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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. probably, but i feel like they have never been on time with anything. lol. i don't mind so much because there is just too much keeping me busy these days but if i were waiting on roy i'd be annoyed.
  2. galvatron right? if it doesn't disassemble into 10,000 indistinct cubes and reassemble to form the alt mode than its not movie accurate. lol
  3. that is so awesome. and damn i still want one of those...bad!
  4. these days it seems all the innovation and energy in 3P is in the legends scale which i refuse to start a collection of. i do thnk these devys are beter than the mp versions so i might bite. i'll leave it to you to show us which is better. lol
  5. thanks xigfrid. btw, what type of primer and paint are people using on this?
  6. oh cool. good to know. btw i printed in the grey color pa12 multi jet infusion. was that a mistake? haha. its a cool grey color but i wonder if i can sand it smooth or not or if i will just reveal more gritty looking porous looking surface? if not, not big deal it looks kinda cool in that finish anyway and i'd probably just color in some details vs. painting the whole thing (at least on my first go around here).
  7. thanks for the answers Jasonc. Yeah i guess i will have to cut and sand. was just afraid i'd deform then end but then again it is just 1mm.
  8. hmm have found all the pins I need except M1 x 13mm. seems they are all even numbered after they get past a certain length (ie. 12 or 14 or 16 mm). must have clicked on 30 different ebay sellers selling metric M1 pins. lol. If anyone has a good source, let me know. Also, for the screws in these typs of 3d printed material, do I need self tapping or will regular machine screws work?
  9. lol that is awesome.
  10. so bandai saw sentinel marvel fighting armors and got jealous? haha bandai's designs DO look better though. also shang chi looks really well done. was gonna just get the ML one (its "good enough" for what it is) but maybe i'll get the SHF if it doesnt' sell out on goes on sale. ironman has a fast pack but no strike canon. haha. looks good though.
  11. LEK is the man. his work is amazing almost always.
  12. i have the SHF x chogokin one from years ago, never got a chance to break it out onto display. wonder if i could sell for profit and get this if its better. lol. *sigh* sick of apt. living.
  13. big improvements to thor (i have the original SHF of him) but i'm not rebuying him. i like short hair thor better anyway. widow looks really godo though.
  14. honestly sideswipe should have switched over to this mold during earthrise. they released how many repaints? lol. not rebuying all of them. not even sure i'll buy this one. its not even that good a countach. the hood looks way more accurate...the rest kinda does but i'm not sure i prefer the overall look to my upgraded siege sideswipe. hate its bundled with some bullshit i don't want. we'll see i guess.
  15. its sad to me as an mp collector who is trying not to buy legends size that those legends devies look better than constructor....i still like gravity builder's combined look better than those (its a bit updated though not really g1) but the individual bots modes look great on the new age. way better than toyworld's g1ish bots and of course GT's aren't G1 so....yeah.
  16. lol of course you wouldn't! :-P i only have 4 of those primes. i think i spy wfc siege, pp-01, mp-10, and mpp-10. i kinda regret not getting the lewin.
  17. similarly to you i do focus on one scale (MP). i've been careful not to get into 3P legends too much (only for figures whic i like the legends better than the mp equivalent for some reason...for instance blaster and magnus i prefer the legends depictions to the MP ones i have or had in the case of blaster)...but when the mainline hasbro starts releasing things i like i came out and supported them big time during the WFC trilogy (not beast things anyway) and SS86 lines...unwittingly continuing or rebuidling a "CHUG" scale collection that i had stopped collecting years ago! oh well...i'm gonna be picky from here on out. lol.
  18. i did the same, one gnaw for now. if he is good i'll worry about tracking down more and replacing the igears....if i do i'll let you know. i never actually go the titans returns or cyberverse ones so these will be first new ones in a while for me.
  19. Did you use standard solid metal dowel pins or something like slotted spring pins, grooved pins etc? TIA
  20. now the question i find myself asking is do i really want to duplicate my collection in every scale and continually upgrade and replace those of same scale? doing i get 3 gnaws to replace my 3 igear sharkticons? do i get SS dinobots in chug scale even though i've got mp scale dinos? do i get wreck gar when the classics toy is pretty decent (though not accurate to g1 source) and KFC's crash hog is pretty awesome in mp scale? i mean wiht macross i REFUSE to completely duplicate what i did with yamato 1/60 in bandai DX format (bandai makes this easy because they will never cover as many variants) though i have picked up a few. hi metal R was an easy buy in due to availbility of destroids and enemy mecha (of course i bought some valks to go with them!).... with TF will i feel like i missed out on SS86 slag even if i like scoria better? the easy answer is to just buy it all but like space, cost, and time/maintenance etc... decisions. gnaw and wreck gar i will get and if i feel i dn't need them will get rid of but slag...i'm unsure.
  21. so the new direction of the MP line is they review on case by case or character by character basis what the figure will be like? its encouraging he references MP prowl and lambor though....at least to me it is. i think prowl may be the best of all worlds in terms of giving us a real robot look with some details, an accurate alt mode, AND a cartoon inspired silhouette. i can't think of another MP release that balances those things more to my liking. wheeljack (in either deco) comes close but he has some evidence of a cost savings approach (like the hollow bicep area) too. mp skyfires "alternate" form. lol. hopefully they can make the jet mode look cooler but that won't be accurate to animation. phoenix'x alt mode is better than WFC but still not clean. i can't say find a lot of bad things to say about WFC jetfire though. his very plane jane robot design actually benefits from the detailing (although it could have use a bit more restraint there) that uber toon purists dislike. oh well...he was wfc jetfire and not g1 skyfire so technically IS accurate. his size was too big for WFC though. he was big guy in the series but not that big. in fact his size relation to mp-10/44 is closer to what you see on screen size wise than his size next to the siege prime figure.
  22. i think i saw it and said...that looks WAY better than the old matchbox so it got a pass. seeing it next to your photoshop where the canons REALLY reminds me of the feeling of the watching the show..like "thats what was off!". haven't really examined the mospeada line art the same way others have i guess. i hope they fix the canons. if so i'll probably get multiple.
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