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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. has yours actually had updates or just that DHL received shipping information?
  2. azalea is def. best overall. its alt mode is not accurate though so takara couldn't really copy it too much for an "MP". takara also went for the more humanoid look that they interpretted the screen design to be whereas mmc took some liberties there and made it look more robotic. i mean the hips and the calves are two areas for instance. takara for its part does really nice sculpting for what they are trying to achieve (better doen than FT;s attempt there)
  3. well one thing mp-08 got wrong that ss86 got right is shoulders. they were always too high on mp-08 which looks cool sometimes (sometimes i think not, gotta be a mood thing - FT's grinder improved there a little bit but was also highish), but SS86 corrected this. still mp-08 i'm sure is superior overall and blends just fine with siege/chug. still i'm getting sss86 grimmy. dunno why.
  4. agree! and man that vf-1d is like a dream come true. i love yamato's but i prefer bandai's interpretation of the colors of the 1D. yamato's v1 was a bit too dark and dull and they went to far the other direction with the V2.0 version. bandai's IMO looks better even if its less accurate to the animation. i think its more accurate to the art of the time and the animation model i think.... i'm not sure and can't be fussed to find the official stuff right now. i just know i like it and i need that DX chogokin Vf-1D, oh and the roy and hikaru GBP packs. wonder if they are just armor or gift sets with the valk?
  5. lol i wandered into this thread i haven't checked in a while (been busy with TFs this year or so) and yeah tahts exactly whats gonna happen
  6. man if it came stock like that.....still panel lines are too deep and wide for the size of the toy. but damn
  7. speaking of maverick, i am pretty sure i want to get one fully repainted into something resembling a real F-14 scheme, maybe a jolly rogers scheme (the one that inspired roy fokker's but like the real one) or something completely plain but like an accurate grey. now where i can i find someone to do that for me as a full repaint is well beyond my capabilities. haha would be tricky too because the one custom i've seen the joint areas don't look good. wonder if its a hard one to work on. any volunteers or suggestions on where to look? haha
  8. heh, i wanted to love the sentinel too...i wanted it to be finally "that legioss" that one could just mess with and hav fun with and look good. its far away the best overall (althogh i prefer the overall aesthetics of the evolution toys one more except he lack of detail on it), but it needed some massaging before release that it never got. the shoulder issue is so ridiculous. the pilot figure is basically trash compared to what 3P TF people are doing with headmasters etc. that size. someone needed to go over the tolerance stacks a bit better in design and assure the quality at the production end too. it didn't happen well enough. hopefully the next release will fix all those issues.
  9. hah, good luck to us all then! hope you get yours. being screwed 3 times got to be super annoying. as for blaster, i been getting the walmart g1 reissues mostly for the boxes TBH, don't know why i dn't want blaster. my original is actually still in great condition somehow (toy not box) after all these decades. yeah tracking stuff down is super annoying these days. i didn't start collecitng again until around the time of mp-1/binaltechs/alternator days so i can't remember when it was fun to hunt. lol. TBH i didn't find it annoying back then. guess i'll have to bookmark the soundwave page and keep checking back. care to share? haha
  10. walmart's allocation system is screwy. i had a netflix mirage perordered either the day or the day after it went up. it didn't get fulfilled after i see other people got theirs both in store and online. i contact customer service to see what is going on. they assure me they will send it out soon (the next business day in fact). at the same time i see it is in stock online (while i am chatting with the customer service on the phone). i quickly order a couple (just in case as returns are free) more online as i finish my call. turns out i got the two i ordered that day about a week later and my original preorder still hadn't shipped....needless to say i just cancelled it. so yeah...something is screwy with their allocation of stock....and this is just WITHIN the online store not even counting what is shipped to brick and mortar. on a good note, looks like my smokescreen just shipped from them... still, its probably better than my experience with target's buy online and pick up in store with cybertronian villains 2 pack. "somehow", all the stock (which showed multiple available) was bought before the store person was able to pick it off the shelf and set it aside. STill i got an email saying the order was ready to pick up. they hold it up to 3 days so i was thinking no sweat...even though this was in the high days of the pandemic (well past peak but still bad), i ventured out to pick up my seekers 2 pack. i get there and the store person had picked 2 random voyager figures and set them aside and was going to give them to me. i was LIVID. target was so unaccomodating and the only thing they offered was a 20% discount on the same item if i could find it again online. i'm like WTF, i'm never going to be able to find it online (i was checking multiple times a day at that point so i knew i wasn't going to find it easily and even had stock alets set up and no dice). so yeah screw target exclusives. i ended up having zero patience for teh BS and bought a marked up set on ebay. yeah i know i could have just waited several months but i didn't want to risk it. the ER S1 seekers MUST be completed! lol. so yeah exclusives suck target more than others. speaking of exclusives...anyone here able to snag a netflix soundwave PO?
