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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. well they DO deliver but like i said teh prices are insane.
  2. wow totally missed this thread. ihave 3 CF's only one of whcih i've ever transformed to battroid but...i'll be ordering 3 sets of these in the near future!
  3. wait, i did see dx chogokin macross when i went there several months ago...not many but i'm pretty sure i saw a vf-27 renewal (with superpacks) and somthing else. btw you live right there? lucky you! or unlucky from a spending perspective.
  4. :-( totally missed NY again. even at $217 i woulda bought even though i saw it for 176 the day before (sold out both tims obvi). oh well...perhaps it'll go back down to msrp at release (not likley but here's to hoping. did ozma ever go up before release at ny and then back down at release?)
  5. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    as cool as high metals were and might yet again be (even better)...they are still 1/100 and in the end for my "main" VF collection...i need 1/60. the high metal line will be nice if it lets me get a few vf-1 (and other valks) to hang around larger mecha that would be awesome in 1/100 scale done to the ihgh metal standard...such as the regults, glaugs, etc. and yes...this would scale well with that forntier monster bandai did too. sort of like a line for the larger mecha where 1/60 would be too large but 1/100 might be a nice sweet spot (although ithink a 1/72 regult or glaug would be NUTS and you could pretend its in scale with 1/60 with some clever photo tricks).
  6. too much analyzing the fight/sword fight scenes in SW! american movies really had no fun to watch style in fight choreography until the late 90s after a generation of people had grown up watching HK movies. its as simple as that...much like japanimation (yeah i used an old term) influenced such cartoons as avatar etc.
  7. totally gonna add that to my sig so i remember. lol. i'd also add that if you don't mind overpaying by a bunch yesasia seems to carry it and did come through on my ozmas. you'll be paying way too much IMO though. it will save you from stressing too much though. i'm gonna wait until NY puts it back up i suppose. i won't lose sleep if i can't find it. i just want to avoid another ozma situation (placed too many order and different vendors because i was paranoid about them not going though).
  8. thanks to your reviews i ended up getting the "good" (aka safe) release of that years back. its one of my favorite pieces (and yes it has grey goggles for those that are curious still), so much so that i have this one (identical except the lack of grey goggles apparently) on order. i'm actually thinking of putting the armor on a vf-1s as for some reason i remember seeing that combination as a kid. the other option would be to comission it to have it painted as an urban camo version (always like that 1/48) or some other deco.
  9. hoping to get one...i guess tonight? but if not i hope and think NY will have one later for not too too much more than msrp (like they just did with ozma which i now have 2 left of...contemplating if i want two or one now. lol)
  10. more important than getting them out there on the internet is that she supports your hobby in spirit it seems!
  11. if the last release is anyting to go by...the ozma...the madness was for naught. nippon yasan had it in stock for days around the release timeframe. i ended up going craxy securing preoders that were overpriced for nothing. i just need to have patience and faith this time.
  12. PO'd at hlj. i have the grey goggle'd set with the good shoulders already but i feel liek the GBP is special....kinda want another and to put something else besides a 1j in it.
  13. people know this is a different product than toynami's right? just because its robotech doesn't mean its the same. FWIW, oritoys' acid rain toys have nice build quality. i'm excied to see if these turn out awesome or not.
  14. being that yamato sold them for like $30 or so i'm ok with that.
  15. that is really cool. makes me kinda want one. doubly so if it actually walks. must be a vintage item. i've no knowledge of this release!
  16. i sold all my metal build stuff....but i do have the reissue origins rx-78-2 metal composite on preorder anyone know if that is the same stand adapter? i think its a #1009 reissue.
  17. i think these look pretty awesome....having owned the toynami morpher crap this is way way way better...i hope this is still happening!
  18. they are behind glass 100% of the time except when taking photos so that helps. i was going to try and do an "infinite" white shot but i realized that my valk was whiter than my background so i would have needed way more light than i had to make it happen. hehe
  19. yup only one side mirror is accurate. most cars (in europe and japan) didn't have the passengar side mirror unti the late 70s or so i think. i made the same mistake. i took the extra one off and tried inserting it and quickly realized it was not only not fitting but th wrong orientation (it was meant for the other side....aka an extra for the driver side one). i think proceeded to quickly lose in somehow! lol.
  20. thanks! ok these are my first impressions since i only spend about 15 minutes with it before i started posing it for photos lol. in hand it is its smallish, light, and joints are tight. it has sharp edges and i do fear if it took a tumble some of the sharper feature would break (although again its light so maybe not?) its 1/144 and roughly 6 inches. i think it looks great. i wish the shoulder had more range of motion but with the shape of the design its probably impossible to do it and remain faithful to the anime. it comes with the requisite stand...i do'nt think i'd ever pose this thing not flying through space. i do wish it were bigger (the model kit is 1/100 which i think would be perfect size for this figure but i think this sentinel riobot release looks a bit better, partially because of the color scheme is anime accurate vs. manga. it photographs just like it looks...well it may look bigger in pictures i guess. lol. i would recommend it if you are a fan of the design, don't mind smallish figures that might be/feel delicate. unlike the other riobot release i've handled...there is no diecast.
  21. oldies byt goodies
  22. you can always cancel hlj if you change your mind before its released. i kinda want this, i just don';t $260ish plus shipping want it. i kinda wish bandai had this license and did a dx chogokin web exclusive for $140ish. hehe
  23. i'm hoping this is made in enough quantity to go on clearance. even with the preorder discount, its still a bitter pill to swallow for such a small toy....$250 plus shipping..still too much! i do love the way it looks though.
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