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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. the mmc mirage is part of their new line, using new resources...so hopefully they won't hti the stumling blocks as bad as reformatted line tends to. also the line has been described as "studio ox" inspired mp designs so should fit better with the mp line than most other mmc stuff (which loosely fits with classics but is ina slightly larger scale etc.) anyone catch the omnigonix interview on that TF podcast? that guys sounds CLEARLY australian and said his standard for trasforming planes was macross (even mentioned he had an yf-19 in front of him during the interview). ! HMMMMmmmm
  2. If we already have the stands, can we order just arms and adapters?
  3. that new double mounting positin arm is awesome. can save lots of space this way and display valks in a formation. sweet
  4. is this the xplus thing? if so its probably vinyl right? i know their giant godzilla stuff is.
  5. its not a takara release. they usually don' t get hasbro asia exclusive stuff. if they do it'll be more expensive anyway. only jp market releases from takara will be cheaper at hlj, at, amiami, NY etc.
  6. hasbro asia can suck it with those prices. no stand, no missiles no coronation...let's charge more than ultra magnus! lol. i can't beleive takara is lettign this go on and lending thier name ot the packaging etc. i'll wait for a proper takara release with preorder discounts from japanese stores. if not, my custom painted one will do indefinitely.
  7. "This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media." sounds like a bootleg? doubt you will get bluray quality iehter. if dvd quality is ok i think animego released dvd versionf of the original macross around 7-10 years ago?
  8. whatever it is, i can't wait. i'll just so i hope its stylistically different enough from frontier where it doesn't feel like we're watching the same thing. for instance i don't think the yf-30 is different enough from the other frontier era valks to be different enough to be the hero valk in the new series. that is just using valks as a talking point but i feel the same way for the art style, story telling etc. for example frontier felt way different than zero, as did zero from m7 etc. i hope the fact that bandai is involved yet again, doesn't mean we get essentially macross frontier style with a new story/chjaracters etc.
  9. someone should just hollow out that chest area and put a magnet there. have a metal painted stripe piece in all the colors of the rainbow...granted all stripes need to be done and heads in all colors. somoene would makea killing. you'd just need to re-engineer the torso slightly. hehe. yamato arcadia never did this precisley because they need to sell more valks but cmon how awesome would that be? hehe that being said i need another full armor 1j in my life. hehe
  10. that soundwave.....gotta say its a must buy for me. i love clear toys like that ( i own ghost starscream too...wanted the vf-25 alto fold edition but cray cray price). also burnt orange is cool! as is chrome. that thing might not be "soundwave" but its cool as hell. whats even better? the clear cassettes! microcassettes look best clear because thats how a lot of them were if i recall correctly!
  11. hmm, for me this is off aesthetically. the chest and torso is way re-imagined for me. the hips aren't right. legs attaching sideways to the crotch piece looks really odd for big figures. the legs should attache above..to the hips. theyve done an ok job trying to hide this but it still sticks out to me. granted its not an eyesore to the level of say fanproject's steelcore (3p transfomer) but its gonna b very obvious in person.
  12. wonder if black friday is still in the preorder period for this? could order one then and cancel the preorders people have already made. that and hlj has teh cheapest ems shipping i've seen.
  13. the most i've done is probably staying up late and failing over and over on the vf-25s dx renewal reissue....never again.
  14. evilcat. i saw two people manning your booth at nycc (was in rush so couldnt say hi because my freind had to go somewhere soon). there was a guy and a girl? anyway the prototype looked nice. i was surprised it was just the all grey prototype though. figured it'd be a painted or closer to production release version. either way, it looks ogod. can't wait!
  15. not sure why they are bothering to show diecast content there. that isn't a lot. the toy will not feel "old school" in hand just with that much. it looks as if they just added it to selective parts...probably for weight distribution and also for a little blin gin some areas. die cast makes me worry as much as it makes me excited because it can be done well or go horribly wrong. with that small amount though it deosn't do much for me one way or the other..unless it improves balane that much. eithe rawy, i'm thinking of cancelling star brick anyway. the lack of nostalgia factor for me is a big deal for me and TFs.
  16. bbts was out this morning when i made up my mind! well out for the double pack whic his what i want (i want the bonus). i ended up using timewalker toys. they had a $20 discount over ss or bbts plus free shipping via ups ground. feedback on that store seems relatively positive so i trust them. i just realized that chewbacca is gonna be too tall to fit in a detolf comfortably. lol.
  17. nah they nailed it. you are remembering an older better looking ford. harrison ford looked a little odd when he was younger...go watch the original star wars again. i think they nailed it. i don't collect 1/6 (well i have a couple things and few more but in general to expsneive and too many things) but this looks awesome. kinda wondering what the best place to order from is. haha
  18. while i don't have an SV-51 anymore, i was wondering - do you plan on selling extra arms separately? it'd b nice to get some additional height etc with some poses. Also...everybody else...great shots! i've only just set mine up in static hovering type pose (sort of like a harrier might do) for a vf-25G with super pack. holds fine. i did need to use a wrench and an allen key to get teh sufficeint tightness on the joints but i kind of expected that would be the case anyway.
  19. Seeing all the attention to playabiility n star saber is a bittersweet. its frustrating because they obviously didn't spend 1/2 as much effort on magnus, but i guess it makes for a cooler SS toy. i don't have any nostalgia for it, though ti does remind me of a lot of other 80s style mecha (mostly pre TF believe it or not).
  20. that looks all kinds of awesome. they did some aliens this year too...wonder if they are roughly in scale for the avp fans? (doubtful)
  21. exactly. although if he was like a $12 deluxe in retail stores, i'd buy it just so i could pose him as a corpse being stepped on..
  22. i think that is the way it is too (and should be), as that is what is done with the other mp cars (and for the most part to mp-10 convoy as well on the TT version). i think minimally there will be clearcoat over white plastic but i think it'd be better to go with white semigloss paint to match the finish on the sideswipe, prowl etc.
  23. you are awesome. thanks for going that extra mile. truly truly appreciated!
  24. can you show us a clear picture of just the affected piece (pieces?)? i'd rather not have to use the printed abs like piece as i'm sure it won't be crystal clear like the acrylic (and for me that ruins the ENTIRE point of these stands for me), so i want to see what piece i'd have to now sand. a pic of the piece you sanded vs. an unsanded one would help. thanks.
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