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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. yeah i'm going to wait for retail. this isn't MUST for me but i guess i should check this tread more often because i totally missed on ALL of the preorders. no sweat. i'll get it when it comes out and if not....oh well. it would have been higher up on the list but i'm not sold on the head sculpt and to be honest there are other things i'd rather spend on. IMO macross needs a new series fast because this MF/M30 aesthetic is getting tiring. I mean how many DX valks for these series can the market accept. that being said, i still hope i can get one (not too concerned it'll not be available).
  2. i think we need to relax. there hasn't been a 2second sold out item in SEVERAL releases. i think most of the renewals after the first round or so have been fairly available, no reason why this wouldn't be.
  3. i couldn't agree more with the last part. Our generation will always have a fondness for the franchises robotech co-opted (and as this site proves their derivatives and sequels/prequels etc) but there are whole generations of potential fans waiting to be won by the next great idea/saga/story/anime/whathaveyou. Honestly the format of macross fits into the tradition of the "space opera" and to be honest i would LOVE to a new anime series that is a space opera with cool new mechs/enemies or whatever. Hasn't been done well in a while now (not an original one anyway, so for instance macross F doesn't count), and I think that genre could still pull new fans. the last space opera i really enjoyed wasn't even anime...it was the reimagning of BSG in the mid naughts.
  4. THANKS GU-11, i'll check it out sometime. and yes, definitely excited for this figure! btw can someone explain 3A/3zero. confusing...is it the same company or linked or what?
  5. Gosh I really hope they don't go "look here is an all silver G1 toy accurate version!"....that would be the biggest waste of a repaint i can think of. please be blue. i want an mp diaclone collection! i can't help but think magnus will also be repainted in the diaclone colors too. how cool would it be to have a daclone magnus, yellow lambor, and a blue daiclone bluestreak? i may be getting ahead of myself but IF they ever do a sunstreaker i REALLY hope they do a diaclone red repaint. it'd be an awesome tribute to the first transforming car toy ever! FWIW As far as committing $90, BBTS is one retailer that lets you cancel a preorder until it arrives so you'd have plenty of time to see if other sites put it up.
  6. gotta be blue diaclone colors right? i preordered just in case it is, don't want to miss out on that if thats the case!
  7. this is a first for me. I rarely collect anything outside things related to a few franchises and rarely things not related to those franchises that are somewhat big ticket items. this thing just made me forget the rules. There have been a few items like this over the years that tickled my fancy like this that i always found out about after the fact or i passed up on because it wasn't in the realm of what i collect...i've always regretted not getting them later on....that is part of what made me jump on this. BTW, you have any examples of similar things like this (original or slightly obccure high end mecha or robot figures )?
  8. As far as I can see there isn't a thread on it, and there should be because it looks all kinds of awesome. not for everybody but it looks like its going to be sweet. its like a blend of super robot, mecha, and samurai-ish aesthetics. also robots with capes are almost always cool. toy wise its 18" tall and 100 points of articulation and includes the pilot figure (and will be wildly out of scale with anything remotely macross because it seems the pilot is between 5-6" tall or so).... i don't usually collect random stuff but sometimes cool stuff happens. gonna try to get myself one of these. i wish there was some supporting fiction or art other than that video. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/11/bandai-x-threezero-x-kunio-okawara.html
  9. dammit, that is one i was hopeing for. i rationaized at the time i alraedy had a vf-1d AND a max vf-1j so i had both the color scheme and the mold. :-P eithe rway i guess i don't miss it much but thinking about it now like its not really available makes me want it more. we always want what we cannot (reasonably anyway) have. haha
  10. looks like i waited one week too long to check this out. gah!! is it still up anywhere? anyone download the flv from youtube before it was taken down. bummer.
  11. see this is why i say for MP car bots...ALWAYS ALWAYS preorder from a jp retailer. NO WAY would i pay the bbts $80-90 price on a mass release MP carbot. And as we see now....Even the hasbro TRU exclusive price is higher. if you preordered from anime export, prowl was ~$52 shipped all the way from japan, even less each if you ordered more than one! its a $45ish dollar toy in japan, so with preorder discounts and cheapest registered shipping it makes sense to import mp cars in my opinion. I do GUESS and this is only a guess based on the price point that the previously amazon exclusive launchers will come with US MP prowl (it better for that price and whatever TRU marks it up to). I also guess that they will change up the deco ever so slightly...hopefully for those waiting for a US version it won't be too bad.
