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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i consider the V2 1/60 vf-1 to be the most play friendly. Simple transformation. Nice tight joints (granted i don't play around with them as much as i would a $20 TF voyager class toy whcih btw these days do not stand up to any play really without getting super loose...thanks lazy designers and ball joints!) except for my early run VF-1S dyrl valks (which i bought replacemtn shouler parts for but mine never broke after all these years...come to think of it i don't even know where my veef shoulder parts are lol). that have loose shoulder hinges.
  2. odd, of all the flaws NY has, they've always responded to me when I sent a message. Anyway, i got a reply back to my messages but still no date. i have a feeling they are sending people out to retial locations to secure the units they do not have in stock or something, or else they would know when their next shipment is coming in. either way, we (NY and I) have a very strong difference of opinion of how a retailer/reseller should do business. I also think they love to pass along the frustration and blame a little too much - not very customer oriented....especially for what i think is a japanese company. either way - i'm going to wait it out. I'm not going to cancel and risk having them threaten to cancel the rest of my preorders from them. that being said, they are no longer on my "go to" list for being reliable.
  3. wait, no...the gakken is smaller than a 1/60 valk? maybe the larger valks lik ean sv-51 but not the 1/60 vf-1 (that i meant but i guess dien't specify) from waht i remember. i have an old gakken somewhere at my parents place and i can't imagine it's smaller than a 1/60 vf-1
  4. totally agree. personally i wish somoene would do them over as well..and make em bigger. the legioss in current scale of 1/55-1/48 (depending hwo you believe) is TINY. i don't think we need something like the original gakken in size but something like the 1/60 valks in size (i'm not sure what scale that puts them at...somehwere in the mid to upper 30s i guess) would be great. the beta/tlead wouldn't be THAT huge either. i wish we had 3P anime toys like TF fans do..unfortunately i doubt there is much of a mospeada or robotech following in china/SE asia.
  5. that is very cool. i think a lot of canopies would look better simply "smoke" grey colored or something subtle like that. btw anyone else get a message from nippon yasan about their ozma 29? seems a lot of people cancelled? (i didn't) "Hello Thank you for your order We contacting you regarding this product Macross F - DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie Ozma Lee Custom Unfortunately we will be experiencing delay on this shipping due to too many cancellation from our customer, our supplier decided to cancel our orders We will be able to get more of them but it will take some times We understand if you rather not wait and cancel your order. We apologize for the inconvenience If you have any question, feel free to ask us! Kind regards "
  6. am i going to have to be the first to say it? that ain't no ozma color scheme! waaaaayyy too dark. In short, I think they F-d up. I was looking forward to this too. not sure i'm gonna keep this now.
  7. hmm, its not so much stand as in balance, but i'm questioning the validity of theperfert transformation itself to the battroid mode itself(without the stand pieces propping it together)....it looks like the stand adaptor keeps the two halfs of the valk from folding in on itself, thats hwy i used "upright". not sure i'm describing this correctly or seeing it correctly as i really havne' tfollowed this valk that closely so perhpas i'm seeing something as part of th stand tha tis actuallly a part of teh valk itself. this is the picture that has me concerned.
  8. i dunno, it looks like a pretty beefy brace. i hope they entire battroid just doens't flop under its own weight without it. sadly i woudln't put that beneath bandai. they'd be like...what thats why we inlcuded the stand! haha
  9. please tell me the battroid doesn't need that "back brace" of a stand attachment to stay...upright. i think i would rage if that twas the case. can't remember...have we seen the battroid standing free without the stand?
  10. as far as hating bandai? they are the largest toy company in the world. hard to hate a faceless corporation although some would say it easier to. that being said, i DO like yamato/arcadia better because while they are indeed in the game to make money (i assume), i see more dedication to the craft than i do with bandai. i feel like i'm getting what is their best effort given the constraints. with bandai....there seems to be a bigger focus on just meeting certain requirements in terms of pricepoint, timing, lines etc. to me it was obvious (after getting a couple) that the V1 dx valk line really could have been better but they were rushed out to market because their market analysis probably told them they needed to capitalize quickly. yamarcadia doesn't have those restraints i guess. that being said i like the renewals but am disappointed they didn't come up with a better way than the ball jointed hips and shoulders (that can still loosen up easily) to get dowe what was needed to be done... that beign said i am glad they are taking an interest in macross the franchise. in term sof populariety they have done alot for macross.
  11. nope, the claim is anywhere outside japan
  12. someone has an ozma man crush lol
  13. yeah the feet don't make sense at all. they are like elephant feet. elephants use all 4 feet, same as the brontosauraus did (well a bracchiasauarus really)...i can't hink of anything that has 2 feet, stands upright that has feet that doen't extend forward somewhat. its unnatural looking. he'd topple over forwards.
  14. i'm so jealous of the ingram and the galient....those pieces fetch redonk amounts on ebay too. lol. even the blue ingram which earlier ths year could be had for $250 is WAY higher now.
  15. that is beautiful...sort of star wars through the lens of japanimation (do people still use that or is it just "anime" now)? reminds me of that iron man sie fo the technowhatever...totally diffren style that is jarring at first but not bad (although i hated the story it was beautiful to look at) i would totally be on board with an OVA or series in that style. heck there is even a macross missile masacre moment in it! how could i dislike that? only thing is i expect a valkyrie to show up at any moment. lol
  16. i think an sdfm hikaru 1j will be hard to track down, not because few were made but because it is a fan favorite for those that prefer sdfm over dyrl and those that bought it keep it. i have one bare and one in the gbp armor and both i consider to be indispensable or else i'd sell ya one. in fact, if it is reissued by arcadia i'll likely pick up at least one more, probably two.
  17. seriously? i'm curious as to why? decided that you are no longer a completionist or this one just doesn' t do it for you?
  18. yeah i'm not into the idw mtmte stuff so the knee design isn't fo rme. i also figured the double jointed knee looks best (to me) without usign the second joint. it just looks bad t ome tha tway and makes him a bit shorter which i didn't like. i wish they could have just stuck to the g1 whirl/dorvack design adn aesthetic and released a separate mtmte whirl later (tomahawk with the headrobots drone conversion kit looks more mtmte to me that this this does anyway). oh well..not taht it will ever happen but i wish an mp g1 whirl would be made. doubt we'd get one based on the origina ljapanese series (like cm did for roadbuster/mugen caliber) either.
  19. nah, i was never into beast wars stuff.. yeah they are bird style knees...you can turn them around but then he always kinda has a leaned forward look as if skiing (i think skiers wil know what i mean). i'm not THAT opposed to the bird knees because well....gerwalks have them. lol i wish they didn't do it that way though and that the feet were "skis" like the G1.
  20. i think the x plus figures have so much presence but it kills me they are 100% static. i might get one eventually...we'll see.
  21. nice pickup, i caved and ordered him from amazon when it was still $27. he is a good figure just not "great". i think i'm just spoiled by MPs and 3P these days. Also I kinda wish they didn't go for the bird leg design that adheres to the bay aesthetic for flying bots. it does make me miss my old g1 whirl though (which had a superior alt mode).
  22. thats a nice one. i really haven't ever gotten into collecting the godzilla suff. i do have one sh monsterarts one. i'm told its based on the 1994 version. i'm super tempted to get the 1964 baesd on the mosugoji suit and also the 2000 one with the huge ass spikes...but my other collecting wants usually take priority. pretty sure i'll be skipping any merch from this upcoming movie since i odn't like the godzilla design too much. still will see in in theater though because the movie looks great
  23. so will you be sending out PMs asking for the shipping fees when its ready to ship etc?
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