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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. seriously. i want the VF-171 to be made. i want it badly! it sees plenty of screentime in the series and both movies! cmon bandai!!
  2. yes but it seriously needs a smaller box. and should include some nice (but cheap to produce to keep price reasonably close to other 1/48) goodies. maybe another roy figure besides the seated pilot position. unhelmeted maybe, and maybe a claudia. seriously! i missed the 1/48 and since my collection is now mostly 1/60 i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this.
  3. they were on the V1 available separately. alto's super and heavy armor were both web exclusives. (baby blue pack in version not wiethstanding) also ozma's super pack was as well. we all know the heavy armor was a bundle woth ozma, it makes sense since he was rarely seen without it. the vg-25G and Luca's are bound to be bundles as well since they were always shown that way in the anime. Alto's valk was the only one seen in all its incarnations i think (naked, super, heavy armor). my guess is they will follow the V1 closely.
  4. gahhhh!!!! shouldn't have waited to see info regarding bundled set possibility. now every place preorder is sold out...and we all know preorder price on these is the best price we'll ever see unless it doesnt sell well (which won't happen)! i hope hlj will put these up soon for similar pricing. also have to confirm where i can secure webshop exclusive items now. crap.
  5. seriously thats as good as bought. looks great. hoping that the heavy armor won't be an "exclusive". question is do i jump on this when it comes out or do i wait for heavy armor announcement? agree
  6. i'm off MW for a few days and this thread bets super awesome!! nice! didn't realize how many of you guys do panel lining and or weathering on these things...mine are all pretty much fresh out of the box (i don't even apply stickers usually except to super/strike parts). these are awesome guys...keep it up.
  7. first time i saw that complaint on anymoon (love that site), i was like "wow...thats some nitpicking right there". to me, both 1/60 and 1/48 look "right enough". i actually prefer the 1/60 proportions overall (nosecone is too low on 1/48's to my liking). anyway to each his own. the 1/60 V2's (and 2.1's or whatever) are pretty damn good to me...and i've been a fan of the vf-1 design since 1984 or so.
  8. LOL if you think some TF fans are not going ape-poo crazy nit picking scruitizing the MP-10 (mine should arrive Friday...booyah!!). That and the bitching about price (its damn high though but for us macross fans its in the comes with fastpacks from bandai or special weathering from yamato territory of $250) is incessant on the TF boards. Oh and it IS the only worthy new Optimus (G1 character) anyway in about 10 years. Pretty sure MP-01 is almost a decade old. Back on topic. I can't wait for this new VF-25. I'm gonna get at least 3 this time around too. (F, S, and G hopefully super parts, tornado parts and heavy armor will be available)
  9. mp-10 is $250 on preorder right now from the importers (like bbts). overpriced, but one has to remember the exchange rate has changd too. i think my mp-04 was less than $200. anyway these are all takara products...granted hasbro and takara team up on transformers, the masterpiece transformers are usually designed by takara. hasbro does their own versions with varying amounts of redeco and re-engineering, but mostly they are a takara product. hasbro releases these cheaper in the states usually (they don't have to as i'm sure TF asa brand already does ok and masterpiece adds very little to it) as almost a fanservice.
  10. this is why i hate/love HG. Thanks you HG for bringing macross and mospeada (in the bastard form of robotech) to the states....and a serious 1 finger salute to what's been done about almost everything else.
  11. the Rezel looks awesome! The unicorn ain't bad too, but you said its a toy? i didn't even know there were toy gundams, thought they were all kits (i know nothing of gundams basically). How tall are kits/toys? Is the Rezel the 1/100 mastergrade? do you have a picture next to a 1/60 v2 yamato valk for comparison?
  12. looks like you use the kotobukiya model support goods mechanical chain bases in one shot. can you list which bases you put together for that configuration and also list what is shown there that is not included with the bases? Thanks in advance. The thunderhammer looks awesome!!
