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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. the chosen prime doesn't charge tax except in state btw guys. just put my order in before heading here to report on it. i feel guilty the bbts email notified me that it was available here stateside not for PO but went to toydojo (sold out) and then TCP to order. haha. if this is the way its gonna be from now on.....thank the macross gods and birdhumans and whatever!
  2. i think i'm gonna skip defensor altogether in MP scale unless XTB's REALLY steps up from their streetwise. really nice alt mode...kinda not a great bot mode, just ok. SHITTY transformation. their first aid looks really good (so far better than mmc's but time will tell). mmc's aesthetics on the defensor set really turn me off though. first aid is clunkier than even their combaticons (like i like most of their combaticons and have all of them but their onslaught bot mode was very badly proportioned and swindle was just too clunky and chunky and IMO pushes the set from MP to somewhere unique and not really fitting anything else) and the alt mode is terribad with painted on windows....which also make defensor's arm look terribad.
  3. if you mean in 2011 when the renewals came out you are about right. with discount i got mine for 10150 yen, that was with amiami's PO discount - not sure on percentage. Assumign that was 10 percent it'd be 11280 yen msrp roughly....so you're right on! then agan, that was in 2011. and sorry i'm gonna be very america centric here but for me what mattered was in 2011 one dollar was about 80 yen so msrp was about $141 for us. today its one dollar being 114 yen so the 22000 price is $192...so yeah its more expensive for me or 1.36X the cost...which is why the "double" comment had me checking. you were basically right but when i converted in my head i was like "yeah under $200 not so bad" and i roughly remembered paying 150ish (really it was less) back in the day. the 1.36X number doesn't even take into account how much more stuff costs in general now then 10 years ago.
  4. i think its blue because max. we've only recently learned he lived at least until during the frontier and delta timeframe. the deco is reminds me of vf-1EX from delta or like you said macross the first. also seeing the old school skull (vs. the sms bullhead skull) on a frontier era valk is cool as hell. WWM? coulnd't care less about it. haha agree macross kite woulda been nice on the wings or something.
  5. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    hi metal R LIVES!!! TOMAHAWK!! woohoo!! totally getting that VF-0S phoenix too. not sure i need the vf-1s hikaru. i mean we've gotten the DYRL roy and supers before so at this scale imma call that close enough. if the price isn't horrible though still might get it. the tomahawk i will get 2 though. the phoenix is instabought as well.
  6. Oh my!!!! Worldwide??? No po madness? Sooooo want!!!
  7. i've got frosh light on preorder too but he is more or less gonna be a standalone because like you...i don't have much that goes with him. hmm i do think mmc's roadbuster fits the bill (to a lesser extent maybe kultru, exitus and whatever their roller is called). heck hasbro's roadbuster will wwork too...i think Fansproject roadbuster is a little too far off. you knwo i've been looknig for an excust to get mmc's roadbuster. hahaha
  8. went with cdj this time around (been a while since i used anyone from japan other than amazon japan or a proxy service!), roughly 195 total shipped to the states via EMS FWIW. This will be my first houquet after what like 35+ years? ahha i do hope they improve the headsculpt though or that the aftermarket will take of it if they don't.
  9. Looks like tbey used 4th pic ad main reference? Face is ok but hopefully will be improved. Rest is great!
  10. i'm seriously thinking of getting the newage one or the magic square one in case nobody else ever makes it like this in a bigger scale (i mean WFC is OK for mainline but its kinda an abomination in truck mode and too bulky in bot mode). any thoughts between the two? i think i like the newage one better but the legs are a bit short as is the trailer....hmm. the magix sqaure one is bulkier lookign overall, has a stranger looking trailer though its not super short which is nice. haven't checked the tranforamtino between the two, but i sense newage looks to have some more parts forming? i guess i don't mind that at this scale either.
  11. wow you even save mainline stuff boxes?! i see lots of 'vintage" 3P TFs. haha. are the toys on display somehwre or are there actuallly toys int here still. igear coneheads and con air raprtors FTW. haha
  12. that bbm wheeljack looks decent. the alt mode is a bit busy/full of hinges right before the front wheels but otherwise not bad. i dig the headsculpt and the leg design.
  13. personal opinion? cost. an mp level prime figure will price at around $100 or so (well 2 years ago), likely $130ish (see gravestone). for them to make an armor for that that compresses out of a convincing carrier (the new age and MS look ok but those proportions are wrong for an Mp alt mode) AND have the combined robot not be super oversized the way mp-22 was i think you are looking at a trailer that would need to cost another $130 or so bucks priced out for consumption. $260 ish for an MP magnus from XTB with the "questionable track record"....i don't think they think they can sell that. The all in one likely made sense for cost, size, and the "toon accurate" crew. granted i'd love to see someone tackle a prime in armor. maybe DS/TE or somebody else. heck i'd love for unique and DX9 to rise from their grave and do it.
  14. man if this was ever oversized into WFC/chug scale i'd be all over it. it has a way too short trailer and other issues but at legends scale or even mainline scale i'd overlook it for sure. at mp scale it'd be no sale unless lots of improvements are made but i love the white prime with armor thing...something XTB's awesome looking all in one MP scale guy will never give us.
