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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. lol lets be srs here. one mode is awesome one is good...the others kind of suck lol. still i do like the design. i built revell's robotech nebo as a kid. lol
  2. bbts hasn't failed to deliver for me yet for fulfilling items however there is always a first. I DID put in a preorder with another american vendor. hopefully at least one of the two orders goes through. i could always cancel if i feel like they are both going to come through. i wish this was a normal release so i could go through hlj. lol. either i'm getting this thing. nothing is goign to stop me from getting this thing.
  3. depends on the texture...some deeper textures (not sure if this applies to these toys) are actually done by adding laser etched plates to the mold. the mold would have to be designed to acoomodate such a plate though.
  4. believe it! if the designs were respectful of the source material the bad stories and plot holes would have been forgiven....like totally. give us ugly crap that is an insult to the original source material and u have fan rage. if peter cullen had not been the voice of optimus there is NO WAY i could get through any of those movies. in much the same vain if the updated veritechs are updated designs or homages of the originals....they've bought a lot of forgiveness.
  5. while some are fanatic about it...i'm guessing blue bluestreak has smaller deman overall than say regular bluestreak did. i think regular releases are say 5-10k at most, so this isn't THAT much more rare...2.5-5x based on that estimate i've seen thrown around again and again. Then again...i don't know those numbers for sure and perhaps wtih habro asia in the takra mp game fully now as well the runs are bigger....lost of new middle class rich in asia these days so demand is higher than when the mp line started. perhaps it really IS just a small fraction of what a normal run is....but i kinda doubt it. i also wonder if the limited 2K is just limited to 2K in japan. can hasbro asia go in and print copies for their customers? if so...how many? "exclusives" aren't always THAT exclusive. tigertrack was a toy show exclusive but easy to get (perhaps some were scared off by the grey market factory scrap being sold on the side), and i dn't recall silverstreak being hard to get either.
  6. blue bluestreak MFing YES!!!! ordering from american retailers unless hlj or NY puts it up. as a side note (looks at ebay prices) i wish i ordered more exhaust!
  7. hmmm, i think its only natural for us on a macross site to think they'd do that part of the story. robotech's format does lend itself to the by now classic movie "trilogy" format....BUT who is to say that this movie doesn't pick off where say....shadow chronicles left off? or something brand new. i would LOVE to have something brand new vs. a bastardized version of the original itself bastardizing robotech. throw in some fan service for the 80s kids (like me!) but do something new for once.... i can't beleive i think that since i have wanted to see a good SDFM live action since i was a kid but....i just don't think sony pictures here in america.....would do it justice. i'd be ecstatic to be proven wrong. also...who would sony cast as rick hunter? they guy with an anglo name but mostly drawn like a skinny japanese guy? would they do an adopted kid thing? or just go straight to white guy?
  8. interchangeable heads woot! although....i think i'd only use the grace one. i'm not REALLY gonna troop build CF or this thing. or i might just display the CF head and pretend thats what grace had just because its different than brera's head.
  9. looks good. if it ever goes on clearance i'll pick it up. i like it just not $274 like it.
  10. hmm as far as macross goes.... probably some non scale arii vf-1a. i bought it solely so i could have a misa hiyase lol
  11. oooo good topic. tough one. i can say its likely one of these macross wise...v2 1/60 vf-1j grey goggles with the GBP-1S (because vf-1j is my fav valk most days and why not have teh gbp option!), v2 vf-1-d, 1/48 stealth vf-1j, 1/48 roy dyrl with strike packs, yamato sdf-1......yeah SDFM/DYRL is still my jam. lol renewal vf-25s ozma with heavy armor is up there too though....as is 25G super non macross wise...i love optimus and mp-10 is pretty nice. boring answer i know. i sooo had a chance to buy that for not that much money (retial or slightly less) and totally regret not! i do wish arcadia would do that deco on a vf-1. sdfm or dyrl?
  12. tracks IMO was one of the best G1 carbots and his MP representation looks great. only compliants are undresized overhead weaponry and no toy inspired gun (it was special on the toy...fit over the hand).
  13. yeah i have a feeling someone on this very board has something very much to do with SpinOut btw. i don't care if Takara is making one....they haven't announced one yet and who knows when they will get around to it. Spinout looks good so i'm gonna get it.
  14. yeah that hulkbuster looks fricken awesome. not sure about $850 awesome but...if was making tons and tons of dough i'd probably get it. for now lego hulkbuster will have to do lol
  15. spanner you are giving me some horrible ideas. all of a sudden i feel like i need a "backup" one or two....if the price was lower i think i'd double dip but nah...i barely got myself into getting this. i think i'll be happy enough with one..looks awesome in all 3 modes like that
  16. that is a lot for a valk. can't wait to until the 0S and 0A come out!
  17. totally forgot about this..gah.. if anyone in the US bought one too many and woudln't mind selling to me at his or her cost....PM me please. If that doens't pan out i'll wait unti release and hope for availability. Thanks.
  18. yup, everythign one could expect or want in a toy like that...given the design of the mecha. i'll get flamed for this but i think it lacks inspiration.
  19. its isamu overload...the isamu color yf-29 was largely believed to be a foil for arcadias yf-19. with bandai's own yf-10 advance isamu coming out...many people are probably not wanting too many isamu's? my guess.
  20. there is no excuse for the color....you can't blame that on "mass market". you also can[t even call this "mass market"...its a niche collectors piece not a $20 voyager class (or evem $80 MP release) TF. it was simply a decision some of us didn't agree with. Bandai valks are like $150 on preorder for a plain jane valk. also you talk as if arcadia won't be a QC mess....fact is we don't know yet for this release and their prior releases QC wise seem to be a little step down from the latter yamato days. u also can't compare retail prices to aftermarket "desperation" prices of 2013. ridiculous comparison. either way, this valk is on the pricey side like all arcadia offerings so far. i woudln't call it oto much but i woudlnt' call it a great rpice either. if teh dollar and yen were what they were 2-3 years ago we'd be screaming at this nearly $400 valk.
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