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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. the overall shape is kinda wrong too. its missing its iconic curved rear "quarter panels". i mean everybody knows what the ark looks like form the back and back 3/4 view.
  2. woah so the ship mode of the ark is looking kinda hollow on the sides...the robot is ok. it inlcudes a teletran one that converts into that smaller robot i guess?
  3. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    so are we never ever ever getting more destroids? tbh i bought into this line to have in scale valks and destroids and zentrans mecha. seems like its been forever since macross HMR non valk.
  4. lol the ONE valk i decided to troop build..... remember we met up at starbucks in JC for that trade? haha. i haven't TF'd them much and they've ben put away for the better part of a decade but none were yet broken when i put them away. i do think someone put up 3D printed traingels on shapeways....never got around to it. maybe someday. lets hope sentinel does better on the iota than even the zeta. i'm tempted to sell my old eta (misb) and get a new one. lol.
  5. it looks OK, BUT i just figured out whats bothering me. streetwise's chest windshield needs to angle out a bit more...the top should be fruther away from the plane where his face would be in other words. Same thing about the lower legs. the lower lets are suppose to slope out a bit the lower they get....based on the shape of the back of the car. this one seems to go to lengths to avoid tat part of his look. MMC's (by the basic render anyway) got that right. even the CHUGsterpiece aka updated GT Sarge (based on a modern 370z) got those 2 points about streetwise right. i REALLY hope MMC's is carbot height in bot mode and car mode because right now its winning this battle after these photos came out. also flipout would like his feet back.
  6. those SHF street fighter figures are underappreciated. that chunli REALLY can pull off all those poses and look like the animation frames when doing it. IMO SHF>>storm when it comes to SF figs. too bad bandai will never give you the cast storm can.
  7. i cancelled mine when i heard frist batch fitment issues, will have to reorder. its just cool and unique. wish it had a waist swivel but hey most of my valks don't either. haha.
  8. wait, did they KO the clear parts?? I want those!! nice quattro too. lol
  9. is this like a "hey we found this in our warehouse, so lets sell it" thing? i'm starting to lose hope on getting a reissue of the VT-1 super ostrich. FWIW i would also buy angel birds, or another low viz roy or new low viz/stealth scheme too. Its hard to believe we've been collecting this SAME exact toy (well aside from "V2.1 and V2.2" or whatever jenius calls them upgrades) for ~13 years now (released in 2008 if memory serves) and a lot of us are still looking for a particular deco. lol.
  10. totally forgot i ever saw that happen, but you're probably right. it has the larger rear end vs. hot rod's. granted its kingdom so they an pretty much do whatever they want but it does look like they are referencing that based on proportions. personally, i can't believe they are doing rodimus up all premium like (i mean he got to be somehwat premium at that price point and small robot size and the trailer has to be somewhat decent?) and they let optimus out with that very cheap feeling trailer. as an original fan of the 85/85 characters way more so than the 86 guys - that sucks! then again , i can look at my kbb mp-10V with trailer and say hasbro was never gonna beat that with optimus in the mainline scale (yeah he is a bit big but so what!) even at an $80 pricepoint.
  11. i hope there is a trailer, just not picture becasue taht looks like the just upsized the hot rod mold and gave it a differetn windshield and butt. i say upsized because no way a commander class could be just a retooled voyager even if you add a trailer.... i'm a rodimus hater anyway so unless its really good, i'll pass.
  12. as for that grimlock, if they had made the tail a bit better and given him a "proper" (well to me) gold chromed chest, vac plated dino arms and tail....he'd definitely IMO beat mp-08 almost everywhere. too bad our favorite OSKO folks are out of business at the moment as i'm sure they could make some improvements and size him up to fit even MP collections. as is, i think 3P could help out wiht screw hole fillers and maybe even a more clear chest if its easily removable. great review as always mike. i still prefer overall these pictorial adn text reviews over videos in a lot of ways.
  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE. i didn't even know there was a blue bumblebee MP release. ironhide is voodoo? i think i have the rest other than red bumblebee. i actually bought spinout too but i don't know if he'll replace sentinel blaze for me as the latter looks more toy based.
  14. kairos was better IMO. i was one of the lucky ones... NY actually pulled through back then even if super late (or super early going by the standards past few years). its one of the few valks i almost consider selling each time i remember i have one because even though i like it a lot... its probably worth more to other people than to me. love teh vf-27 as well but those wings don't look as good swapped onto the 31 like that.
  15. i would be very surprised if bandai doesn't eventually get to his TV valk in the DX line. They've given us 2/3 of vermillion. would be wrong not to! not that i bought the max 1a (should have)....they already gave us his DYRL scheme so i think this....he is popular enough he got a dx release in dyrl scheme. he is needed to complete a dx vermillion squadron set. i'm gonna say they will get to it within a couple years max.
  16. Well they've run out of titan class guys to give us from the 84-86 timeline so they're going back to combiners as titans? devy was a titan class in CW (and being reissued soon btw!), predaking done in PoTP, omega supreme done in siege, trypticon was done not long after metroplex...and of course we got scorponock recently and fortmax a while back. i feel like if its done its gonna be a box set in the titan class...with a leader class sized torso? retailers want a big box halo product on the shelf? just a guess - could be totally the opposite though and its hasbro that thinks fans want it but retailers may be forcing them to go to separate releases. anyway, yes it'd be cool to get a mainline menasor even though i'm in on the 3P xtb sets. i also hope they get new cooler fiction. the combiners were such chumps in the CW/PoTP/Titans return triology.... it was like an anti commercial for those toys.
  17. would make me happy if so. the toyworld one, i have it and i'm afraid to do much with it...and my main cmplaint is that its also too big. i'd like a mp-10 height robot mode for a bee movie optimus and lets not hope its a qc disaster or just a bad design. i really want it to be good!
  18. i think technically its gonna be a J-11..china's version of the an Su-27. but yeah looking forward to those. i must say though, although the j-20 looks great is both modes and has a cool transformation - theres something missing from the design. maybe its ths generic head or face but its got no "soul". the kavalinka for isntance...while looking both original and generic at the same time in bot mode....has that extra something to it. can't put my finger on it. at least for me. that being said i have teh j-20 but held off on the kavalinka because people were whispering issues about tolerances/paint etc. for the first run.
  19. mp skids looks REALLY good. i like that they are going away from hyper toon style on this one. xtb already has that covered honestly for that character. haha. hopefully takara's won't be priced as badly a their hound etc. looks like fairly simple design but i fear they will charge a bunch because i guess they've seen......they can. i do wonder if this is marketed as "toy styled" or sort of a hybrid the best elements and the way you remember it the way the old hasui designs were.
  20. many? MOST, i'd say. unless you are writing scripts on the websites or are very lucky, its hard to get one at MSRP. just look at these boards during PO madness nights. due to bandai's practices you can't really say they are <$200 valks. they KC are overpriced compared to what the market expects but they are far from the worst buy out there in this hobby.
  21. xtb's monolith (menasor) looks really really good. i actually want the toy version more but am getting the default (toon) one too. somehow he makes toon menasor look good (DX9 failed that test despite or maybe because they were so accurate)
  22. guess i'll be checking back here christmas eve and day to see where i can get this. thin i gave my proxy a https://p-bandai.jp/contents/global/ link or something like that for my kakizaki. that said i thin i'm done with this line after the vf-1d. the kakizaki was a "i just can't resist this deco" moment. the vf-1d will complete the trio of the more important valks to me, the vf-1j, the vf-1s, and the vf-1d...all from the first 1/3 or so of SDFM and 2/3 from the first few episodes.
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