  15. just did the survey today too. we should all do it!
  16. so he is like ironhide size ish...does his height in bot mode scale correctly to the "holy" scale chart? i'm guessing they picked it so that it would but made it a differet line becaue there is no way that combined mode will scale. i'm thinking combined mode is 16 inches tops (smaller than CW devy) or maybe CW devy height MAX, which is out of scale with MP bots. i'm guessing they picked this because if the combiner is in scale the bots modes won't be and better to have 1 large bot out of scale than 5-6 figures out of scale. that said, i don't give a crap about raiden so at roughly $200 once all is said and done with shipping etc....i gotta skip. better value most likely than the TT MP Seekers but not by much.
  17. so wait is the armored parts only set (no valk) out yet not not? iused a proxy buyer for mine this time. want to know when to bug them. lol.
  18. There is also the part where they haven't made an MP scale omega supreme or larger figure with good stable joints. thats where DX9 kills FT in the omega wars. also FT hasn't even released a combiner torso yet so we don't know if they have improved their know how on big joints since their omega fail (yeah i consider it a fail). Add the fact that their fort max is supposed to be double the height (well more than) of their omega supreme and.....i'll believe it when i see it that they can make a good big bot withi decent joints. that being said....i really don't need a 50" city bot in my life. if i did $1000 seems high but not out of the question. it'd be once in a lifetime figure so the price being a little more than 2.5 zeta combiners is ...understandable althouh you got to be a REAL fort max fan to get it or just rich enough where $1000 is basically like normal collectors spending 150 bucks on a titan class from hastak.
  19. heres my thoughts... CORE CLASS - probably don't care about any of those, unless they do a good shockwave. DELUXE CLASS - skids! prime arcee was a great design, not sure how they'll impromce on the prime RID version much, yeah kickback! stunticons! lets hope they are way better and combine. there were A LOT of autobot cars in WFC so deluxe stunticons would be perfect sparring budddies! also what the heck is energon monster? VOYAGER CLASS - BLASTER FINALLY! hope he doesn't suck. prime soundwave....will have to see if he is actually good. kinda a cool creepy soundwave design. i liked tf prime so i have soft spot for their designs. armada starscream! never watched that trilogy (and people say it sucked so never gonna bother) but always thought a few of the robot designs were cool, especially starscream/seekers. the deluxe one they released a few years back was ok but kinda lacking. if they can make him up tot he standards of WFC era voyager toys i'll be happy. LEADER CLASS - never cared much for lazer optimus, i mean he is OK but he's not MY optimus. that being said if they toy is good...we shall see. also blitzwing!! hopefully it will be a crapton better than astrotrain from WFC. although if it is will i get it only to realize i whould pick up the wfc astrotrain i dn't like so much just to pair with him? hmm.. COMMANDER CLASS - motormaster! hell yeah! TITAN CLASS Cybertron Metroplex - REALLY hope this is Fall of cybertron metroplex and not the cybertron unicron triligoy one...which i suspect it is. the unicron trilogy is old enough 30 somethings probably are nostalgic for it now. 2nd list CORE CLASS - ravage might be cool but BBM (bumblebee movie) shockwave as a core class? nah....too small unless he is really cool. 86 spike...they really gonna make a transforming mech suit spike? cool. the rest of the 86 movie core class is like.....why so small? unless they are better than teh recent core class soundwave....gonna skip em. 86 rumble...we'll see! DELXUE CLASS - perceptor getting that. al the TF6 (BBM) stuff gotta wait and see. also 86 arcee? retool of wfc or other? don't are abo thet other stuff. VOYAGER CLASS - 86 hot rod varaint? colors or what? don't understand. 86 junkyard? yeah i'll get it. TF6 soundwave/thundercracker is a wait and see. LEADER CLASS - don't need a coronoation kit for ER starscream so skip the king. sludge!!!! heck yeah. dn't care about the rest.
  20. everytime this thread pops to the top i wish for bandai to release more HMR destroids and zentran mecha. this time i'll add Vf-1S MAX from DYRL. bandai has released the dyrl hikaru, the dyrl kakizaki....could they just give us the max already. i'm fine using tv roy to fake dyrl roy too at that point. haha
  21. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    oh yeah. i thought the britai was rumored to be an SHF that is in scale with the HMR Vf-1s? anyway, yeah we never got those two as well. the MEP toys one really didn't scratch that itch btw.
  22. amazon told me it was due to arrive on 9/21 after originally not being due until november. yeah i said i wouldn't support this release but i gave in. really don't care for the beast component. anyone want that for pretty cheap? I guess i'll be getting my copy next week.
  23. totally jealous of the combo pack box. i have a 1J ready for this so i just got the armor parts set.
  24. Mechapilot77

    Hi-Metal R

    so how many (and which) shown prototype designs have so far been vaporware? This line been dormant for a long time, but is there any hope it will come back online? tomahawk, phalanx, Nousjadel-Ger, scout pod...what am i missing? i'm starting to think i should just try and track down some old model kits of these (if available) to "complete the line".
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