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Everything posted by F360°

  1. here's a pic of ver 2.0 next to ver 1.0
  2. macross helmets is much cooler then the gundam one.. oh I think their are some Macross helmet mods done with normal motocycle helmets. here's is a pic of them. the red one looks pretty good to me.. and you will be able to wear these feeling safe and cool at the same time.
  3. -toynami valks do not come with more accessores than the Yamato 1/60,, in reality it's the other way around. on top of that yamato 1/60 also have a Strike VF-1s package and GBP armor package. And the 1/60 is also more postable.
  4. check out this nice and simple modification,, just mod a bit more and it'll be a MG Murasame.
  5. yup,, the code for unit one is: Code name: GM Blue Destiny Unit 1
  6. sigh.. yeah it looks like it's going to be a lon wait.. oh there's pic of HCM-pro strike freedom.. no bad for a 3.5 inch figure. lots more HCM-pro Freedom pics here
  7. unless that salesman is a Gundam fan,, he might just take your Destory and come back every day hoping for more
  8. yeah I'm waiting for the RX-79g/EZ8 too but then I have a feeling they might place those two into seperate sets which I think is even better since you'll get more weapons. Like RX-79G + normal GM and EZ8 + Sniper GM. But then either way I'm going to get them all when they release them. I was really happy when they release my favorite F90 but then I wasn't all that happy after getting it. oh well.. I wonder would they do a F90 in HCM-pro
  9. haha,, I would love to see that. Neuman going SEED mode then drive the ARchangel around and ramming into mobile suits like they are bugs on a windshield.
  10. na.... Athrun went SEED mode 2 times,, once on 43 in his injure state to Slice off Destiny's right Arm and the 2nd time in Ep 50 to Save Luna from Shinn then slice off both of Destiny's Arm and right leg. Athrun was pretty good thought and in the Fight it does see like he can take on Shinn even without seed mode on and still gaining a upper hand,, so i see Athrun enabling SEED mode just for that extra securty measure like "OMG Shinn gonna kill Luna, better save her" or "oh no, I think I'm lossing too much blood, better end it as quickly ASAP".. What Eugimon Previous said is pretty logical. When anyone is Face against a higher skilled pilot that have more experience, and have a suit that's equal or better then his own which is also mind set on taking you down. The normal outcome of that is you lossing. Sure enough there's a chance that you can win too but that will depend on LUCK.
  11. Same here,It's not just the last episode but the whole series. well for me at least. For some reason I did not get even 1 GSD model kit,figure,hcm pro, MSIA, etc. nana, zip. ( this is someone that normal gets a bunch of stuff from Series that he watches) I ended buying SEED stuff instead like PG strike, PG Skygassper/aile pack, MG freedom, MG Strike, MG Strike Rouge, and some MSIA SEED stuff and the Arch enemy Strike. I even brought a 1/100 Strike aile before the MG came out. and I build a NG strike just for the heck of it. It was not worth the $2 I say. I also brought a whole bunch of those UC and AC gundam stuff too just not any Gundam SEED Destiny stuff. It was always like hmm perhaps I should get it, and then I just don't really care for it no more.
  12. check out the new drive.. BD
  13. well here's another pic with somewhat info on the new 2.0 it's pretty small , but at least you can see "PG somthing" and the new base/stand for it.
  14. don't worry luna's ok,, pretty much everyones OK.. just Gilbert, Talia and Rey that went Boom because they choose to. But then they could still be alive if the new director of SEED 3 want's them to. Now that GSD is over, I guess I'll be watching FMP SR. If you haven't seen it yet, you should really check it out. it's on ep 10 now and is getting really intresting.