  12. which are you more attached to? i say get the vf-1d, wait for a vt-1 reissue. the vf-1d 30th anny set is as good as that vf-1d will get. a vt-1 if reissued will have better shoulders. then you'd have to paint the shapeways parts to match...this isn't a white or offwhite valk so the shapeways ones won't even sort of look right without matching paint.
  13. Wasn't the Vf-1 $155-160ish or was that the prorder discount? i don't remember, think i paid ~$180 shipped shipped. Guess i had mixed preorder pricing up with MSRP. Also, those were build to order. If this is a general release I assume it will be slightly cheaper than it would be if it were a build to order. So yo're 250 drops to say 225 (as a guess) for non build to order? Add in a preorder discount and its within shouting distance of $200 before shipping?
  14. true but he is too obviously a roy derivative character IMO. they were like lets take everybody's favorite guy and let him not die and make him more macho and "complex". i wish he was more different.
  15. i hope you're right but the VF-0 is a much bigger valk than a vf-1...how much did arcadia want for thos again? $160ish msrp. $200 or less seems reasonable but we'll see.
  16. looks good. the yf-29 is truly bandai's vf-1 now. lol. with all these repaints coming out almost makes me wish i hadn't sold my alto scheme one so i could have "completeness"....but then again that scheme was truly meh. every one since then has been better by far. does that say its coming out in may? so soon after spluring for the yf-19....don't know if i'll get it.
  17. Pinky space crab has landed!!!
  18. is it an actual takara release? or a hasbro asia issue of the takara release? i have a feeling if you see it at bbts and tfs but not say hlj, amiami, or other jp based etailers than it is a hasbro asia release (much like the recent mp-11 reissue was a hasbro asia release of the takara version as well as the recent hasbro asia takara version mp-10 reissue that included a stand (not in box but separate). i could be wrong but that is my guess
  19. i dunno. see, i'm the opposite. if they put ou ta $300 g1 styled trypticon of the same quality as genesis i'd get it. the WFC design, not so much. a trex shouldn't have huge arms. lol. i dunno loved the old dumb version of him. anyway, for people like you i hope they do put it out as omega needs a sparring buddy.
  20. Yeah i'm in the "that is TOTALLY a VF-0D" camp. not a question in my mind. If they do a 0D, can a 0S (and 0A) with some shared parts and engineering be far behind? i'm in for the blue 0D and the CF repaint (which DOES totally look better IMO)! lucky we have until 2015 to save up though. a little disappointed it is so far out but happy i have time to save for them. Does this mean we either the market will only bear 1 major new mold a year or that arcadia doens't have the resources to make more than 1 major new mold (hopefully we'll get a retooled 0S from this 0D the same year) a year? personally i thought they'd go full on mac plus renewals (The YF-21 and VF-11B are still so good though) but this is welcome news.
  21. i have a sv-51 nora. i'd say the vf-0 is quite a bit less floppy than the nora.
  22. As amazing and awesome as the planet x genesis is, i just don't like the WFC/FOC aesthetic enough to pay 3P prices. i hope for their sake the game has tons of rabid fans because the two items they released so far are totally on point. just amazing. i just wished they worked on stuff i like. lol.
  23. btw good observation about the sticker sheet genius! M&M cant be far off. DAmmit i should have sold my set at the height of the craziness! lol. I'm definitely getting another set if they are released.
  24. i would say if you are a fan of the design...get it....and yes get a "safer" release without the exploding shoulders issue. No telling when or if Arcadia will revisit Zero. Are there lots of Zero fans in Japan? IMO the VF-0 is among the best fighter designs in the macross universe and i love the look of the battroid too. Keep in mind though with the the toy this is a PRE VF-1 V2 yamato toy. Its a "second generation" effort i'd say. not up to the standards of a v2 VF-1, but I'd say the build quality (minus the known issues) is somewhere close to a 1/48 . That said I own both a "fragile" one and a "safe" one, both are still whole. that being said the toy COULD use an update. I'd accept a V1 VF-0 into my collection in a heartbeat.
  25. sweet. guess i'll be looking for a package in the mail next week or so. space crabby here we come!
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