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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. yeah i would really love a 1/60 VF-171 but don't care too much for a VF-17. It'd be nice if Bandai could do one as they have the current license and also so that it'd "match" the other mac. F toys better...which for better or worse already exist (i'm a fan despite ALL the friggin flaws...and they are many!). I'm hoping they are just waiting for the second movie to release them or something.
  2. Anyone ever try something drastic with their really yellowed plastics (i assume the new DX toys are still much whiter than would need this) on toys? I found this retrobright page a while back and was wondering if anyone has tried it on a yellowed valk. http://retr0bright.wikispaces.com/
  3. Hmm, I took my tornado set alto set out of the box for the first time in months (had been on "display" in a room that gets used maybe 4-5 days a month so no real light is let in ) for a few months prior to that. I'm not sure if its me or if has lost some of its "whiteness". Certain parts appear to be different shades of white than others. Some with a greyish blue tinge almost? Not sure if its because I haven't seen it in a while or if its because my room's lights are more white than in the old room, but it just doesn't feel as white as i remembered. Perhaps after handling a TV VF-1S from yamato the prior day (which is pristine white still) has affected my judgement?
  4. Apologize in advance. After sifting through multiple pages of posts, I wasn't able to tell. The post title including "it is subbed now edition" doesn't clarify "it". So I'm asking "IS THE OFFICALLY RELEASED BLURAY HYBRID DISC SUBBED in English?" I don't mind paying for a copy (if i can find it) if so. If not, is ripped then fan subbed only way to get it?
  5. Do you use Compact Fluoroscent bulbs? Those put out alot of UV too. I do use CF bulbs so I keep my stuff (the white valks anyway) behind glass (which naturally has a a decent amount of UV protection and these are factory "dipped" greenish so some visible light is cut too. Haven't had any yellowing yet on the DX VF-25's or yamatos.
  6. DX Joints: Anyone find a root cause to spontaneous joint atrophy? Mine sit on a shelf. One on a stand and one free standing. both have looser joints despite not having been touched. I'm wondering if this has to do with the plastic? Has it shrunk over time? I'm assuming there is no nylon involved (which can shrink in dry environments and swell in humid ones), so what gives? I've not taken the time to examine the joints myself. Anyone have decent fixes for the hip joints being loose? shoulders also? I'm not home so i can't look at it now but i'd be ecstatic if someone told me there is a screw to tighten or if the joint could be taken apart and reassembled with added "goop" (nail polish, superglue etc.).
  7. thats some nice work. Damn I need some 1/48 FAST packs bad!
  8. While that is cool as all hell i can't justify $100 for some cloth. I never particularly loved that scene anyway except the gerwalk mode part of it. the valk passing for a zentran just wasn't believable enough even as a little kid.
  9. Guess I'm in the minority here but as a realist who knows many SDF tv fans will plunk down already for a DYRL 1/3000 SDF-1, I'm not holding my breath for a TV accurate version as the cost probably will not justify the returns (90% different molds!!!?). That being said I love the TV SDF-1 (i have an original matchbox/takatoku robotech version in storage though its beaten up a bit from play when i was a child), but would totally understand a support a repaint with all new arms (D & P) as "close enough" that i'd spring the $400 bucks for it(which i wouldn't for a DYRL version). I like the TV color scheme better but the detail and design of the DYRL version is appealing too. So.... my message to yamato would be to bring on the recolor with new arms if you can't do a TV accurate version isn't feasible.
  10. also reissue the super/strike parts (or maybe due a proper TV Super parts?) in the 1/48 scale anytime soon? With the recent reissues of the 1/48 VF-1S DYRL Roy/Hkaru and the TV VF-1J Hikaru, you'd think they'd release some more super and strike parts (I know there was a special weathering one earlier this year i missed out on), or else all these valks will be bare, and with more 1/48 valks in circulation, the demand (and therefore price of the existing 1/48 strike parts) is getting ridiculous (anyone checked ebay recently? WTF!?). C'mon yamato...throw us a bone...errr....super/strike parts!
  11. If I were to want to change a 1/48 dyrl vf-1s from it's off white color to a bright white (think newer 1/60 tv valks) , what would be the best way to go about doing it? Seriously considering it. Any suggestions? Was thinking testirs acryl paint ir something radically different, plastikote or marhyde vinyl dye.
  12. what are you doing to get those mighty blocks to hold up so well. if i tilt mine at that angle its gonna rotate and make everything crash down. nail polish i'd assume? FWIW I have 2 super valks (max and mirria) in figher mode on those stands but they are LEVEL, not banked liked your pictures. i just like em cuz they are clear.
