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Everything posted by F360°

  1. a short review of the Ver KA is out, lots of cool pics http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/GFF-VAKA.htm
  2. bahh.. it's all about Wifi, blue tooth, and USB ports.
  3. price update on the PG rx 78 2 from amazon.com They just lower the price abit to $119 now instead of the regular $149. sure it' not the price we are expecting/want but it's at least a start I hope it ends up at $30 soon
  4. How about a Perfect Grade VF-1, or a pre-bult perfect grade VF-1.
  5. Actually, she does order the rest of the fleet to continue as is. However, then she orders Archangel to break the Zaft line, and the shots clearly show other EA ships moving with AA. Murrue was trying to use the Archangel to tear open a hole in Zaft for the rest of the fleet to escape. Of course, they're being overwhelmed by sheer numbers when Kira drops in. As for how 'extremely obvious' Destiny was going to be, I think most people here were still holding on for the possbility of good writing up until they left Orb for the first time, and Shinn wasn't getting any character development. I mean, Gilbert didn't have to be a bad guy, and it would have been a nice twist if he really wasn't. But they chose to take the lazy way out. 323829[/snapback] Here's what she said in the Special Edition: I also remember she told the other ships to follow her too in the series, and that she place herself responsible by saying it was her OWN decision. "If the object of the whole battle was to lure Zaft's forces closer in.... then in my opinion , this ship has already accomplished it's mission! The Archangel will now abandon the battledfield and begin to make it's with drawal! Signal the other ships! Tell them to follow us! Engine full speed.
  6. Perhaps that brochure is not the finalize version. Because a core system having 2 controllers (wireless and wired) don't sound right when the loaded one comes with only one.
  7. ah,, but the Gouf for Yzak is white, so he should be ok.. normally it's only the Blue gouf that get's shot, stabed, and destory. Athrun was a exception because there was 2 pilot in the cockpit instead of the normal single pilot. So instead of 1 sure kill there was 2 almost kill And Hien's Gouf was "Orange"
  8. man I was kinda thinking the same thing, but it was for the EAF MOON BASE "Requiem" ( a moon that fires a beam of DEATH really reminds me of starwars) guess it should work for the same as Messiah too. Guess they'll be using Newtype/SEED powers instead of "the force".
  9. np guys, I'm a big MKII fan myself This will be the year of MK IIs for me since I finally brought a MG RX-178/FXA-05D Super Gundam (Metallic/Crystal), (It was a pretty hard find for me) Also a PG MKII titains, Add a couple of Emsia (mkII) some HCM-pros (MkII) and now I'll be waiting for the new MK 2.0 Nice HCM-pro S Freedom,, looking good.,, from the pic the dragoons look detachable too. , but where's the normal Freedom and strike Thanks for the pic ,Valk-1s Oh, on the individual fingers, I heard the last 3 fingers will be connected similar to the new OYW RX-78 2, but you should be able to use the same simple trick of cuting them apart since they have individual ball sockets.
  10. Here are more detail pics of MG RX-178 MKII ver 2.0 It seems they redesigned everything.
  11. yeah the HCM-pro line is gaining momentum..need to save even more now.. but still, were's my normal Freedom and Strike
  12. op,,forgot about the Extra finish 1/60 PG RX-178 MKII Yeah, Blue Destiny look great,,but why didn't they use Ez-8 as his other changeable form Now i'll have to save money to get 2 sets instead of one, knowing that they'll release a Ez-8 version sooner or later, I wonder would it include a GM or RX-79G for that one.
  13. Gunota headlines have a whole bunch of links to from Chara Hobby + Wonderfect Summer photos. http://aeug.blogspot.com/ Lots of cute and Sexy luna pics too,, along with the New MG MKII ver 2.0 , the new Hyaku-Shiki that seems to have a glossly coating similar to the red MG Qubeley Mk-II. There's also new Fix combo pack from the Zeta movie.
