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Everything posted by F360°

  1. well, the Minvera also have the whole ZAft military too.,, well near most of it most of it
  2. In general a Master Grade is always better in detail,poses, porportions, coloring, decals ,stickers, etc than a 1/60 or any other no grade/HG 1/100. May it be big scale or whatever they call it, as long as it's not a Perfect Grade 1/60 then the MasterGrade 1/100 should be better at everything. Also the current 1/60 big scale Freedom is just a bigger version of the HG1/100 and Hg/144 with just a bit of extra detail(very little) and moveable fingers. Get the Mastergrade Freedom, you will be happy with the results.
  3. na, he probably means that he can get a discount
  4. I heard on the News that there was a leak in a up comming HK movie that deals with Racing. Supposely some of those bootleg dealers got their hands on a copy of the movie before release. Were they talking about this movie??
  5. yeah.. for Seed and Seed Destiny,, the word Gundam or should I say G.U.N.D.A.M is just the OS of the mobile suit.
  6. Hmmm... I have the sudden urge for some Choco. I wonder why? what Choco? does it even matter what it is? you know you still what to get some But the real answer to your question ,, it's just chocolate treats/candy
  7. nest week will be MWUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!, I waited 32 eps for it.
  8. yeah this ep, has a whole bunch of stuff that would made you go, huh??? wtf???? but at least it was action packed. it was kinda strange that Neo didn't attack Shinn when he was next to shinn,, He went and pushed shinn backwards only to say that Stellar was inside Destroy and then watch as Shocked Shinn floating in mid air, and then resume his attack on Freedom.?????
  9. The nex gen consoles will be much better. I Have the Nvidia 6800GT and on Doom 3 it stutters on Ultra High, Ultra High is for 512 MB cards or the SLI setup. The PS3 GPU will be more powerfull then 2 6800 Ultras in SLI mode. I am not sure were the Xbox's GPU fits in the scale but the next gen will be better than anything on the market now even for PC at least till Nvidia brings out the G70 GPU or 7800. The 6800 Series is better in performance then the FX series. Plus they fixed alot of the DirectX 9 issues in the 6800 series that the FX series had. Right now the 6800 Ultra Extreme is the hightest Nvidia card. It is 2 cards above mine. I have no issues with the latest PC games. AMD 3200+, Nvidia 6800GT. Both are overclocked. I am looking forward to the Xbox 360 and the PS3 since they will be better than the 2 best PC cards right now, ATI 850XT PE and Nivida 6800 Ultra Extreme. So rest assured the next gen consoles are going to be beasts. They are going to be at least 22 cards ahead of the GeForce FX 5200. The 6800 GT is 19 cards ahead of the FX 5200. So say I didn't want to spend more than $150 for a new video card, what would you or anyone else recommend? I bought my computer 2 years ago thinking that I'd be okay for at least 5 years before I had to upgrade again. It's year two and I'm having to already upgrade my video card. For PC, you'll be upgrading forever. but you will need to upgrade your videocard if you want to play the latest game with everything at high setting. You can try the nividia 6600GT or the 6800 you can probably find them around the $150-$200 range. Or the ATI 9800 pro around $130, which is still a very good card. If you always play the latest games on your pc then the normal upgrading period of a videocard is about 2 years. But if you just play it once in a while and don't care too much about setting everything at high then your videocard should last you much longer. The ATI 8500 lasted very long for me 4-5 years, it was even able to play Half life 2 pretty well. The ATI 8500 was the best $200 I have ever spend on a videocard. Rgiht now that card is about $50? but still better than the 9200
  10. After checking out the memory system bandwidth comparsion. I have a question, will sharing memory from GPU and CPU lower it's proformance?? Because the Xbox 512mb will with shared with it's GPU and CPU. This is similar to Shared memory for onboard videocards right?
  11. were you talking about this? http://zip.4channel.org/m/res/33093.html#33117 Man that's a pretty good deal, if only there were still some left when I checked SOLD OUT I still trying to convince myself that I don't need another one since I already have 1 ( got it from HK, I even carried on the PLANE ) and that PG MK2 is what I should be looking for instead.,, But for that price, there's just no way I can win , Come on,, time for some good PG MK2 deal!!!
  12. Just saw some new pics here http://www.modelfplus.com/specialindex_log...2005/index.html VF-22s pic VF-0 fastpack? pic
  13. I really love the HCM pro line,.
  14. that is just strike freedom,, just as the other one is destiny.,,
  15. same here, it's too cute to resist. Oh there's some new EX models of other ships too.
  16. Come on, it pretty unfair to say disabling one Murasame was the only decent thing Kira did in ep 28. First that was clearly a live or death situation for the Minvera Crew, they were about to take a blast at point blank. What will happen to Shin and Athrun if the Minvera is sunk?? they will run out of power for sure. Anyone that saved you from a situation like that can't be called just disabling one Murasame Credit should be given when it's due. also dont' forget about a disable Chaos too. What was Athrun doing?? chasing and blocking Kira from doing anything. Kira also disable Chaos Gundam in the middle of their tag game,, for some reason Athrun got even more angst ?? The Arch Angel didn't help that much,, but it did fire a couple of blast next to the ORB ships to stop them from advancing closer to the Minvera. Even a single blast is consider help. As for Rey's arm,, do you know why???, The ORB carrier was already sinking at the time,,order to abandon ship was given, everyone was abandoning ship, the Carrier was no longer attacking. But Rey and the Tristans was still shooting. They were disable because they were attacking a dead horse in a way. Shinn was jumping around disabling Ships at the time. Come on what's with the hate,, if they were just protecting ORB why save the Minvera at all, wouldn't that end the battle super quick, along with lots more ORB soldier and ships surviving? Cagalli did try to talk to the ORB fleet once more to ask them to stop, but Shinn greeted her with a bunch of missiles before she can say much. And even after that she still blocked a raid from an team of Murasame that was about to attack the Minvera, her talks fail but the attack was delayed. So with all this,, you really can't say the "The Minerva survived a fleet engagement by itself". Any bit of help is help, especially when you are in desperaty need of it. Anyway,, I don't want this to go any longer since ep 30 will be releasing in 2 days,, so lets just leave the ep 28 debate to rest for now.
  17. don't forget about kira!,, he helped too. on ep 28 the Minvera would have sunk without his help, period. Arch Angel also help a bit too. so to be fair they didn't really survived a fleet engagement all by itself But I got to say it was a tough battle for Minvera, they were really gettting a pounding, near death even. I don't think we'll see them get into a deadly situation like this until the very end of the series. I wonder would they get a upgrade
  18. If they make a PG zero, I'm pretty sure it can be use as a pack..
  19. you can try usinging another Client,, go here http://www.bitcomet.com/ and download their latests 5.8 version. It should work without a problem. If you don't like it just uninstall it later.
  20. argh ,, so what would these 2 pack come with?? another Skygrassper? or a Orange Mwu Zero
  21. what do you mean, did you finish downloading the ep and it doesn't work,, or when you open the *.torrent file and you can't start the torrent.. I tried it again and it works. What Client are you using??? I using Bitcomet and have no problem.
  22. If the Captain position for the Minvera is ever open, Athrun will be the only one on Board that can handle the job. I don't even want to imagine having Athur as the Captain
  23. Looks like no one is home. I just rechecked the BT links and there's still lots of Seeds , it's still alive.
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