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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. why should grimlock or Sludge they be any more costly than scoria? i think they are shooting for $200 across the board (by the time the american retailers sell it which I suspect is more like $145 or so in China) which i think is why they are giving us a stand and an extra set of chromed wings for Soar (adding perceived added value/content to justify price). Then again i could see grimlock being a touch more since they could likely get away with it becasue... grimlock.
  2. yes!! it'd have to be a bigger scale than 1/60 though, those things were small. also a bioroid (or whatever they are supposed to be called) with a hoverboard to swuare off against too. southern cross was kind of the crappiest show of the 3 but i did like the mecha and they never got the modern premium treatment.
  3. gerwalk mode is cool. it does look a bit forced on some valks though, just to have one. vf-1 gerwalk is classic. by extension the vf-0 also looks cool because its mostly the same basic shape the sv-51 has an awesome gerwalk mode (if only the otoy werne't so floppy) the vf-25 and the vf-11 have good ones too. the other valks....i don't care about gerwalk as much.
  4. gojira means gorilla whale...gorilla has ears. that being said he does resemble a reptile primarily even if the inspiration was two mammals.
  5. vague post but, consider me...interested. very. can you tell us about how long we're gonna be waiting for into? haha
  6. so i've been pushing for clear stands and voted that way, but it occurs to me that the o-rings will be highly visible unless you use an almost translucent rubber. very few "stock" standard o-rings come in that colors though. anyway, just something to keep in mind. also i have a feeling skullmilita is right on the tooling cost. make sure you get multiple qoutes.
  7. zero is an awkward juxaposition of some somewhat realistic mecha dogfights and some hocus pocus fantasy magic stuff....the latter shows up quite prominently in the story. most people wanted it to continue on and be sort of a more "grown up" mecha series. also it didn't help tha tthere are only 4 episodes and it took a LONG time between each episode before we saw the next. that being said i still like zero a lot.
  8. so the tightness is controlled by compressive force of the oring by screwing the bolt into the nut? good idea and if the o-rings are a standard size an economical one as well. i like these stands quite a bit. i would however prefer a clear arms though.
  9. can't see a game only valk being that high in demand though i've been known to be wrong....not preordering. i'll wait until it drops in price like the VF-25A did. then again i'm not super into this one...if i was i guess i'd preorder
  10. that actually looks pretty good. makes sense if rockets can mount on the front too. very G1. side mount was popular later on. i wonder if he can pull some decent poses off. the alt mode truck is a little garish with the chrome bars over the grill but its a solid alt mode. its a shame that using this design, the size that accommodates mp cars in the trailer makes him so dam tall. would love to see this in some actin poses.
  11. i had a jetfire when i was 8 or so i think....perfectly appropriate age. although i think you could go a couple years younger.
  12. hmm, while what you say makes sense i'm not sure i'm convinced. the counterpoint - we only ever really got one "real" superion. While i liked superion as a kid (and i assume he is the most popular autobot combiner being the first), the TFC version was just a little too off for me to like enough to actually get. Warbo's bruticus, so far as clearing that bar but barely. It is a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out), but with the large minimum order qty's i'm not sure that its a valid concern. the market might quite l flooded with them after release. also whiles its the first REAL bruticus, i do think companies are wary of character fatigue. I mean There have been at least two different upgrade sets to th hastak's FOC bruticus which makes him acceptable to a certain portion of that potential market. Either way, i hope you are right, becuase i think warbo is good....but not THAT good (just like my nearly $600 hercules sitting on the shelf that in today's world...i would have never bought....and warbo's clearly looks better than herc). IMO it can always get MORE G1 inspired. Personally, i think the size is kind of ok...but woudln't gurt to got a bit smaller (like herc or rex sized) to more neatly fit into a "chug" display or larger to go into a more MP centric one. BTW The other menasor....is warbo's, no? i also can't wait to see what a new group will do with defensor.
  13. how certain are you of another full bruticus? have you seen sketches or something like that? will it be as g1 or more g1 than warbo?i think warbotron is ok. i was initilally blown away but now am a bit....lukewarm on it. hestitant to spend $500ish bucks on "lukewarm" if another bruticus is on the way that soon. the reason i want warbo is because i thought he might be the best bruticus we see within the near future.
