare. It's power is essentially unlimited - no battery limits like Strike. Striker Packs weren't made for automated and efficient rapid switching and Impulse's are. Impulse's weapons load out is *vastly* superior to Strike's, making it a much better multi-purpose unit. well,, the power limit can improve certain Pilots, because you are force to compete a task with-in a given amount of time. You will automaticaly be more agressive and scare the hell out of your enemy. Since the ARMOR is pretty much the same, as long as you can take the enemy out before he can take advatage of his unlimit charge then you're just as superior. As for the automatic pack,, they are good because you don't need a pilot but it's also bad because it will not adapt to different situation as well as extra pilot. I mean, it only delivers,, it will not shoot at your enemy to help you out,, it will not sacrificed it's life to safe yours. And the Launch of the Impulse is a bad thing too, Why place them in 4 parts. It's should be preasemble and ready to go. I like the Strike alot more then the Impulse in almost every single way. also you are comparing a 1st GEN to a 2nd GEN.
  18. so Kira got 1 more funnel kill than the NEW TYPE.
  19. don't look like it's going to transform,, how much is the shipping?
  20. hmm... mine is the 156xxxxx and it seems to be working fine, but just to be sure, i guess i'm gonna run it for about 6 hours tonight just to see if it'll crash on me.. if so i'll just do a exchange.
  21. ,, what happen? it just went dead? I just got the new SLime PS2 also, maybe i should of brought the warranty
  22. hey,, the Wing comes with it's own stand too, So i guess all the new Master grades now comes with their own stand. Very good idea.
  23. well, you can watch all the way to ep 24 then stop. Wait for a day, and on a nice day when everything is going well for you, a day that you feel stress free , you may continue the series. BUT make sure you have both movies ready before you start to watch ep25-26. Or you can do it this way,, watch the 2 movies then ep 25-26. But either way you should have both ready. If you just watch ep 25-26 , you nice day will turn to POO
  24. hmm,, I just got the new PS2 ( it's even more smaller and slimmer in real life).. So I will have to wait on this PSP until the price drop to under $150.
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