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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. Mine is without issue at all, but i do agree that there were several design choices that i question. That being said, even the "loose hips" on some people's scoria is better than what most are getting with any grimlock made after the 2010 hasbro release (mine is still way tighter than my 2010 tru grimlock FWIW). i don't think this guy will be doin any high kung fun kicks (not for a long time anyway), but again i think this was a design choice...they made ratchets strong enough for most things but if people are expecting th eratchets to hold those heavy legs in any unsupported pose (like high kicks etc.)....its an unrealistic expectation for a figure with diecast in its feet. that said i'm totally happy i have it and mine will hold any pose (my shoulders are good) as long as both feet are on the ground. i know diecast wa s big part of qhy quakewave felt so good in hand but i think they need to reevalate its use and use sparingly if they don't put stronger ratchets in place as 3P customers will expect the world. still far and away the best dinobot toy produced by a wide wide margin.
  2. wow that price is a steal...maybe i should get another? haha
  3. i'm a huge fan of that old box art from the imai kits!
  4. well hikaru's never did. think M&M's did.
  5. what makes you think they are physically different molds? I'm sure they just lend them the mold, factory time etc. difference is who is running 9not just physically but determining everyting about the run that can be determined given one set of tooling) and supervising the production etc.
  6. lol yeah when onslaught conveniently forgets to wear his dual cannon backpack. lol. you forgot defensor also destroyed bruticus (all but swindle) with one blast in some episode. it all got very silly once the combiners came into the show.
  7. thats because he came flying in from the hair with all that momentum and sucker punched him! in a fair fight bruticus could take him!
  8. to be fair that is the source material's fault. the robot mode is pretty much spot on. the alt mode....is fairly close too. skyfire was a flying space clunky brick that the animators must have come up with at the last second. thanks harmony gold! if they had let hasbro use the animation model in the toy's commercial...skyfire would never had existed and we'd be talking jetfire. haha
  9. its not cannon but it looks cool is why. lol. hik's 1J is sometimes my favorite valk.
  10. that looks all kinds of awesome...too bad its a wonderfest exclusive.
  11. it looks great but that transformation is a bit far from clever. i think DC has some work to do yet before they are on the same level as lots of other companies in terms of design. That being said, i haven't sat down and dreamed up a transformation for a skyfire ever so....i may be talking out of my butt here. This will be a very good looking bot mode stand in for me. if anyone makes a better one, i'd probably dump this one before that one came out. haha
  12. they were denying it on robot japan when the mad toys images first showed up. whats the evidence?
  13. I LOVE the way this deco calls to min dteh YF-16 deco...orange vs. red but its a reddish orange but still. love love love it in fighter mode. the ironic part is that from the front view it looks (if you squint hard enough) a tiny bit likts its competitor the yf-17 (which we know today as the f-18 hornet)
  14. ok i have to admit...the part of the ataria island that comes with it is sweet. but its not painted and just grey resin plastic...$75 makes it hard to swallow. give me a fully painted one, along with the island and support it with a zentran capital hip to face off against and then we can talk. as is for $75...i'm probably just gonna pass.
  15. looks like one came out last year. i can't tell what deco it has (or what color its molded in) because al lthe picture i can find are of the completed model (and i'm sure professionally painted). is ther ea different kit coming out? also the kits seem bigger 1/100 instead of the 1/144
  16. man its a shame the animation in those commercials is better than most of the animation in the toons...which were mostly crap, although you'd get a nice sequence for like 5 seconds of good animation at a time once in while.
  17. wait are we assuming miracle = mad toys? also V2 isn't really a V2...they remolded a couple of things and fixed a QC issue. As is, V2 is okay and stands as the best vehicle voltron toy ever by a large margin. i'll watch that vid to see what v3 entails but IMO vehicle voltron fans should jump on the miracle VV if they can find it for under $190 shipped. its not perferct but its a good VV that looks the part.
  18. there has NEVER been any TF jetformer that wasn't like that. maybe rotf mindwipe? that was a pretty awesome fig but they let the gimmicks kill that one. the mp seekers even have robot pieces quite obvious...these are a little more so becuas the chest pieces are sculpted to be organic looking instead of blocky. that being said, if this thing had thicker arms and a more G1 chest area i'd like it better. i'm getting at least one though. its articualtion is great...but it needs better hands.
  19. man i went to look for the original one ..... wow , costs a lot now. wonder if it has anything to dow ith teh recent netflix announcement...or did they just make that few of them? either way, i preordered the white one. i kinda wish i knew aobut this when the grey and white one was up for preorder lol. it looks pretty awesome.
  20. you don't know how many times i almost bought this thing when i used to frequent a hobby shop around the time it first release. back then i had a penchant for avoiding things not in my main two areas i collect (macross and TF). i'm pretty sure i saw it on discount for like $65 more than once....now that i actually want it...well its north of msrp thats for sure. haha. i think the upcoming release of other layzner is definitely driving prices up.
  21. i was thinking about this just now. do we think (and are we looking for), something that will grasp hold of our attention and imagination the way the original (or whichever got you into macross .. i'm assuming for most it was sdfm or dyrl) did? i'm not sure that is at all possible and have it stay within the macross universe. OR, are we looking for something that is ":good enough" that will supplement our love for the macross universe. my hope is we will get something like the former but there are two thing working against that. 1. We aren't as impressionable as we were 2. How can it be so different (ti would have to be i think) and still be macross? also where would one find any new info/speculation on this topic...other than here. haha
  22. from the recent reveals.. brainstorm, arcee, shrapnel, and powerglide are winners I think...brainstorm being better than the rest by far. chromia looks ok too, i'll probably pick those all up if i see them at retail. brianstorm and arcee are teh only ones i'd make a special effort or trip for. the leader megatrons, look...."ok", but i can't ge past those legs and the overly short thighs are hard too. i still don't know why hastak can't give us an honest to goodness "good" megatron...the armada ones is the more interesting of the two, but tats probably just because i don't know armada well enough to be insulted (yeah i feel its a slight insult to fans of g1 megatron that they made him look that ugly and from a tank). that voyager prime is a truckload of fail. proportions of a fat, squat gorilla. horrible head/face sculpt. i really hope taht is a one and done and not the default GHUG optimus for the next 8 years (classics prime came out in 2006). i don't get how they made the legends class one fairly well....and then crashed and burned so hard on the voyager one.
  23. yeah mania king needs a wrist swivel and a bicep swivel and to grow to orion height. as is he does look great with RTS cylonus an scourge though.
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