  14. man i'm so happy this is going to happen. i am of two hearts on what i want this to be. part of me years for something completely new....whether it be set it the far flung future post frontier or some story between plus and 7. another part of me is itching for a truly modern retelling of the original story. let's face it sdfm and dyrl are the best of any macross series or movies. it perhaps deserves a modern update, reboot in the same vane as 2199. also with the macross clearly in the pic in that tv spot....i'd say this is most likely. that being said i'd welcome it with open arms. macross is ready for a reboot and new fans. i'd like it to be more "realistic", have more developed characters and subplots. think modern BSG type of space opera but in a rebooted macross universe. i doubt that will happen though. also perhaps new themes and motifs are in order. How many times can we do love triangles, idols etc. (then again i'm perferctly happy with the traditional macross motifs in the case of a retelling/reboot so long as you add something additinal and new) interesting thought: you know....attack on titan could totally be a prequel to macross. i mean its been said that the protoculture visited earth before and advanced our technologies and evollution. who is to say the titans aren't prototypes of what eventually became the zentran? haha. looking at history we got mac II out of that....was that also bandai sponsored? if kawamori is not involved that does lend itself to play to less cliched (by now) motifs. then again if its a reboot, i'm sure they won't stray too far from the original. i hope the project is done with love and passion and not just a cash grab from the involved parties.
  15. the new arcadia vf-1s releases both came with a stand...one of the reasons i bought them. other than that, perhaps you can track down a yamato mightyblock (though i don't recommend them). or the bandai hobby action base stands and buy adapaters from shapeways (exo deisgned them, i think you can find them if you do a forum search) that being said i'm not sure either of the last two options (mightyblock or bndai action base) will be sturdy enough to hold a yf-19. there are alwasy flightpose stands as well.
  16. you're gonna make me rewatch that episode now for clues. lol
  17. how many episodes were there this "half season", it seems like startling little. I think there is only 1 or 2 more left before the long spring/summer hiatus right? and yeah last week's was just hard to watch! I think they will follow the usual formula of the last episode being a source of chaos and mayhem and of course....cliffhanger. This all of course after the relative feel good eppy we just saw and i'm sure the first third or so of next week's will feel the same way until somehow all hell breaks loose.
  18. seems like the closest we've come to seeing a nice g1 prime in a game but his hands are the wrong color and since when does G1 prime's hand transform to reveal a blaster? Thats borrowing from Transformers Prime (i don't think movie prime ever did it...did WFC/FOC do it?).
  19. The YF-30 CLEARLY is in the same design language/aesthetics style as the frontier valks. Anyone who says otherwise isn't paying attention. Put it this way, if someone told me it was in the background in some animation cell of some frontier episode or movie...i'd believe them. I couldn't say that about any pre frontier designs. that being said 2008 to 2014...that is a long run for a design language. Hopefully we'll get something new and awesome in the not too distant future and you won't be able to confuse it witha frontier design
  20. its pretty awesome in person. the red and blues are nice and dark...darker than the TT MP10 even. i think as years go by and this become more "rare" it will truly be looked back on fondly. i am super surprised they aren't releasing the plane jane normal prime colors for the 30th anniversary though. yeah its been rumored and hinted at to be an armor all along. from the early mockups shown by hasui 2 years ago to pictures of prime transformed witg his legs backwards etc. its gonna be a white prime with armor and that is more than ok with me.
  21. scoria is the size he is because he scales with the new mp-10 and newer line of MPs. mp08 while beloved is the odd man out.....he is too small and short. FT is sizing things so they scale correctly with MP-10 according to the scale chart (holy be thy name lol). i think it is the right move, particularly if they eventually release something to replace the glorious but outdated mp-08. i've had mp grimmy since hasbro first released him way back in...2010 i think? even then he was already almost a year old...its a 5 year old mold...i don't mind replacing it with a newer, better, bigger one. FT has said they will consider doing a grimlock if TT hasn't done a V2 by the time the rest of the dinos are done. Another thing to consider is if TT and FT, don't...Gigapower will (if they survive until then). He'd be a touch bigger than an FT centric dino collection but i don't mnd grimmy being bigger because well...he is the leader.
  22. WOW!! Wheeljack's deco is perfect. It really DID need the Allitalia on it because its such a well known livery. hoepfully thi smeans an eventual mp jazz can get that martini racing accurate livery too! the magnus silhouette looks nice. I think its a real silhouette. the thighs look VERY MP-10, so i think its a legit teaser not just a random generic magnus shape as far as star saber...i have no affinity for this character. he wasn't known to me until the advent of the widespread adoption of the internet. don't really care much. if it ends up being an awesome collectible toy....i'll look into it, but i won't be disappointed if it sucks because... do not care. i can't understand anyone in the US caring that much. While i colllect new macross series stuff, non US G1 characters don' t get much love from me. i'm still a bit sore its happening when those resources could have worked on another legit S1, S2, TFTM, or season 3 character.
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