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Everything posted by Castel

  1. Totally. I really was expecting something like that at some point.
  2. Good ol' VF-1D Virgin Road.
  3. Overrated : Transformers, both of them. Is there really people who enjoyed that crap ? For real ? Underrated : Gattaca, a masterpiece.
  4. Yeah, it's so awesome to see the adventures of a complete whiner and an almost autistic girl. Something between Evangelion and Rain man i guess. Well, each his own after all, good for you if you enjoyed it.
  5. Exactly why i drop it, Renton and Eureka are just too unbearable as characters.
  6. Speaking of Connor Macleod, did Christophe Lambert ever played in a good movie beside the first Highlander and Greystoke ? I mean, Vercingetorix, Beowulf, Mean Guns, Mortal Kombat and so many more....is he trying to have the same kind of career that Christopher Lee ? 99% of crap and 1% of watchable movies ?
  7. Jedis aren't supposed to be some kind of space nuns ? You know, no possessions, no attachments, no love, don't touch yourself under the shower, don't pick your nose, no roman orgy on Sundays...etc...
  8. Eureka Seven. Already watched the first 10 episodes and so far....well, honestly it's pretty boring. But as there is 50 episodes i still have some hope that it's going to be better later. Great opening song.
  9. Way to go big dude. So, who's the mom ?
  10. Hoo yeah, i remember this one. That was painful to watch indeed.
  11. The 14th, and yes, my statement remains, clearly not as good. That doesn't mean that Last Order is bad at all, just that Gunnm is really a more interesting read in my opinion than Last Order. But as i really don't want to start a useless, painful and absurdly long debate over this question let's just say that to each his own and let's move on. (it's the same fricking author anyway)
  12. Old topic but i have a little question. For what i know, and believe me i would be more than happy to be wrong on this one, there is no adaptation at all of Gunnm Last Order. Nada, rien, niente, nothing. Most of the time if a manga is a bit successful then soon enough a tv adaptation or at least an OAV is made about it, so what the deal ? Gunnm last order is that unpopular in Japan than it doesn't even deserve a little something ? Or Yukito Kishiro said "no thanks" maybe ? Well, alright Gunnm Last Order is clearly not as good as Gunnm but damn, it would be really cool to see Gally kicking some metal arses again.
  13. Hmm, worst science fiction movie ? That's a tough one. I really disliked the last Star Trek movie but well, would be unfair to call it the worst ever i guess. The episode 1 of Star Wars is definitely one serious candidate but the hugest crap, the absolute nightmare, the emperor is in my opinion Independence Day. Remember this one ? Yeah i know, sometimes amnesia is a bliss.
  14. So, the legends are true, there is really people who can bear to watch this anime more than once. You must be in love with pain.
  15. Global warming is a fact. The debate is about the human responsibility in it (it already happened in the past after all, maybe it's all natural and we have nothing to do with it or maybe it's man's work) and of course the consequences of this global warming. (no biggie or problem on the long run ?)
  16. Wrong, it's just like the online manga chapter release on site as onemanga, it doesn't hurt the manga industry one bit. (in fact, it helps it) Just as fansub doesn't hurt the anime industry at all. There is a lot of facts to prove it and that's not an opinion, just the reality.
  17. Well, don't know if there is really much people who give a damn about Macross 2 for being honest. Maybe it's just a popularity (or lack of) problem.
  18. 40 big, lovely, hard to earn bucks ? A bit pricy, isn't it ?
  19. Sweet. I'm not really fan of the green wings but beside that, really nice indeed.
  20. Re-watching some Gundam Seed and, well, all in all it's quite enjoyable. Some bad points, some good points, as usual. Beside that, Kimi ni todoke ( ) and Seto no Hayanome. ( )
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