  14. So your saying who make the first strike? let's see, do a team of Zaft Special Ops count? They are from ZAft and they make the first strike since Kira, Lacus and everyone was not involve in the war at the time and is just living peacefully. As for the Minvera's encounter,, yup Kira and AA hit them first. But you are forgetting the first thing that Kira did at their 2nd encounter.,, Kira saved the Minvera from DOOM. That adds lots of credit don't you think? Any kind of posiable team work was killed off by Shinn when he fires at Cagalli. Sure enough this was the side that attacked you in the previous battle, but they just saved your mother ship and without it all Gundams will not beable to recharge. After that they no longer attacked you, and is even doing your job of Stopping EAF DESTROY. The order to destroy AA and Freedom was perfectly valid only if they were issuse right after their first encounter. It's no longer perfectly valid after they saved your ass and help you do your job of stopping EAF Destory. Especially when you know they are not out to kill you, as that was a tactic used to take down freedom. Justification changes over time, you can't ignore all the other encouters and just say they shot me in my first encounter and even though they saved me, and help me with my job and didn't really try to kill me, it's still justifity to kill them because they hit me first. Your example is also just for the first Minvera and AA encounter, there was nothing about the 2nd or 3rd one. Which only explains why it's Justifiy for a Order to destory AA and Freedom right after their first encounter, which I agree. But it does not show any Justification for giving the same order when they have already stopped attacking your and is helping you and then working with you. if Athrun already came to a conclusion just because Kira was shot down and because the Chairman has a fake Lacus then why didn't he started his escape way before Meer and the the MP shows up at his door. he didn't have a plan either.. so no Athrun did not came to any solid Conclusions yet until Meer tells Athrun what's going on along with MPs knocking on his door, and Rey shooting to kill him and have no care for Meyrin, a suppose friend. As for your example at the end its just way out there, too much for my simple mind to handle. Hmm, I seem to remember I was stating the reasons why Freedom did not Disable both sides in this battle. And your list of reasons as to why Zaft is attacking Orb,,they aren't good enough reasons to attack a another country without given enough time and warning. 1.Orb is part of EA, theirs still lots of country that's part of EA 2.Orb is harboring Jibril,, yes even though only the Serans are doing that. 3.AA only launched one unprovoked attact and that was on Minerva, The 2nd one was Provoked by Shinn, that was it. But if I were to go with your "ZAFT forces" statement then there was no unprovoked attacked caused by AA. They were provoked by ZAFT Special Ops trying to kill Lacus. Also using AA as a reason for starting a attack on another country when AA is supposely MIA/destory and did not show up before the Zaft started attacking is not a good reason at all. Then there's the Shuttle. The Shuttle was for Lacus,, and the REAL Lacus got on board instead of the fake one, enough said. 4.So when AA was support ZAFT, with stopping Destory, do you consider them ZAFT? If AA was Jibrils soldiers they wouldn't stop Destory or save the Minerva from Doom. The deadline I was talking about is normally a given ammount of time before someone attacks. And when you request someone to find a person that's hiding in a country for you, you normally given them more time. And if they were to boardcast something as stupid as Yuna, then you would at least give them a final warning before attacking. At is if you want to end it peacefully. Zaft never gave Orb time to change their mind because they kept on attacking, when you do that people normally kept on defending. Yes those 2 Murasame could have been escorts, and if there were, they would have fire on Luna when Luna just flew pass them. It would have being nice if there was some mix up and both partys that was chasing the stuttle got into a fight and the shuttle got away. Not really, Tailia stopped the attack because She knows better. The Comander that was incharge of this battle sure didn't want to stop fighting. But then AA took him out. Zaft force were getting a beating and is in need of retreating. Tailia never wanted this battle and if there a oppertunity for her to stop this she would. When She was reporting to Gilbert he sure didn't want her to retreat that fast. Someone who doesn't have a Omniscient view of things will not only come to your conclusion. There will be people that goes, " only