  11. mp-03 pic found on internet for referece....how far have we fallen?
  12. much like the robot mode its best viewed from one vantage point only and that ain't it. lol
  13. so the pricing on mp-52 is out. even amazon japan's price is basically $275 shipped to the USA (here in nyc anyway). the US retailers have somehow closed the gap there (amzn jp has been the cheapest and fastest place to get any MP TF in the past several years). Thats the same as american retailers like The chosen prime. Amzn jp doesnt' allow cancellation after 10/25 though so i'm gonna go TCP while I make up my mind. i think its "worth it" if you compare it with the legioss. they are both totally rengineered figures doing things different from previous iterations. The price is spitting distance from each other. one will be a 12-13 inch long F-15ISH (needs the ish this time for sure) and an 8-8.5" tall robot....the other is a 6 inch tall robot that turns into scifi space jet. the legioss is beatiful with details and great finish (the fit and function is just ok though). the takara's is probably not going to be as nice in hand as those pictures make it look. i'm already dreading finding gate cutoff marks etc (those killed mp magnus' looks btw). the colored images do make it look really good in robot form (if a bit TOO cartoony and devoid of detail). i'm still hesitant based on takara's recent track record (aka EVERY new G1 release has issues that cause breakages since MP-44 if i'm not mistaken) and i'm not sold on that jet. mp-11, and mp-3 still do that way better. it does look better than meteor's f-15ish mode though even with that heinous bump. meteor went for cartoon jet is why ( i think). my ideal starscream would have an alt mode as good or better than mp-3's, be as articulated as meteor, be sculpted as nostalgia inducing as mp-42 and metoer (with a head swap), but have the detailing of say mp-3/mp-11. he'd also come with coronation gear so we don't have to double dip again - but i'm sure 3P will address that before takara does. *sigh* there are no perfect toys i guess.
  14. DST superion - i like it a lot. the planes look "good enough" for me (yes there are for sure inaccuracies which i will not go into because i'm not as familiar with them as some others) in that they have minimal (for a TF) underside kibble apparently. silverbolt is well...at least this time more forgivable. this guy needs the bulk. he's not a "pants former" like zeta or FT's. that's why he is so bulky (i mean look at that bot mode bulk too). they managed to keep his proportions ok despite the bulk(unlike say mmc's onslaught). still this don't seem to be "all built in", just not a pantsformer combiner. like where are those feet and hands gonna go? doubt its inside the limbs - i don't mind partsforming hands and feet on a combiner too much TBH but MMC's approach was cool. that being said this guy - i see a little Generations Toys/Transformission and Cang toys/TFC influence in there. TBH the style in which this was revealed is PURE warbotron (which rumor has it became Generation Toys/TFM) and the level of detail approaches that as well but it is a more mature and restrained design compared to that (lets face it warbotron is old now and didn't age well but people had eyegasms over it when first shown). fans of tranforming jets/scifi planes in the 3P space got lots to look forward to.... this guy and his 4 passable jets (sorry silverbolt i ain't interested in calling you a plane), that TFC j20 lumitent, and that big firebird kavalinka. very exciting indeed! now if only zeta could fix their blitzwing to be passable to me. haha
  15. wow that bump on the underside....wtf. i guess i'm extending my streak of NOT buying takara mps (trying to even remember which was the last one i bought....it was mp-42 cordon). i think takara needs a new approach ASAP. takara MPs are what got me back into toys so i'm loathe to give up on them but between mp-44s price/durability/backpack, mp-45's wierd feet/chibi alt mode, mp hound's fragility and now #bumpgate (thats what i'm calling it now)...its hard for me to be excited about this line at all anymore. i wanted to like this guy....his bot mode is bloated but still very G1 starscream to me - superior in many ways to mp3 and mp-11...mostly the lack of an overraised center section (with the head on it) is key. i can't get behind that alt mode though and i'm sure the price will not be friendly either.
