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Everything posted by bamboo-learning

  1. Perspective view makes a little tunnel vision. Gorgeous comment tho.
  2. Here's an updated image of a model with my personal touch but based on the old Super Ostrich Valkyrie seen in the movie Do You Remember Love.
  3. It's based on the older Vakyries but with my personal touch:
  4. Here's an update: Thinking about what to do next, macross related hmm, maybe a gearwalk stage piece.
  5. Why the 2 years? Looks cool so far, I like it.
  6. Zinjo: The pipes are sucked in when the transformation begins but I won't post that here, only on deviantart. But I'll let you know when I do that Chillyche: I know where you are coming from, this mecha also holds Patlabor insights, mainly the size and proportions. But yes, very true. On this mecha I didn't want to follow "human" anatomy. Most my work follows that rules but not this one, hope you don't hate me for that lol You can check a new mecha on my other topic =) I'll post an update of this one, when it's done. Thx for the feedback, means a lot.
  7. pfunk: Thank you! I'm doing a pose image of this last mecha. I'll post it here sooner or later.
  8. Hello, Here's my latest mecha, it's my own design based on some models from Macross/Robotech.
  9. Texture test:
  10. Hi, I've been doing this piece this last week after work, hope you Macross/Robotech fans like it. It's my own design based on the styles from Macross super artists Kazutaka Miyatake and Shoji Kawamori and a bit inspiration from Patlabor: Still needs TWEAKS. Cheers.
  11. Hi, Started this 3D model, wip. It's my own design based on a newer model of them bots. Still loads to do on it.
  12. Yeah, I write loads of macross stuff but never feel I have time to do what I really wanted. The coolest would be a comic strip 3D, I tried that but was to demanding time wise. That's the boring part of geting old, you lose time for projects at home. If you like it let me know
  13. If your looking for free stuff to use on your project there are some out there way stronger then Google Sketchup. Blender and Sculptris for example, that's a good combo.
  14. Hi guys, I'm writing a fanfiction story it's mini-chapters whenever I have time I'll add more here: http://fav.me/d4d3ic9 Just follow the link above, it's a very safe location, deviantart. Cheers.
  15. Good luck with this.
  16. Thx, it was fun to do this model, I did it really fast but it took me 1 week because I only have 10m per day for these fun models, so... maybe 70 minutes to 80 minutes. Not sure what to do next will see.
  17. Here's another art piece. Based on the old mecha design but with my twists:
  18. Thank you Frogze. Here's the old Tomahawk with a golden touch to it:
  19. I've got a story behind it but time isn't by my side for all the projects I would like to do. So for now... it's just still images Two more images, for all Macross/Robotech fans. Changed the Invid quite a bit since it flys way more then walks, I did claws for feet as they could use them as weapons and land on top of enemies, makes more sense to me then normal feet.
  20. Here's another piece based on one part of the Macross 11 fleet from Macross Frontier. This one is mostly done with Zbrush.
  21. Hi guys, EDIT: For more art please scroll down and check future pages on this topic. Here's some art that I've done over the last months or so about the Macross/Robotech universe. If someone would like to see something done let me know. Hope to see more Macross/Robotech art from you all soon.
  22. I never liked the masses lol.
  23. I'm not english! So I just checked google and some sources to see if all was ok... "An with consonant sounds. Many writers use an before h, even when not silent, when the word is not accented on the first syllable. An historian, such as we have been attempting to describe, would indeed be an intellectual prodigy.—Macaulay. "The Persians were an heroic people like the Greeks." —Brewer. "He [Rip] evinced an hereditary disposition to attend to anything else but his business." —Irving. "An habitual submission of the understanding to mere events and images." —Coleridge. "An hereditary tenure of these offices." —Thomas Jefferson." I don't really care but if "an" before "H" is good enough for Thomas Jefferson, it's good enough for me
  24. I will! I won't do the 2 page for a week or so tho but I will, I've written the all story already so it's just building up the 3D stuff into scene.
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