losers wine about their best, the winner goes home and BEEP the Prom Queen". I can't belive with so many forces you still let him escape,, now we are in a even worse situation since he will be more vengeful on killing us. And when they see Jibril escape once more then will get angry at ZAFT again,, "you let him escape again?",, man your best is just not enough" With Cagalli Message there will be people that will believe what she's saying and say... perhap there's more to this than meet the eye. and when They see 2 Laucs they will be stuck in the middle. And beside we talking from an Omniscient view not the other way around. You left a whole bunch of stuff out , suppose the Criminal threaten the lives of that person's whole family and that person was force into harboring him. with just this the whole situation will change. And that is only part of it, as there's lots more other things that took place. " Why did I say threaten? the Serans were obviously scare of Jibril
  15. was there 2 files one AVI file and the other SRT? if so then you'll just need to install a sub viewing program to see it. Go and download VOBSUB here after that you should beable to view the subs. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_so...ools/vobsub.cfm
  16. This line will fit more for Dilbert (chairman) or that Blue Cosmo leader than “Kira and Friends†Most of what you said has little base on the overall events and only on the extreme side of certain events that happened. Since why the heck does a person that’s on defensive war against a force hell bent on genocide goes out of his way to send Assassins to kill Lacus and her friends when they were not part of the Genocide team and is just living peacefully and quietly not involve in the war. He even created a fake Lacus. Kira’s Assumption was base on Zaft Black ops and Zaft mobile suits along with the fake Lacus, this assumption is also proven dead on correct later on, And because of that they were very cautious of Zaft. They did not say Zaft is EVIL. Once again Zaft and EAF would fit in this more so than “Kira and AA†Ok, ok, so giving out a order to destory Freedom and AA without even trying to contact them after they helped you with taking out DESTORY and did not attack you and you just happen to Photoshop them out of it in your ZAFT NEWs Boardcast is a move that a “good guy†should make?? And all your reasoning for taking out Lacus means nothing when the Chairman is using a FAKE LACUS to help his cause. These are also the people that saved Plant 2 years ago. Everyone knows that Athrun is not good with Words and that Shinn is not good at understanding them, when you add them together you’ll get those kind of sentences. But the truth was Zaft went out to get Athrun, Rey shot at Athrun with out warning and continue to do so, he also fire at Meyrin also. They want Athrun dead, and Athrun was not stupid enough to stay. Beside Athrun was still “Faith†at the time and he can do whatever he felt was right ( the chairman said so). So he can do whatever he wanted until the Chairman orders him to stop. He do not have to listen to Rey, Shin, or anyone else that ZAft. The Chairman gave permission to Athrun to do what he felt was right and Athrun is technically only under the Chairman’s command so until the Chairman himself tells Athrun to stop, anything he do will not consider disobey orders. Hmm, perhaps it’s because ZAFT tried to kill AA and Kira awhile ago, they also try to kill Athrun, they also tried again to kill Lacus, and now they are attacking ORB before it’s supposed dead line to turn over the stupid Blue Cosmo leader. There is no longer any doubt that Zaft is out to get them so why can’t they fight them. Orb was not out to get them and is defending their country from getting invaded. So yeah it perfectly reasonable for them to do what did. If Requiem superweapon actually manages to hit Plant it’s everyone fault, but it’s more of ZAft’s fault for letting Djbriel escape from Heavens base in the first place. There was no involvement of ORB, AA or anyone else in that Heaven’s base battle and Djbriel still got away. You can’t blame anyone but yourself. Sure enough the end justify the means but it’s not the end yet, therefore its not yet justifiy. And all this happy ending on your part is just assumption of what might happen in the future. As of right now, ZAFT and EAF are shown to be more bad than AA. Therefore if AA ain’t “good guys†then ZAFT and EAF are even worse then that.
  17. wow, you guys work quick. I got my PG zaku but I didn't even open the box yet. Just didn't have room to setup a work area in my room, too much junk that I need to clean again. But at least hey shipped out in a Box this time unlike with the PG wing Zero which they just shipping it in a white plastic bag.
