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Everything posted by F360°

  1. , ah but maybe it was the other way around. After the war of all wars, you finally get to settle down with one of the most beautiful girl in world, and you already have previous experience in "you know".. so i'm sure they did lots if "this and that" maybe a bit too much, that's why Kira always looks tired like a old man. Lacus might want it every night so much that it even tired a super coorinator out.... There's no such thing as 'too much' Graham yeah.. there's no such thing as "too much" in my book either.
  2. oh,I just notice the "extended Ms in action" OMG they really made it good. http://www.tamashii.jp/mia/ms/ex_mia/02.html
  3. , ah but maybe it was the other way around. After the war of all wars, you finally get to settle down with one of the most beautiful girl in world, and you already have previous experience in "you know".. so i'm sure they did lots if "this and that" maybe a bit too much, that's why Kira always looks tired like a old man. Lacus might want it every night so much that it even tired a super coorinator out....
  4. Is it really a PG strike? It's a crime to make a PG strike this monster!! omg, that one fugly mofo,, he better not get a bid on that one,
  5. It's the other way around for me... I can't stand to watch 0083 and 08th MS anymore. 0080 however, I always find myself able to rewatch. In 0080, I found myself liking all the lead characters. Bernie, Chris, even Al to a point. 0083 had Kou, the worst Gundam character ever. And 8th MS has Shiro, whom I lost all previously non-existant respect for when he ditched his men for Aina. That said, 0080 was teh win for me. I agree with you on Kou, he really annoys at times. But for 8th MS team Shiro I have to disagree, He did not ditch his men for Aina. At that time, he just finally figure out what he want to do, how much he loves Aina, can no longer stand on being on either side of the military, and by going to Aina he might be able to do something to stop the bloodshed, etc. It was a good choice for him too, if he didn't do what he did, eveyone could have die. He only left when the battle with Gouf was over and he can do no more good being in the location that he was at. That is not consider Ditching.
  6. Shinji figure? ,, NO!, nope, they better not do it. Why Shinji, when they can do Misato, with changable hands, a gun, a beer can, strechable short skirt, and a car seat with swingable door? well, I guess shinji is ok,, but only after all the fine females are release.
  7. omg,, i was searching around on Toy wave and the Rei figure is like $80 Rei
  8. Here another link that shows more of the Asuka figure,,It's shows more of improvement from the Rei figure, a better hip joint, and even the hair moves.. Asuka figure pic,, it's near the middle of the page
  9. I think these are mark at higher price because of the improved figure, better postability, and knowing that the Rei run was a sucess. I see the Rei figure going for around $50 on ebay,, so this new figure with better postability, 2 extra hands, a weapon, and dead EVA skull will be worth the $15 more?. But either way,, $65 is a bit too high for my taste.
  10. damd that mini dreamcast looks real good.
  11. 08th MS team is among the best gundam series/oav out. It's a nice OAV, with love, action, Moblie suits, etc. The story is pretty straight forward so i'll be easy for anyone to get into. 0080 War in the Pocket, the story starts very slow and is not very action pack so some will fine it kinda boring at first. The story is pretty good, but so sad, you really have to watch it all the way to the end. 0083, is all about the mecha for me,, the story is not all that great, it would be better if they can extent it to a series ( 26eps) instead of a short OAV, so it can explan more of the why this and that. I love them all. the only gundam I hate was the Live action movie,, oh did that suck.
  12. happy new years everyone!
  13. yeah,, and if you check out the preview, it shows the Freedom power up and YEAH , Nuclear baby !
  14. I actually prefer last years 1/60 HG Strike kit or the 1/100 MG Strike over the new 1/60 PG version. While the PG may be more articulated, it's too fussy in my opinion. Bandai added too much detail that is not on the lineart and changed some parts so they are not accurate to the lineart. A prime example of this is the PG's front skirt armor, which looks nothing like it should. Personally, I think the 1/60 HG Strike set that comes with the Aile, Launcher and Sword packs can't be beat for value. It looks great assembled and here in HK sells for a third of the price of the PG kit. Graham well, i agree with you on the 1/100 Master grade Strike, they really did a nice job on that one.,. it's very very posiable and comes with a launch pad display stand. But the 1/60 HG strike was a different story it just doesn't look right to me,, it may have better hands, coloring,cockit, and all the packs for the strike, but they seem to mess it up a bit on the arms, feet, leg and skirt/butt areas.... the size don't look right at all. http://www.mahq.net/models/gundam/seed/1-60-gat-x105.htm Graham,, thanks for the review on the MSia, love the Mobile-Doggy , oh, can the Chaos transform?.
  15. ,, the chest looks so much like a transformer Jetfire,, the transformation looks like a Zeta,, , the wings are like Yf-19.. take about mix a match..
  16. noo, ,the 1/60 will just be a big scale version of the regular 1/100,, wait for a master grade version instead or just get the high grade version intead to save you some shelf space.
  17. maybe the reason shins getting less spotlight is because he's not that likeble for a main character.,, maybe they are slowly moving it to athrun.. exampe,, Athrun will be like Kira in Seed as Shin will be athrun in seed.
  18. well,, they say,, Exeem will come soon
  19. just saw the RAw, and boy do they talk alot in this one.,, this ep clears some of the questions regarding fake Lacus. For a better understanding you should wait for the fansub, but if you can't wait,,here's a link to the raw. You can check out the raw here http://www.saiyaman.info/bt/
  20. here.. I just saw a pic of neo unmasked,, looks kinda fake pic here
  21. well, i just orderd a perfect grade strike, mastergrade Freedom, and Master grade strike rouge. So these should be it.
  22. yeah, she still look very young or something,, but Athrun should know it's not a real Lacus.. But what really got me was, in the preview of the next ep,, where it shows this Lacus in the spot light singing and dance,, I know that this is what she do, but I can't help but think of Minmay,, Can you imaging this Lacus singing do you remember love in the up coming battles?
  23. The only thing I agreed on that list is "Fushigi Yugi"
  24. you could still watch it on a p2 333mhz with 128mb of ram. As for burner you can still install it for your system,, you'll just be burning at a slower speed that's all. Even at 24x cdr it shouldn't take that long to finish a CD. besides.. the faster you burn it out the more space you will have for more anime.
  25. i like it..
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