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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i actually think the clear trailer is really cool. then gain, i warmed up to yoth prime too (i have every deco of mp-10). af first in pictures he looks gaudy, but keep looking at it and you'll like it for what it is, and once you get it in hand, you'll realize he is positively regal! definitely not for those that want the traditional prime deco but he looks great IMO. the trailer looks cool to me. only thing is i wish they hadn't put the autobot logo there. I was thinking of spraying it in a transparent smoke color (think the "white" part of tail lights on an amg mercedes and how they are smoked) and giving it to mp-10b for a while, but i think i'm just going to leave it with yoth prime now. i don't think yoth prime is good replacement for the traditional deco prime (like takara's normal mp-10 or even hasbro's bright saturated "toonish" version) but it has its own charm for sure. i was one of the biggest haters at first too...
  2. looking at your pictures i wonder if the blue woudl fit wings extended if it were "banking" to its left. this would allow you to make more use of the space and the longest diagonal you could draw in that cube. then one must ask....how could you support it that way....and i've have to say....no idea...i'm' sure some combination of fishing line and flgihtposes might work but the alpha bieta combo is so heavy and not as connected as it could be....perhaps i'll give it a whirl one day when i display my mospeada stuff....
  3. my guess is that he scales with the ultimetal optimus who is huge and doens't TF either and IMO isn't a great scuplt of optimus (i prefer both mp1-0 and mp-01) to it. it is 17 inches tall and $800. it it were scaled to mp-10 instead of ultimetal i'd get it. as is, no thanks....keep the $800. if i were bigger fan of the ulimetal op i'd have to get both though.
  4. Reviving a dead topic here but, has anyone had luck signing up with goodsmile's online shop? i created an account (and it was not easy to find the right page to do this where you can pick the USA or any other country other than japan as an option), but when i try to check out there is a "say" katakana field and a "mei katakana" feild i have no idea what valid inputs are for and they are required.
  5. so i like the new mp bumblebee but its totally disappointing in two areas. hollow forearms on an MP??? also apparent lack of wrist swivels. the latter is speculation, the former is confirmed. WTF Takara? WTF. not like its so small that it can't be done. i think particularly the lack of writ swivels is offensive.
  6. looks ok, kinda have mixed feelings abou the face. think it may be the lighting/shadows and the grey color though. still i have it preorderd and do not regret it. for thos that thing bii is more accurate.... i disagree. the front windshield should NOT be right below the head...with the wipers there and non clear window its only more obviously wrong IMO. aesthetically its pretty good though. edit...someone on TFW digibashed color onto it (ambitron)...looks much better.
  7. anyone remember gobots and how they were acquired by hasbro in 1991? do this is a 3P cykill....pretty sweet bike mode http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=UQT10009&mode=retail
  8. sweet! i just realized that this is merely one month or so away! awesome!!!
  9. yup definitely faux. look at the side windows and where it ends....no way the rear of the car is right there. i don't mind faux kibble that is a design element of the character. for instace....mp prime's grill is a fuax grill and i have him preordered right now too but that is just incase i miss the hlj and AE preorders...
  10. speaking of displays...anyone plan on getting this to use with their valks? its only about 10.2 inches tall but i think that may be suitable enough for 1/60 vf-1s. http://www.hlj.com/product/ban989554/Sup
  11. hmmmi know NY lets you cancel but i wonder if they let you do a price adjutsment if its cheaper once it is released? perhaps the fact that its so available now means i shouldn't even bother keeping the Preorder i put in last night (which i just stumbled upon by luck)? if i cancel its a gamble i guess.
  12. wow missed another one....this and the 29 ozma....guess i'll have to wait for retail.
  13. that looks awesome...maybe because the blue is hidden for the most part? also if they release super parts hopefully they emulate that and also inlcude spear like that..it looks awesome. is it canon?
  14. man it would be awesome. The bandai monster is shy of 1/100 i think by just a touch (yamato's is larger and is listed as a 1/100)...i can't imagine how awesome a 1/60 would be. it'd obviously need some heavy duty joints etc. shelf presence would be awesome.
  15. proper godzilla roar is awesome. new design is also much more close to traditional designs than that late 90s disaster of a movie. also walter white! lol. should be a treat! can't wait!! i was a huge kaiju guy as a kid. granted i liked the kid freindly 60s/70s movies where godzilla is a good guy etc. but this looks great!
  16. thanks for the mini review. wow i didn't realize he was that big. hmmm....
  17. and btw...i caved. i'll let you know how they are in april (according to bbts) i guess. if its anything like the promotional shots i'm gonna be happy. orderd a speeder, trying to decide on which deco of the stronghold to go for. any opinions?
  18. totally agree about price. its fair if the quality is as good as it looks. i am quite tempted even though i have nothing to display them with. they look great. and FWIW BBTS is cheaper han hlj/amiami on this by a good $35 or so BEFORE shipping. haven't found any other places that carry it though. major focker it looks like "falcon's hanger" will carry it www.tfh.com.sg http://acidrainworld.blogspot.com/
  19. i still think the 25 is the best design in the whole frontier/video game series of valks. This 2 seat version reminds me of just how good it is. also its got a unique color scheme that is jarring at first but grows on you. i want one. must get. will prioritize above trying to track down a yf-29 ozma. i seriously need more display space/cabinets. dx chogokins take up so much space!
  20. you have to remember they not only do robotech but DO have the "rights" to distribute macross stuff here too. Remember some of the super poseables back in teh day were released as macross toys not robotech. they KNOW they've sullied the robotech name and know the macross name has more value. also some o fthe 1/100s were released as macross too. strange that ichijo is being shown on a robotech box though.
  21. i'd buy an SD "rick" or roy, maybe even the valk. definitly woudl go for a minmay or bridge crew SD if they did those too
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