  16. so lisa hayes coming into stock soon. haven't orderd yet. did i miss any preorder bonus? considering fokker (and is anyone gonna order that WITH the guitar? i feel like its dumb but might want it) and cheongsom minmei too. is there any incentive to actually preorder these figures from KC directly early? or should i just wait until just before release like i did hear with lisa? they do make you prepay if i remember right?
  17. i like it but why did they chanfe the back panel to have 2 panels and the dumb gate 023 marking? hopefully those are optional stiickers? or will they release a less dumbly deco'd version later. lol. no place for this but i want it assuming it comes with differetn plates for the bakc more similar to early photos and with no gate 23 marking.
  18. ss86 ... i wonder if they are hasui's work. since he isn't doing mp right now, maybe he did these. hot rod looks overall way better than the mp version. puts it to shame.
  19. correct, no safe shoulders release yet to date. i'm still waiting 11 years later. haha
  20. that thing looks awesome. i may have posted the plane mode before here? dont' remember. speaking of 3P TF guys doing transforming jetplanes.... https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6944697929 thats a CLEAN J-20 for a transforming toy. my only gripe is that i don't see what scale it is and i bet a certain military profits form this somehow....do want! also i'm totally gonna get this and that kavalinka. its what i always wanted some non TF transforming jets and scifi jets. i say non TF because as much as i like TF them alt modes got too much robokibble in jet mode wiht the seekers having the least so far .... and the upcoming maverick will bethe cleanest ever. hope the kavalinka is sort of clean underneath (looks teo be ok for a TF but not so clean compared to say macross). lol
  21. do it. probably the best mainline transformer i've handled in ages.... best $80 figure in this hobby maybe. if you watch the netflix series jetfire is a standout in that and of course he is super accurate to that as they seemingly used the toy cad modes as reference material. also interestingly enough his size in the series is large but not g1 skyfire large so if you were to place siege jetfire next to an MP scaled optimus prime...he's about the same proportion to that figure as he is to prime in the netflix series. so do we have an "MP WFC jetfire" already? lol. Also i forgot to mention - i got the shockwave labs blades....they look much better than expected and i totally recommend them if you see this as WFC jetfire vs. a greebled up g1 skyfire. haha
  22. very nice write up! personally i think assaultus looks good but the combined mode legs are too long in the thighs i feel. zeta's overall proportions look more right to me even if his fingers almost reach his knees....thats an issue with oversized hands a slightly too shoft thighs. i too like brawl's tranformation for the combined mode being more g1. makes it look more interesting than a tank standing up. i do think assulatus' chest shield is also a bit too small...not enough coverage. as for combiner scale...i'm in the whatever looks good to you boat. personally i have combiners of all sizes, rarely all combined and next to each other though so its not big deal in theory, but what i do like is that i will have assaultus and combiner wars devy compatible with each other size wise - although if you get wihtin 3 feet of them you can tell one is way more content/quality than the other. and they do have an iconic fight with each other. also i have zeta superion and eventually xtb's menasor (WTF is that trailer/frame?!) in roughly the same scale and evnetually cang's very non g1 predaking. will be in that size class too. i'll also have some smaller guys...GT's GB and TFM's havoc....both not too G1 (unless you only mean combined mode for GB). to be honest i'm more fussed with the individual bots to be in sort of the right size (which is why i can't do FT's stunticons). anyway i also look forward to what mmc does with the protectbots. GT has released 4/5 in their smaller no pants scale (where individual bots are about the right size)...but have been late with hotspot FOREVER. its stylized and cool but let's see what mmc does. lastly i hope mmc's ratchets are up to task and they won't need to ship replacements the next time. lol.
  23. anyone try this on metal joints like some of the dx chogokin ball joints? this product seems to have fans over in the TF side of things too but those are mostly plastic joints.
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