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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. has anyone gotten an invoice from NY yet? i have not....
  2. although i love the SV-51 design, i cannot recommend buying the current toy unless you don't mind floppy loose joints. i have the nora sv-51 and while its a great looking piece i almost NEVER want to handle it because its a fiddly mess. the vf-27 renewal is the more solid choice IMO. also i bet the SV-51 will get redone as arcadia seems to be starting with macross plus if the upcoming yf-19 is any indication.
  3. plenty of time to save up is right but there is a question to me of "worth". granted i've spent more on things that are worth less to me BUT, those were bad decisions. lol. A comparison to MP TF's is n real one at all. None are in the same price range (not even the most expensive MP-10 which probably has a larger parts count and overall size by far), plus there costs and market niche is very different. Being that this is not bandai in terms of availability, I think I'm only going to spring for this if preorder discounts are heavy OR....sorry to say folks....wait for a sale. I'm expressing my opinion as to the lack of value for money spent with my wallet which will remain closed as MSRP levels for this thing ($350ish plus shipping so minimaly $375ish?). i mean, i got the damn yamato SDF-1 for less! wait, do we KNOW its made to order or is that pure speculation? sorry if there has been confirmation already...i must have missed it.
  4. I haven't unboxed mine yet but, if its painted...it ain't POM. POM aka acetal, aka delrin pretty much can't really be painted. amont affordable materials its one grade away from teflon in terms of being relativcely fricitionless. yes there are many grades of POM but i doubt there is one that is good to paint, so like i said if there is paint on that bar, it ain't POM.
  5. there is a WHOLE world of valkyries now!! get thee to anymoon.com to read up on them! yamato's valks havent needed to remove the legs in a VERY long time...like a decade or so. I think you will love the current (2008 to current) yamato "v2" 1/60's (yamato is now arcadia so the current releases and thus upcoming are now branded arcadia), or the older (early to mid naughts) 1/48 scale valks.
  6. dang, thanks for the link but horrible timing. too many toy purchases already this month. is the price generally stable? also i see from your other post in the relevant topic that there is a new one coming out? any more info on that one?
  7. cool thanks...just hit ebay for a price check. wowzers!! that thing went from an MSRP of 260 to something olike 700+ now on the market!!! i can see why. its friggen awesome. too rich for my blood though.
  8. man i wish i would have splurged on the regult back when they were availbale for around $400....back then it was "unthinkable" to spend so much on a macross toy for me but in retrospect....totally should have done it and comissioned someone skilled to build and paint it. lol. i think my macross collection will never be complete without one now. haha.
  9. wow that 1/72 is pretty bad. no thanks bandai! we don't need a VF-1 DX to look anything like that.
  10. no doubt its not good "value" for money, i do think it looks neat though to highlight a single item, and have it be lit up like that. they DO have a nearly two foot tall one for $15 more. same dims except height is 23.3.
  11. Highlighting a single valk...anyone use one of these? Legend Studio Dispaly cases? I think they'd look nice on top of a detolf (detolfs are short in my opinion, they could use a "topper") only downside seems to be cost and its made from acrylic instead of glass (glass has some measure of built in UV protection usually). http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/search.aspx?search=legend%20studio
  12. that effect is pretty awesome. makes me wonder....when is bandai gonna start putting LED's in the larger guns. that'd be pretty sweet. Oh also...don't have mine yet. Anyone know if they improved the wrist from the V1? anyone experiencing limp wrist on their vf-27 after holding up that big gun?
  13. yup mine has been since monday japan time...so 2.5 days...or 3 whole work days for them. usually doesn' t seem to take this long.
  14. after seeing these pictures....i'm even more excited. looks great!! antares 1 is awesome!
  15. so basically it IS a renewal (even if it isn't up to some people's standards for what it could have been), upgrading things most people complained about, the hips probably being the primary one. The shoulders neck and hands certainly look better. perhaps the detailing is a let down but i can't see how this isn't better in almost every way than the V1 (even if they did reuse certain parts) so i'm still considering this a renewal. Anyway, seems I'll keep my V1 (unless you guys think i really could get something for it) and leave it in fighter mode and have this one in battroid. it'll make a nice display that way i think.
  16. wait, i thought this WAS a renewal model (it looks different, no? at the hips etc), not just rerelease with fast packs? did i miss something? haven't really kept track since i preordered.
  17. wait so the stand is grey? not clear/frosty? major bummer if so. i'm hoping thats just a grey resin prototype and not the final deco. i'd prefer at least the arm part of it to be crystal clear. was thinking icy/frosty clear might be ok. grey? no F-ing way.
  18. value smalue. enjoy your stuff. i only worry about purchase price.
  19. yeah i think every Mac F collection needs it. Seriously one of the Best DX chogokin to come out. I only wish it were in scale with the valks (of course then it'd be like $500 but i'd pay it for a 1/60 monster). i actually bought a couple of robot spirits vf-25's so that they can hang out in 1/100 land with the monster.
  20. this is kind of a fun topic huh? My collection is actually pretty evenly split between macross and Transformers actually, and I have a small mospeada/robotech collection as well as a few random things (Voltron, a few random things like gatchaman and a godzilla). I have to say, not many people have seen it but when they do they more or less pick one or two things they relate to and talk about that. I mean what kid (even those who were mere infants in the 80s) of the 80s DOESN'T at least know voltron or optimus? The macross stuff is different. If they are American born, I always start with...."Remember Robotech?" and that usually jogs there memories. The name rick hunter is hard to forget apparently too. If they're from Asia, usually its harder unless they had the bootleg VF-1s in the 80s as the toys made it over to asia but the original anime SDFM wasn't super popular in places like Taiwan or HK etc.
  21. you are forgetting that the original roy was released in 2008 whereas the vf-19 was just last year, so inflation probably has something to do with those numbers. i think the reissue vf-1s was more than 9800 the least time they released it. Also, i think percentages are irrelevant. What is relevant is "what is the targeted consumer willing to pay"? For me, 37400 yen is a F*CK NO, unless the yen starts to plummet.
  22. Mechapilot77

    Macross figures

    Woah....i don't collect many figs....where did you get those sets?!!?! info?
  23. i hope you are right, and actually there is a line of thinking that would agree. I think people are overstating the importance of the VF-4G in their recent memory as a good "data point" on what yamato/arcadia does with it's pricing. People need to remember that it was a low production model that they knew they could not sell enough of, therefore sale price had to be higher to offset the tooling cost etc. While M+ isn't as popular in japan as say M7 or frontier, its popular enough that this will be a "high quantity" type production run for them which should bring pricing down to more reasonable costs. Also the demand for it might NOT be THAT high due to M+'s lack of popularity....therefore they can't overcharge too much for it as it certainly isnt say vf-1s popular. So in summary its popular enough to get made in not so small quantities and not popular enough to command a premium over other fighters of similar size and complexity. Add in the extras and this wil lbe ~$300 or so as compard to the $280 or so of the more popular (in japan) VF-19 and VF-17 .
  24. haven't checked this thread in a while. it does come with a lot of cool stuff. Lets hope they don't price this out of the stratosphere. It should really be closer to the VF-19 prices than the VF-4G. I flat out am not paying anything close to $400 shipped for this. If Arcadia truly is using Bandai as a gage of pricing lets hope it comes in near the price of the upcoming DX VF-27 with super parts. To be honest, i think they will lose A TON of customers (remember M+ wasn't that popular in japan compared to m7 etc) if they start getting too ambitious with their pricing strategy.
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