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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. i think every "KO" has a different story....and there are different types. for example tigertracks originally had "KO" tha twere "no sticker" factory extras....then REAL KOs came out. when i say real KO I mean, somebody reverse engineered it....like what was done with lambor. The WuKong grimmy is definitely reverse engineered as there are differences. The Collection Kingdom Optimus? Definitely reverse engineered...many differences (heck we might as well call it the mp-10 daca toys edition) as to whether or not hasbro releases reissues to counter KO's...that is certainly a possibility though we will never know. as to why 2014 mp-03 grimmy is worse....could be cost cutting to sell at lower price points...whether that was to ge the us market or to curb ko sales...we can only guess. also do people here actually have knowledge of hasbro (and or takara) factories? do they simply rent space and time from factories or have their own? if i aws a giant like them i'd have my own, with different poudction lines dedicated to different product types...just seems to make sense as they constantly pump out an dhav a nee to pump out product. thi sisn't small 3P company renting 2-5 days of a line/workers time to do a 5K piece run. That beign said even though they might be hastak owned...leaks will always happen. it happened before they were made in china and is happening now in china (greater rate perhaps). back on topic. yeah i want an mp jazz the most of any autobot car
  2. sweet i'll be sure to watch it befor i open mine up (arriving today!) this weekend.
  3. i'd want to put a glaug on there and a regult too..although they sort of did a regular already
  4. wait, that isn't inside an expedit for sure! they are open on both sides (there is no back). i've actually used some of ikea's album frames as fillers and to turn it into a semi covered display case (attachments were velcro...kind of a pita to "open" the displays but looks fairly clean installed).
  5. man will toynami ever stop sucking?
  6. is like reverse mp seeker boobs all over again! man that silver paint is glorious though.
  7. could be him, what is for sure is that it is lazy design. details should make sense or at least look like they do. someone has to think out what panel lines and details should look like, not simply draw geometric designs and repeat them. its really lazy. i thought the Gcreations thing was sort of cool (even though i don't like the idea of combining g1 dinos...it just looked cool)...seeing all those ridges on the prototype though...is a downer. it may have just saved me money though. the toyworld snarl is cool...but too small for classics dinobots unless you go with the old classics/henkei prime scale. hmm...in a year with less cool things to buy i might be considering one of these CHUG like dino sets. in a year where i'm buying MP style dinos (potentially 2 sets of them) and ozma renewals (hopefully!!!) i probably won't spring for one of these sets.
  8. wow great photos guys. ] saburo....your photos are super clean and clear. love them. the purist in me says the vf-1a should have super pack instead of strike but i don't care! phemonal old man - keep em coming..that cavalier photo is nice!
  9. yeah that igear mold is pretty great. i think it'll be a top 5 figure this year among 3P. the plastic though....could be better. i thin kthe plastic works well for the lower body...not as much fo rthe arms etc.
  10. oh when will the for sale post go up approximately?
  11. i never watched harlock back in the day and saw that this popped up in the "whats new" portion on netflix and instawatched it that day. i have to say...i LOVE the character designs and the overall aesthetic of it. as a movie..it was ok, but yeah i really think they made harlock and kei look damn cool. voice acting seemed on point too. defintiely worth a watch if you're even mildly curious. is it great? no.
  12. lol its static? like a statue? the hot toys ones looks better IMO, and $1K? what is TOYNAMI smoking? yes toynami. my $60 NECA gives 100x more bang for the buck and doesn't take up an entire counter's worth of space...oh and its not static. "Manufactured and distributed by Toynami."
  13. i'm a fan of take it out and display. transform at least once and display behind glass. However sometimes i won't have enough room and put it back into teh box. That and i have multiples of many valks adn figures i own so i can always have a "fresh" copy years down the road if i want. i do that for figure i can't imaghine being without. haha. however sometmies i never get around to opening even things i have single copies of. if i lose interest in it, or if its value exceeds my interest in it i should say...it get sold. i seriously don' t understand (or maybe i understand it but don't apreciate ie as much) the guys that have 100% of their collection never opened. if i were a sketchy individual i'd sell to those guys, take the toy out and do a pro level retape job (if you were serious about that its exceedingly easy)....victimless crime as they'd never know! lol.
  14. wow this looks great. glad i have one on the way. wondering if ai should track down a second one or wait for another deco.
  15. hmm they are not fragile but a 7 year old...coudl probably tear one apart at the joints (there are some ball joints etc). also it seems to vary. i have an original release sh monstarts godzilla... i believe it is the hesei 90s version and that one is heavy and built like a tank. i also have the showa mosugoji 1964 version monsterarts. That one is noitceable smaller, lighter, and less sturdy feeling...which is a shame since i like tha tone better (its the godzilla i grew up watching). the on you have pictured appears to be oen of the hesei ones? either the 1994 version, the 1995 version or the 1995 birth version (godzilla junior grown up but is essentially a remolded "burning" godzilla release)
  16. hah, saw that stop motion film the othe rday when someone posted a link on tfw. its pretty awesome. i wonder what a full feature film using stop moion masterpiece and 3P TF's woudl be like. my guess it would be awesome.
  17. it is the price it is because they think people will pay it. the large box (packed in bot mode to take space up) gives the impression you are getting more. also many people paid $80-$90 for lambor back in the day before realizing the jp sites had them. in those days, it would have worked. now i pay 52 bucks shipped for prowl or streak and never look back. lol also i wish all transformable toys were packed in the smallest possible form/mode. being an apt dweller i'm pretty much out of room fro big boxes. apparently there is also some ugly date stamp or item number on his foot. i like the shinies too..just not on this toy and just not the way hasbro chooses to use it sometimes. you got to be smart about where to apply chrome for maximum effect and so that it doesn't get rubbed off in tranformation or usage. the old henkei toys did that fairly well. the AOE first edition prime hasbro did....a good example of chrome used poorly. this leader jetfire...watched a review and his chrome was already coming off. personally it hink the fast packs should be painted...it would look nice, but i guess red plastic is ok (like the original toy). also the takara one has more paint apps (for example the fastpacks are two tone not just rd chrome throughout).
  18. yup i'm going to have to leave my phone ringer/notifications on super loud and have it sent to an email address that is used just for this (and turn all others off so i dn't get woken up for other shiet). i already get email notifications (this one at 4 :10 am) but it wasn't enough to wake me up. my page monitor has been useless on NY also. gives me false alarms ever few minutes so i turned it off.
  19. wait, what is the difference with pegged vs. not pegged? did i miss a post?
  20. depends what he meant by "We will both have enough to offer even 1 piece to all customers." did he mean "NOT" or "although" when he said "both"?
  21. beginning to lose hope here. 8/1 morning opening...commuting to work. last night's 10:30ish opening==> showering (page tracker let me down only found out due to ny email). 3:30amish opening==> sleeping. so i've missed at least 3-4 NY openings along with the several on opening night i missed. i did get desperate order one opening night on yesasia but have no confidence that one will go through.
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