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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. hopefully there will be plenty to go around at release. not staying up for this nonsense...even if it is a nice color.
  2. its far from perfect but i want it. 18" of devy. box art coloring is wacked...worse than TFC's hecules. glad the actual toys are color correct. noi'mnodavehingtentenanyonecanseethis
  3. looks nice...not going thru preorder madness for it though. if its available at release at Ny for decent price i'll grb it....otherwise....nope.
  4. damn i slept on the 1/48 x wing and now hlf is out of stock. wonder if gundam planet will carry it for a decent price.
  5. exactly. material cost (plastic resin pellets and powders, fillers etc) is hardly a major driving factor of cost. also with crude oil is WAY back down...plastic prices should follow anyway. its disingenuous at best. if he were a better liar, he'd have blamed rising labor costs...because that is actually real. that being said...still doesn't justify the 2X price. the real driving factor for the selling price is target margins.
  6. eerily realistic. wow. blown away. its nice that 3zero is getting some nice licenses. they are still rasonably priced for 1/6 and not insane like hot toys. lets hope the success doesn't go to their heads.
  7. it looks pretty good but who knows when it will be out if ever. its also IMO modernized take on voltron so purists may balk. i do kinda doubt they can top the unofficial madtoys one as everyon rave about how that feels in hand. the overall sculpting of this does look nice even if i think the details could be finer. considering they want $140 for a reissued potentially fixed tiny alpha fighter i'm scared to think on what they'd ask for this...
  8. Interesting it's Gonna be all ABS plastic. If they've taken a look at their materials and revamped some tooling perhaps the crumbly hands and broken arms will no longer be an issue. Aesthetically there are sill issues with the toy in fighter mode... Still if mpc alphas didn't breeks like they did or held their arms up better I think collectors would love them. I half think the designs were meant to be plastics to begin with (pure speculation). I wish a good 3p company would tackle legioss in like a 1/40 or so scale ...1/55 is just too small IMO. It's a shame the cms version was kind of a mess too.
  9. sounds like a plan. btw..you aren't getting one? or is this another misb one for you? haha
  10. that magnus looks awesome BUT again...another large magnus with no waist joint! gah!! still it looks awesome for a mainline figure. mp magnus is very plain in comparison. it honestly may BE the better toy..we'll see i guess. i'm still butthurt at no white prime plus armor. lol. the leader class seems to be a great interpretation of idw magnus
  11. getting excited for these!! the colors seem to look different depending on lighting conditions. i think if anyone is expecting a very light grey bottom they will be dissapointed. the blue really seems to photo differently based on light temperature. my lighting is either natural or warm though...no CFL bulbs for me so i think it'll look pretty good. i do wish they did a grey ont eh bottom too...although i woudn't want the DYRL grey (which IMO was never grey but more like off white..very light beige almost). regardless of fnal colors i want this bad! makes me want to watch zero again. i think back whenit came out i watched it online somewhere...no idea where to watch it now.
  12. anyone get these? are the new releases really different plastic? that was one of the worst parts about the old releases IMO. the softish plastic adn the joints that want to come apart (which you can put right back together but still).
  13. dammit anyone know how to get this to the states? at that price i want at least two!
  14. i think a bundle would not make sense. being how expensive the vf-0s already will be (assumign its like the 0d)...i can't see a bundle package..at least not right away. i'd be pissed if i spent almost 300 on a valk...then have teh bundle package available for $400 with no option to buy it "a la carte".
  15. is it me or is the heatshield way more segmented than the earlier version (note i know its supposed to be segmented, just seems more obvious) or is it the grey proto plastic emphaziing it? tha said...i thin k the VF-0S is one of the best looking valkyrie designs ever.
  16. because when the only VF-1 valks you released feel naked weithout SSP...you release SSP separately or fans will mutiny! i miss th edays of $35 SSP. lol
  17. i believe the only difference was the lack of tampo "1" on second release and the use of new 1J base figures vs. old 1J figures with the weak shoulders with the new head (hence the whites also mismatched a touch too). the actual armor is the same except for the tampo I think. you might want to verify by checking anymoon.com he has all that kind of detail on there i believe.
  18. i wonder if the "1" is tampo'd on this time. the bad release (reused old 1J's with bad shoulders) had it tampo'd. the good release (i have one) doesn't have it but had stickers if you wanted to put it on. i'll admit i kinda wish mine has a 1 tampo'd/painted on. i've got this preordered anyhow so i guess i'll have one wiht and one without.
  19. ok that didn't take long....i'm in. the artwork on the boxes is nice for a change too. aside from the vf-1, the vf-0 really is my favorite series of valks...the vf-1 only wins i think due to nostalgia advantage and being the first. OT: that orguss looks nice but IIRC the price is insane right? or is that another one?
  20. gah...do i love macross zero enough to replace my vf-0s and vf-0a? (mine is an unknown soldier release, the S is the first reissue i beleive...one of my EARLY yamato purchases) if they are planning on doing armor its a must, if not....not sure but these do look awesome...how much more awesome i've not decided yet.
  21. hmm...spendy i guess. still wonder how much. fitor would still be a buy just necause he is awesome. leader 1 and turbo would be a consideration. i don't own any fewture stuf except the ES gokin roadbuster.....which is a SD version that does transform. pretty nice but not the best engineering. wasn't too spendy..maybe 50 bucks when i got it? i know they just released those brick like non transforming optius and grimlock too.
  22. these are by art storm or someone else who gets licenses? the cykill doesn't look as good as the third party (unique toys salamoore) one even if it is truer to the source material in both bot and alt modes. no complaints about how leader 1's alt mode isn't a real f-15 but is 80% of the way there? i like the bot mode ...very mechy. turbo's alt mode is pure fantasy so i suppose its ok fitor (i think thats his name) looks awesome...way better than that one that came out a few years ago.
  23. sounds like a horrible idea. dilution of mp line... i mean why make it look exactly like the japanese g1 and then give it a mismatched bio. meh. doens' tmatter to me i guess...skipping clown bot
  24. damn haven't even built the 1/72 bandai x wing kit yet and they drop a 1/48 on us...so tempting. it looks good
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