  18. He may as well be a bad guy now, because he, his friends and their precious Orb sure as hell aren't 'good guys'. 320212[/snapback] huh? what you mean? 320232[/snapback] I think what Panon is saying is that its not like Kira and the Archangel crew are exactly making the situation better. Here you have two factions fighting each other and neither is exactly right or wrong, just political differences and personal agendas. Then you have an unstable element like the Archangel just getting involved in every battle and throwing the whole conflict into further chaos. While they have their own point of view and are certainly idealistic (to almost a fault), their appearances have a negative effect on either side and just end up increasing casualties on both sides. For much of the war, the Archangel has been getting involved and has not made any public denouncement of the war or made their intentions clear to the civilians or military, so to everyone else it just looks like they're a rogue unit that needs to be put down. 320248[/snapback] If that's what Pannon means by AA and Orb aren't "good guys" then that's exactly what I don't get. I guess I can use the saying the lesser or 2 evil or something like that. Which Zaft is even less "good guy then "AA". As for involvement of AA, I seem to recall it was the Chairman of Zaft that send some Black Ops to kill Lacus in the first place along with attacking and trying to kill everyone else that's with her. They lost their Home because of what the Zaft did. So you can't blame AA for getting involve after that since they were originally doing nothing and still Zaft sents black ops to put them to sleep. The Chair dragged them in this war. And besides who started this war in the first place? it was Zaft and EAF, and in the WORLD WAR anyone can get involve if they want to. And AA really got involve with only 1 battle that did more harm to Zaft than good. and that was the first one. the second one they safed Minvera. And that was it. The third one with Destory was no longer consider intervene with battle. Destroy was killing millions, and they went to stop it. It was simple as that. They got there even before Minvera. Both Zaft and AA's objectiver were the same and yet Shinn still attacked Freedom without stating his reasons, but Freedom and AA kept their cool and did not attack Zaft back. After that while they are heading back to Orb, Zaft just issuse the order of "kill them all", no order to surrender, no options,, just plain kill them. After that They trying to kill off Athrun and even Meyrin. And then they try again to kill off Lacus in space They even try to invade/attacked Orb just because of Yuna's borcasting, Zaft didn't even bother to contact Orb again. Zaft started a battle in areas with lots of Civilians. Zaft even gave Logos more time than Orb. And in the Logo's base battle, Zaft even gave Logo members a option to surrender which AA, Kira, Lacus, Athrun, and Meyrin never got ,it was a simple "if you're not with us, I want you dead" If EAF, ZAFT, AA are all not "good guys" If EAF is worse than Zaft and Zaft is even worse than AA, equals Zaft and EAF are less likely to be the better "good guys" than AA.
  19. He may as well be a bad guy now, because he, his friends and their precious Orb sure as hell aren't 'good guys'. 320212[/snapback] huh? what you mean?
  20. It's not a great or good movie, but it was atleast ok. This is a HK production live action racing movie so I didn't have any high expectations of it in the first place. I saw lots of HK/JP live action racing movies and most of them were blahhhh. And believe it or not this Initial D movie (racing theme) is consider one of the better ones out But they really need to have more Drifting,, that AE86 needed to drift more. The Pacing seems somewhat out of place from time to time. Need more close up shots and angle shots. The background music doesn't fit some of the parts, and it even stopped in the middle where there should be continous. The acting wasn't all that good either. The asian girls seem to like it because there's some hot guys in it. (Jay and Edison) The guys will watch it because it's either a racing theme, live Anime, or because they know the girls would watch it too. There's japanese, Taiwanese, Cantonese actors, so its easier for them to promote this movie in those region , I guess. It was a ok movie Lets just say I enjoyed this movie more than a recent US movie that Bombed.
  21. oh, that "John" person that posted the BS review on Amazon got his review removed.. haha
  22. Well, that review looks like BS to me.
  23. Is it just me or do you like to bash everyone in Gundam Seed but Shinn, Every other Charactor to you were consider idiots, morons, bitches, gays, etc. But with all those name calling I guess you forgot the meaning of getting "Pwned". It's not just about getting destory, kill, crippled or chopped up. You are consider "Pwned" when your enemy is in charge of weather you live of die. Kira clearly had that option of killing Shinn on ep 42,, even Shinn knows it. That is the very definition of getting "PWNED" Kira had that option open to him while Shinn never did. No one said just getting rid of Shinn Sword is consider Pwning. Here's a example: "an enemy sniper that you are trying to Kill has his scope crosshair focused on you, and got you with a head shot from his Airsoft Sniper rifle instead of using his real sniper rifle because he don't really want to kill you." You may say whatever you want, and sure enough you only got a small dot of pain, but for that brief moment, you got PWNED and you know it.
  24. actually Kira was giving a big reminder/hint to Shinn. Kira had the option to kill Shinn there and choose not to. But instead of being greatful Shinn got pissed, think he saids something like " Are you trying to say that if it was Beams I'll be dead?" You don't have to get destory to be consider pwned. You are consider pwned when the person you're trying to kill spears your life.
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