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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. LOVE CLEAR STANDS! awesome!!!! so much want.
  2. still down fot me as well. i think its safe to say ozma fans have crashed NY. lol
  3. i'll buy it from you. :-) maybe you could change ship address and name of recipient?
  4. assuming a 5 second or lag time....by my calculations it was up less than 15 seconds literally. :-(
  5. same story here man...i'm exhausted...slept maybe 2 hours. fuuuuuuuuckkkk!! my only shot was amiami at ~5:20 something am EST ....they put one back up. i saw the add cart button first time at any vendor. clicked and was told sold out. :-( closest i got.
  6. probably had 1000's of people across wrold doing f5. lol
  7. dammit i never even saw stock avaialble at all 3 (ami, cdj, hs) lol. annoyed as expected.
  8. anyway, it is clear people feel strongly about g1 or not. lol. That being said mp flying space brick does look cool even though its a space brick and to ME not "geewunny" in design aesthetics...almost not Transformery if that is a word i can coin.
  9. man, seeing that kit makes me want a truly modern toy version though at a similar (i would accept a smaller scale though not as small as the toynami mpc) level of detail and awesomeness. i doubt it will ever happen though...how big is the fan base for mospeada?
  10. oh god...the "what's g1 argument" again? It depends who you talk to. americans...g1 ended with "the rebirth" aka season 4...a 3 part episode. japanese g1 is it own thing where they pretend rebirth never happened and do their own thing from there. its "g1" to THEM, not to US. We matter more because transformers is american....hasbro / marvel invented them. they were just diacones before hasbro gave them life. lol. So if you're talking to an american (or anyone outside of japan)..g1 ended at the rebirth and that other stuff never happened. if you are tlaking to a japanese then yes that might be their canon. outside of japan though? g1 ended with the rebirth.
  11. oh they will NEVER NEVER NEVER give multiple heads in a box. I mean, not only tv and movie roy but lets think..movie hik 1a and 1s...they would NEVER be able to sell two versions. the more released they can sucker out of...sorry..entice people with, the more they will buy. i'm pretty confused WHY they made the dyrl valks "tv white" now (ok pink but its close enough fro 95% of people who dn't own flurorescent lamps) as its way too similar to tv roy...the difference of arrows could be changed by just a decal. lol. i mean the core business of vf-1 valks is..."change a head and maybe...maybe the deco and sell again". even for the kits...did they have to sell 3 different kits? could have had just one version with all 4 heads (there are two different 1a heads between sdfm and dyrl) and both sets of hand types.
  12. so wait..tonight is the night? or tomorrow? should be thursday night into friday morning for those of us on the east coast usa, right?
  13. wait, where are you that you still see them on retail shelves? destroilds come with some ground crew arleady, no? at least the tomohawk does.
  14. that is a thing of beauty right there. man, i need to track down a vf-1s max
  15. love the vf-1d pose. i may have to copy it some day.
  16. heh, i don't care how good the fiction is, Op ain't no monkey, espeically not one with fake fur.
  17. that is so epic..i don't collect 1/6 stuff but might have to get that!! i wish they'd make everything 1/12...it'd be so much easier to collect!
  18. omg omg omg omg....ozma!! gonna order at least 2!
  19. cmon bandai show us a vf-25s reissue dammit!! i actually ordered a 25F sometime in the past month or so without remembering i already had a spare misb. i dont' regret it though since theoretically i could now display one in every armor (super, tornado and heavy) though i never will do that ('i'd just rotate the armors on the same opened and dispalyed valk lol), but its nice knowing i could. lol.
  20. i've wanted a delorean transformer since the 80s! lol. personally i'd love a BttF tie in. just make the Bttf removable, and make it a powermaster or something like that. throw in a doc brown and mcfly driver and that' d be awesome. th ewheels must also rotate to face down for the delorean flight mode!
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