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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. oh they will NEVER NEVER NEVER give multiple heads in a box. I mean, not only tv and movie roy but lets think..movie hik 1a and 1s...they would NEVER be able to sell two versions. the more released they can sucker out of...sorry..entice people with, the more they will buy. i'm pretty confused WHY they made the dyrl valks "tv white" now (ok pink but its close enough fro 95% of people who dn't own flurorescent lamps) as its way too similar to tv roy...the difference of arrows could be changed by just a decal. lol. i mean the core business of vf-1 valks is..."change a head and maybe...maybe the deco and sell again". even for the kits...did they have to sell 3 different kits? could have had just one version with all 4 heads (there are two different 1a heads between sdfm and dyrl) and both sets of hand types.
  2. so wait..tonight is the night? or tomorrow? should be thursday night into friday morning for those of us on the east coast usa, right?
  3. wait, where are you that you still see them on retail shelves? destroilds come with some ground crew arleady, no? at least the tomohawk does.
  4. that is a thing of beauty right there. man, i need to track down a vf-1s max
  5. love the vf-1d pose. i may have to copy it some day.
  6. heh, i don't care how good the fiction is, Op ain't no monkey, espeically not one with fake fur.
  7. that is so epic..i don't collect 1/6 stuff but might have to get that!! i wish they'd make everything 1/12...it'd be so much easier to collect!
  8. omg omg omg omg....ozma!! gonna order at least 2!
  9. cmon bandai show us a vf-25s reissue dammit!! i actually ordered a 25F sometime in the past month or so without remembering i already had a spare misb. i dont' regret it though since theoretically i could now display one in every armor (super, tornado and heavy) though i never will do that ('i'd just rotate the armors on the same opened and dispalyed valk lol), but its nice knowing i could. lol.
  10. i've wanted a delorean transformer since the 80s! lol. personally i'd love a BttF tie in. just make the Bttf removable, and make it a powermaster or something like that. throw in a doc brown and mcfly driver and that' d be awesome. th ewheels must also rotate to face down for the delorean flight mode!
  11. honestly as far as pure looks...kinda damn cool. what i don't like is the striping that should terminate at the ab grills but since its too high up goes all the way across. not accurate to g 1 prime. also, they are referecing one episode where screamer pretends he is optimis and dresses up. only thing is you never seee the wings. all you see are his head and sholder tower intakes. this thing loosk like it references that episode as much as it does ROTF prime/jetfire. granted it looks kind of cool ( prime with wings is just a cool thing because he alwasy lacked flight in g1 sans a jetpack)..but it not accurate. at $320 i iwll probably pass. that being said however, if you remove all that stuff its still a cool looking prime...but maybe not a $320 cool looking prime. Also, didn't Hot Toys start down the diecast road with their recent iron man figures? isn't this the prefect opportunity to use it more? those lights have been there since G1 prime toy although more accurately placed back then. they've been this way (as seen o mp-10 and this thing) for so long now that its almost part of this aesthetic queues to say, "this is g1 prime". look at a toon screencap...
  12. you are talking star saber...he i stalking DMK-03. lol. i agree teh design of movie prime 4...doesn't even look like it can tranform. they just made a robotic knight. there is nary a hint of vehicle kibble anywhere.
  13. what do u guys use to remove grease btw? i feel like anythign that would remove the grease to a satisfactory level would also remove the paint/tampos etc.
  14. even those were not nearly 100%. yes i'm old enough to have played with some "vintage" ones in the early 80s. we go tthem in the states as godaikons (sp?) and i also playwd with my cousin's stuff overseas. not 100% diecast. not that yoju'd watn 100% diecast anyway.
  15. at first i was like wow that vf-11 skull...then i was like WOW that vf-19 skull. that skull squandron roy fokker deco never gets old.
  16. i'm not a star saber expert but i think saber is the space brick that turns into the smaller bot. the other flying space brick is not armor for the other space brick (they fly separately) but does transform into the "armor" (if you will) that turns saber into star saber? sort of like powermaster optimus prime in that regard...the trailer doesn't have it own separate bot mode...space brick #2 doesn't have its own bot mode so far as i know.
  17. is it me or did they elongate the legs a bit or make them thinner? like an mp grimlock with scoria's platforms, the legs look a little too supermodel long.
  18. mechs look cool if a bit generic. although i'm not really digging the art/style of he way they draw the characters...its very children's anime look...yet the mecha is very "real robot" aesthetic. kind of a clash. i was thinking of signing up for crunchyroll anyway..seems like its available there.
  19. i don't know how anyone can not like that awesome opening form ACE R. i have both games and cant raelly figure out how to play them (the controls?) i gave up after a hal f hour or so of struggling. i suppose there are english manuals online but i coudln't find them at the time. :-(
  20. i think the 1J is only shown in DYRL in the GBP, and yes it has grey visor and different hands. man i love the 1J.
  21. the only thing that matters is "It's the price people are fairly willing to pay, right around $150." i'm not aware of their cost structure, internal company metrics or anything like that. it all starts with "if i make something like this, how much will people pay for it?". now knowing or guesstimating those two things people at the company do the math to see what makes sense in terms of "is this a viable business for us giving our cost and overhead"? perhaps in 2008 they figured people were only willing to pay X amount. now in 2013 they figure people are willing toe pay 1.5X etc. Also we have NO CLUE whether or not the valk making part of the business ultimately caused teh "demise" of yamato, or if it was something else completely unrelated, or perhaps done for other reasons (texes, debts whatever).
  22. i did not have an issue with it when i watched, but sometimes netflix in general will have issue with specific episodes of shows or specific movies. no matter what you do it'll be unwatchable for a little while. hasn't happend to me in a a while but when it does...i just do something else or watch something else. for some reason it doesn't say "title not availble at the moment" or whatever there message is from when something is messed up. its like it doesn't know what its trying to stream is messed up. i usually just go back to it a day or two later and it will be fine. i suspect that is what will happen to you too. its annoying but doesn't happen often in my experience.
  23. yeah i loved BSG and this show does sort of recall that one in some ways...its awesome. i already binged through the whole thing and am currently rewatching.
  24. totally. mine might see alt mode once if that. lol. the skyfire alt mode could totally fly though...like in space. haha. kinda fits in with a lot fo the later TF "flying" alt modes...spaceship looking things that would have not once chance in teh atmosphere if not for insane levels of thrust (essentially ...think of a jetpack lol).
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