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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. was thinking the same thing. so many things i would collect if i could and these would be near the the top of the list.
  2. Aside from the most commonly mentioned ones I think Perceptor deseves an MP treatment. Not Sure if TT would do it anytime soon. there are so many other heavy hitters to go before you get to perceptor, but perceptor has an awesome bot mode, is both a microscope and a laser cannon tank thingy. He also has an easy repaint as Micro Robo Black pre TF deco (TF later repurposed this too as Magnificus). FT is doing the dinos. FT and Daca are both doing skyfire. i'd love to see the omnibots....no way TT will do those. they all had awesome vehicle alt modes too. i mean a ferrari a supra and an rx-7? 80s sports car goodness TT isn't likely to take on!
  3. the thing about movies is almost nothing in them in unintentional. Its also conceived, reviewed, edited etc. almost nothing is "by accident". the most effective and insidious propaganda is the type you don't feel is propaganda. It just sort of floats in your head casually and influences your opinions without you realizing. Cynical or not I can see through any wool pulled over my eyes these days and i'm sick of it. I sat down to what I thought would be the most enjoyable movie of the year and left disgusted. it ruined a friday evening for me. I later rewatched it and analyzed why it was I had those feelings and realized it was no without reason.
  4. I wanted to like PAcific Rim. i really did. I was excited for its release. I don't usually get tangled in political stuff, but what is in the film goes beyond political. del Toro did his best to cut out a lot of the more offensive stuff that was originally in the movie but he was polishing a turd and had to please the studio. I am not Japanese or even of Japanese ethnicity, but I was not only offended for them but was myself offended. Its another movie in the long history hollywood has of pushing its agenda. Let's examine some points about Pacific Rim. 1. It is a movie that "draws inspiration" from now classic Japanese genres of movies. Kaiju movies, robot movies, anime etc. However, instead of a tribute to those genres it makes no mention or reference as to the origin nor credits Japan in any way for it. There isn't even a Japanese jaegger team? 2. But wait you say, they put an ethnically Japanese actress in a big role. Yeah and while she is totally bad ass enough to beat down a generic horder of if you notice....all asian dudes in the training to see "who is better matched to whom". Oh and as it turns out she is best suited as a side kick to some good ol fashioned American dude. Oh and later he heroically saves her. Let's also remember...there is no logical reason why you need two people to pilot the jaegger. The reason give seems like an afterthought and excuse to show the world that the best mental "drift" match is good old boy white dude and "oppressed" emotionally helpless yet somehow badass asian girl. 3. So the movie is anti-asian? But wait there is a chinese team, shown as being heroic. I can only assume this is to draw chinese audiences, however when faced with the real danger they are all but helpless. And of course it takes 3 asian dudes to be able to pilot a jaegger when any two white folk will do. Lets not forget the random asian reference jokes in there...like the shop owner selling herbs promising virility. Oh and of course its also a front for some illegal activity too. This is the classic hollywood move of pretending to give an inch but then taking a foot. What is sad is the chinese didn't even realize this and spent $100 Million watching this garbage. 4. The solution to the threat evil ugly threat coming out of the Pacific was nuclear weapons! of course! Is it an analog to anything? hmmmm...... while we wouldn't think of nuking another country today because of both the humanitarian reason and the counter attack, this analog clearly is celebrating the bombs at hiroshima and nagasaki. they're less than human anyway right? I thought "The Departed" ripping off infernal affairs was bad for not ackowledging that it was a remake. in fact the only reference to anything asian in "the Departed" is you guessed it...asian mafia people who need their little tiny mini uzi guns. pacific rim takes it over the top another notch using a derivation of a country's own culture to then rape said country and race of people with it. Like I said, i RAELLY wanted to like Pacific Rim but the above jumped out as all too obvious. Also if you ever see portions of the original script online...it was much worse in exactly the ways i'm talking about.
  5. Sentinel? Means it'll be a premium line but WAY WAY expensive.....hope it isn't priced into the stratosphere like most of their stuff.