  15. The subs (*.srt) is out for FFVII "the last order. you can get it here http://tinyurl.com/7hfcj Unzip the file and place the *.srt file in the same directory as your LAST ORDER raw file. Rename the *.srt file so it's the exact same name as the raw file. ( example : if RAW = FFVIILO.wmv then it will be FFVIILO.srt) If your raw file is a WMV you would need to rename it to a AVI file and use Mplayer2 or the classic mplayer to play the file so you can see the subs. ( go to start/run/ then type in mplayer2, enter) Of course you'll need to already install VobSUB 2.23 in your system to be able to read and display the subs files. hope this helps, also there's also a verion with hard subs that just released http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3383448
  16. thanks, it took some time for me also and guys sorry as my camera is spoilt now i can't really get a good resolution, but however, i will try to put it up as soon as possible, that pic was taken using motorola V3 phone. not bad for a camera phone ? 328431[/snapback] no wonder, becasue that was the first thing that pop into my mind when I saw your pix,, I was thinking Camera phone , then V3, because I just go a black V3 a month ago and and the color and brightness looks about the same
  17. right on, it's very likely that they are working on something but is just keeping their mouths shut. But for now it seems like they are planing along the lines of a anime series perhaps. I just checked out Final Fantasy VII "the last order" it's a 25minute anime. Here's the details Last Order: Final Fantasy VII is the latest addition to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. It is an original animated video that was released with the "Ultimate Edition" of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. It contains past events prior to the game Final Fantasy VII and revolves around the event that took place in Nibelheim, involving Zack, Cloud, Tifa and Sephiroth. After watching this 25 minute anime version, it really does seem like they will release a anime version of Final Fantasy VII here's the link for those that want to check it out. http://www.mininova.org/get/109548
  18. yeah and there is already a set of english subs for it 327902[/snapback] ok... not gonna ask for the torrent.. but say I had the file already... wink wink... where do I get the subs?... nudge nudge... 327903[/snapback] you can get the subs here, wink /wink http://www.boxtorrents.com/details.php?id=128410 Just use your torrent program and select the subs for download only instead of the whole video raw + subs But if you are afraid that you might download the whole SET by accident then I have just the subs for you too,, http://rapidshare.de/files/5006660/bien-xvid-ff7.ssa.html Click on "free" at the bottom if you have never used rapidshare before
  19. yeah and there is already a set of english subs for it
  20. yeah, it seems to be the Cosmic Region Freedom that was release a month ago.
  21. yeah, so is the other name fansub group, but then you can get it from [HIRO] fansubs too. They released their ep 46 awhile ago. They do fast subing and is pretty good, better than Cellphone^.
  22. Well, I can't let my buddy F360 look like an idiot, so I guess I need to make sure he is right on the money F360, you are in fact an idiot, one of the biggest around, a total moron, and an absolute... hmmm, ok, you only used two descriptions, ok.... what else, what else, oh I know, and I hate you. Hater right? See, I'm a really good guy, I'm agreeing with you in every way.... and am in fact making you look good by making sure you're right on every point you make. What more could you ask for. 327072[/snapback] thanks for using a example with a smiliy to call me names buddy, glad I was able to let you do some more bashing and name calling
  23. Yawn, no wonder the series become so crappy. THis is what happens when you bow to the mass of idiots that make up the fan base. I wonder why they even bother doing a story at all. And 360, Bandai couldn't care less if Kira or Lacus was in the series. They care whether lines of Freedom and Justice will sell well, they'll have no problem if a new character can push models. Hell, the quintessential Gundam to please the fans would be every first episode have some boring fight that has no meaning involving Orb, every second episode would draw in the old crew somehow, with Kira showing up on the battle field at the last minutes to get all the morons drooling, and every third episode would be Kira running amok. That's how easy it is to satisfy the fan base. 327029[/snapback] The series became crappy because of the story and the directing, not because of any given charactor. Sure bandai would have no problem if a new charactor can push models sales, but until then bandai will feel much safer placing their bets on some proven sellers or at least have them in there for backup. On your previous list you just removed some of bandai's top characters out from their future Series with no reason other than "You hate them". Also all you do is hate and bash those characters, you act like that in nearly all your post. And if for whatever reason someone don't dislike them, you go and call them morons or idiots along with the whole fan base. You know that I think?,, I think you are the most unreasonable hater in this whole forum. If you hated so much, then don't watch it.
  24. not bad,, but where's the bath poste with the yellow ducky,, I want that figure
  25. Gundam SEED 3 without Kira or Lacus would get a very low aprovel rate from bandai for them to even start the project. No Orb is a big no-no too, it would mean that all that struggle and hard work from people that is already living peacefully with naturals and coordinators in the same country are all meaning less. It's ok for real life but not for anime. also ORB equals japan so no ORB = no japan. And for a Trilogy it normally end with the main charactor that was in the begining ( similar to luke for starwars).
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