  13. I know some on here hate the shiny finish of the DX valks from bandai. Anyone get adventurous and try a product like this? http://www.amazon.com/Gundam-Paint-Hobby-Super-Clear/dp/B000W30PIW/ref=pd_sim_t_3 I'd assume to avoid getting it everywhere you'd have to mask or take some parts apart. Disclaimer: i'm not a modeler/builder/painter etc (i haven't painted a plastic model kit since i was a kid/early teen and that was just with brushes), so i do not much about this kind of thing.
  14. thanks for the info/links. preordered mine. :-)
  15. Maybe I missed it, but were there release dates on any of this stuff? What I'd want to know 1. kit version and unpainted or just one or the other? 2. are new accessories included? 3. will the new accessories be available separately? 4. will they sell, JUST new heads? (for those of us who bought the old kits but really wanted a 1J or 1A instead of the S) 5. Release dates!?!?
  16. seriously i don't read japanese....so the link doesn't mean much to me. WHERE CAN I GET THESE? and why hasn't bandai done a VF-171!?
  17. so basically people haven't preordered enough of them and retailers haven't ordered enough...guess we are a dying breed. i've preordered both upcoming versions of the regult battlepod (light and heavy artillery) at BBTS, and have the 2010 SDCC one sitting in my POL there. Damn i want that GLAUG so badly too. i'll probably pick up a VF-1S strike too at some point (those are available readily apparently).
  18. oooh i want that glaug badly! please let it be, just ordered some other 1/100 stuff so it'll have company! wish i could find a vf-1j hikaur/rick 1/100 for a reasonable price as kyron vs. rick/hikaru was a memorable fight scene for me!
  19. i guess i'm the only one that prefers the slightly chunky aesthetic....the V2 looks damn sweet for those who are into the 100% line art accurate toys. after seeing this i'll get a V2 if and only if they fix the other problems with the V1's (mostly the poorly designed afterthought-like accessories/accesory packs, loosening joints). then again, i'm a re-buy sucker.
  20. so what kind of maintenance would you do to keep the hips tight? are we talking about disassembling and using nail polish (technique on a $10 transformers deluxe toy) or something else? FWIW my armored ozma hips are only a tad loose, same with the VF-27. My "movie colored" super alto is the worse offender. lets hope the yf-29 (mine is still in fighter mode) is better.
  21. wow nice poses man! i knew about the armored ozma being able to bend knees, never even put my tornado armor on the alto i have other than in fighter mode....i just assumed the leg armor design would be the same! just saw the yf-29 issue just now...i'll check mine later, but from that picture i have a feeling its an issue with handling....just my opinion. time will tell. maybe i should just buy the vf-25G tornado and be done...unless the v2 proves to be much superior.
  22. just got mine yesterday, no time to transform it yet. this things looks and feels awesome so far. the pictures linked in this thread have me itching to go home transform and pose this thing. i am praying it won't turn floppy over time like the vf-25's did (and to a lesser degree the VF-27 as well).
  23. wow good thing i checked MW, was about to pull the trigger on a tornado VF-25G as mikhail's was the only valk i still wanted (i don't care for luca's). wonder if the upcoming V2's will look good or out of place with the original DX's. i'm going to be happy if they fix all the STUPID mistakes (turns into floppy mess just sitting on shelf, fear or cracking wing/shouler area on the armored ozma, lack of knee bending with superpacks/tornado armor) but crap, am i going to re-buy all this so soon?
  24. that actually looks quite cool. any other variant color schemes coming out? i forget are amiami or hlj prepay preorde
  25. If they make em less than $50 and as good as the VF-1 hi-metal at 1/100 scale i'd say yes. They'd look right next to the DX konig monster. My mac F valks have to be on a different shelf than the monster because the scale is so off. as it is i'm toying with hunting down some robot spirits mac F valks so the monster doesn't look so lonely. lol. if they (potentail hi metal ones) were made well enough i'd even consider replacing the DX's which i like despite their many flaws.
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