  6. btw although i've had issues with Anime Export, AE is the best place to order TF masterpiece IMO. $44 each right now (but you must prepay... of course hlj adn amiami will get these too (though its not up yet) and hlj may be an overall better bet (you can pay later and price will be only slightly higher is my guess), but for probably the best pricing....its NOW and its with AE before they run out of preorders.
  7. 1. arii box art darkish ("deep space" is what i call it) vf-1j 2. Low viz grey similar to the 1/48 vf-a/j/s kit 3. Stealth theme from the 1/48 line including Fast packs vf-1j 4. minmay guard vf-1s 5. some kind of real world digital camo http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/76025b.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/ar353-3-box.jpg
  8. i'm with david. the toy's colors are off. purple is way too dark/saturated. the white should be grey or even silver...but not white. it just looks off. its like someone mixed the colorants into the plastic resin as a first pass and somebody colorblind looked at a colored test sample said..."good enough", lets run it...and the whole lot was made that way. that is how off i think it is.
  9. oh my a gosu would be hot! happy new years macrossworld peeps!
  10. i think everything til 22 is still a hasui design. empty lower legs seems to be the one sacrifice hausi has had to make on all the carbots....they still look great but aren't "perfect"...nothing is actually. haha.
  11. hah you're welcome to come over sometime but my skills are quite...beginner level at best. hahaha. i'm trying to decide if i should comission someone or attmpt it myself. it'll definitely get painted one way or another. haha.
  12. WOW WOW WOW. looking awesome. bets inhibit model ever! seriously! can't wait to get this in hand...just wish i ordered more than 1 now. haha
  13. the vf-1 is about the same size as teh current mp-11 heightwise....so a starscream height figure in robot mode (though the mp seekers are much larger in alt mode compared to the vf-1 fighter mode). mp-3/11 is bulkier than a vf-1 and MP-10 is much bulkier. if you're looking for a jetfire....1/48 will be more the right size (even then a bit undersized if going by the "holy scale chart" at about 1.5-2 inches taller than mp-10).
  14. anyone notice that the hikaur is the "movie version" while the roy is the "special movie version"? what is up with that? ***edit*** i realize what is is. its the "roy focker special", movie version and the "hikaur ichijo", movie version. i forget that its called the "roy focker special"
  15. sorry thats ridiculous. at the end of the day arcadia makes the call. they can reject issues back to the factory. they can also have people on the ground at the factory. you're name is on the box, you signed them off as "ok for sale". this is the same in ANY industry. We cannot let the blame slide downhill. its got to go straight to the top. crooked skulls are not ok despite the fact that the issue is a non issue for the majority of fans....is IS an issue for some people as it should be. i hold arcadia 100% responsible. i'm pissed even if i won't see see it 99% of the time (DYRL valks get super/strike parts for me...nake dyrl valks just look wrong to me).
  16. figs look great. who is gonna be the first to paint them? :-P
  17. never been so excited to see a silhouette! as far as magnus beign quartered like that, someone actually made in animation from the original storyboards that show it. magnus is supposed to be such a badass but he got decimated in seconds of being leader so i always thought he got punked bad. still i like what magnus stands for. a fearless perfect soldier type.
  18. looks all kinds of awesome. definitely will be seeing this or getting it on bluray. one correction though...journey to the west isn't originally a novel but a folk legend. its possible novels were written later and this is based on it though so if thats what you meant than my apologies.
  19. that last shot is a sweet photo. i remember reading books about military planes when i was a kid and they always had a drawing of a plane with all its ordinance laid out like that for each plane.
  20. you sure its not in your spam folder? i got a notification email from them when mine shipped.
  21. wow that is REALLY close. i wonder if it is down to piece to piece or run to run variation. you can barely see it putting them together like that and i'm sure you needed good lighting to see it too. i think unless everyone's is like that its "too close to call" the shot with the wings close up its easy to see....but then look at the body of the valks...not so easy. seems it could be a lighting issue but again..i trust your judgment as yoyu have compard in person. in box....he looks rpetty white. not planning to unbox mine for a little while.
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