  13. Just got mine yesterday. Didn't notice anything wrong with it at all. Box art surprised me, not a huge fan as it doesn't follow the style of the other boxes in the 1/60 line at all, but I'm sooooooooo glad I got this. IMO this is THE valk I've loved since I first saw it helping the vf-1d in the opening episodes of macross (ok fine I saw robotech back then but you know what I mean!). Thebright white really makes a difference, and I think after 7 tv valks, my sdfm valk army is complete (well complete enough for me!) I'm done collecting this line! Such a nice ending! childhood dream come true! Couldn't be happier!
  14. Did anyone's tv vf-1s ship yet? Preordered mine from amiami a while ago but So far no dice and June is over
  15. I'll be honest. Didn know that was tampo before. That being said I kinda like it better without it on there. Yes itanot anime correct but I don't care. Haven't even looked at the sticker sheet yet to see if there is a giant 1.
  16. Just got mine out of the box yesterday (May 2010 bundled with GBP version as confirmed by the different p/n hlj uses). Looks awesome. Shoulders are solid, no stress marks. Pretty sure its the smooth "safe" pins. This valk also has the newer crotch style (my first one that had it was the low viz roy), and no rainbow whatsoever on canopy (kinda miss that actually, but oh well). I LOVE THIS VALK! The GBP parts stay put too! Not fiddly at all. One of my childhood dreams (owning a GBP armor 1J) has come true. LOVE this thing and glad i read anymoon before buying the previous release of this thing (I was SOO about to order it til I read his review about old 1J stock being used on the original release of this set). So thanks to jenius!
  17. http://www.anymoon.com/blog/ has a decent summary of the shoulder issue. Fwiw I have 3 with the bad shoulders but haven't had issues yet but I'm glad there is a fix available should they go bad. Which valk to buy first? Hlj lists the max and millia super valks as discontinued at the moment so perhaps there isn't another planned run anyttime soon? If I were you I'd either pick those up or preorder a tv Roy, and armored rerelease hikaru to get started. I already have a small squadron of valks but have those 2 on preorder too.
  18. The pics of the might block stand in this thread make it look good. Why do people bitch about em? I have some flexidisplay/flightpose stands myself and while you can get some nice poses, you always got to be careful about the balance and angle etc since the only thing holding them is the friction from the tips. any other people use the might block? i'm thinking you can do lots of nice poses at least with teh 1/60 v2 vf-1's right? oh and its clear...thats important to me.
  19. exactly the art I was thinking about. I remember seeing that at about 1 inch high on the side of the vf-1j gerwalk kit box (when I was a kid). Seems like you know the history of it, care to expand on it? I was a big fan of all their box art.
  20. Does the low visibility Roy Focker valk remind people here of anything? I couldn't help but think it was an homage to the box art of the vf-1s I'd seen 20+ years ago on an arii model kit. It's quite the famous pose with the left arm reaching out hand open, the right arm down and to the back gunpod in hand. The valk was definitley grey! If so I really hope they do a vf-1j with the paint scheme on the old arii box art whcih was a dark grey almost black color (especially on the gerwalk kit's box) with hints of blue in it and or course with hikaru's signature red stripe! I always wanted and dark colored vf-1j like that! What are the chances I'm right or that yamato would give us a dark vf-1j? Hmmm
  21. All I can say is FINALLY!!! Dyrl Roy is good but I always wanted a tv Roy !
  22. If thickness of the paint hs a concern, anyone try vinyl dye?
  23. Heck yes I sooooooo want a vf-171 + all the anti vajra attachments! Can someone start a "pleAs bandai make a vf-171 thread?". Lol. They could so make good money. Sell the valk bare first. Then sell a gift set one with the beam cannon /mde/ armor. Heck they can even sellthe one with the big ass radar dome. Sell it at a smaller lremum than the vf-25 hero valk and you have a winner!!! Cmon!! Haha The shorter f-117a inspired nose of the vf-17 doesn't look as nice to my eye but I would like one of those too.
  24. I got my tornado last week and I think the white is pretty much the same, although yes the other items seem correct. I don't have a stand alone release ti compare to, just what I've seen on display in a store and pictures online. There is a lot if bitching about the vf-25 toys (some of which I agree with . . . No bending the knee with super packs?!?) but I love the look of the toy- more so than the actual anorexic design in the anime. I love the tornado valk look and I hink it looks even better with the beam cannons removed!
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